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Project Number14-50-00034

Project titleThe Technology of Monitoring and Rational Use of Marine Biological Resources

Project LeadAnisimov Nikita

AffiliationFar Eastern Federal University,

Implementation period 2014 - 2018 

Research area - , -




In recent years, the seas of the Far East have gained a special position in the Russian economy. This is mainly due to the discovery of large reserves of oil and gas in the Far East shelf, with development and reconstruction of ports, building of industrial, commercial and fish processing enterprises in the coastal zone, gas and oil pipelining on the bottom and the sea coast. At the same time, the Russian Far East seas are important fishing areas for various fish species, marine invertebrates and algae. The region produces more than two thirds of marine biological resources in Russia. In many parts of the area, the coastal fishing industry, including aquaculture becomes very important and often the main component of the economics ensuring the economic and social development of the coastal areas and islands. Along with the observed increase in industrial and economic activity in the use of mineral and biological potential of the Far Eastern seas of Russia, there occur nowadays numerous dramatic changes in marine ecosystems. These changes recorded in Russian territorial waters and within the exclusive economic zone of the seas and oceans and associated either with natural fluctuations or with anthropogenic impacts increase the risk of environmental disasters with incalculable economic and social consequences. Noteworthy, the presently existing problems of ecological safety of the Russian waters can in the coming years significantly increase. Presently, the state policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at creating conditions for accelerated social and economic development of the Russian Far East with involvement of a number of large-scale projects, including shipbuilding, production and transportation of petroleum hydrocarbons, fish processing, reproduction of biological resources, and perfection of tourism infrastructure. We propose a program addressing the following important strategic issues in the Far Eastern region: 1) rational use of biological resources and sustainable social and economic development of the Far East of Russia in the context of exploitation of abundant natural resources of the Far Eastern seas, creating a safe and comfortable living conditions for the population, including food security and biological security of products of marine origin, creation of new jobs, an increase in population of the Far East, the region's attractiveness for investment, and enhancement of the role of Russia in the economic and political life of the Asia-Pacific region; 2) conservation and effective monitoring of the production potential and biodiversity of the marine areas under real climatic changes, active industrial and economic activities in coastal areas and offshore, and anthropogenic pollution of coastal waters. The proposed Research Program presents a complex system of measures, based on fundamental knowledge of the current status and functioning of marine ecosystems, the latest technologies and technical means available to provide high-performance monitoring of marine ecosystems and to prevent crisis changes in the waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia, associated with severe climatic fluctuations and high anthropogenic impacts: intensive fishing of biological resources, large-scale poaching, industrial and economic activities in the coastal areas and offshore, exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons, the increasing traffic of maritime transport, and transboundary pollution from river runoff. Actuality of the program is due to the fact that the current methods and technologies for monitoring marine ecosystems have little effect, since they are mainly focused on fixing the events that have already occurred and the facts that cause indigenous and already irreversible restructuring of the ecosystem components, unpredictable events (e.g. eutrophication, "red tides", etc.) and environmental disasters. The incoming information on the primary production in the water areas is sporadic, and the methods used are not able to capture and identify the initial changes in the lower levels of the trophic chain, determining the structure of biological communities and functional characteristics of ecosystems. The major disadvantage of the currently used methods is that they are not able to provide a continuous flow of information, including the real-time information on the mechanisms of functioning of the ecosystem and its main biological components, namely the phytoplankton, on the first signs of disorders in the impaired biological systems, and on the space-temporal dynamics of the ecosystem crisis development. So, the present approach cannot not effectively predict ecosystem disturbances caused by climate changes and an increased anthropogenic impact; this does not allow to assess the stability of the populations of some commercial species and to reliably predict their condition. Even the currently used methods and equipment for satellite monitoring of the primary production of the ocean and the monitoring of microalgae, if they are not properly "calibrated" by other precision instrumental methods in particular circumstances, give invalid data and can be only relatively effective in complex measurements of these indicators with the use of other surface and underwater technologies. With the increased dynamics of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the biological productivity of marine ecosystems, the traditional hydrobiological methods (dredges, bottom trawls, bottom grabs) are no longer able to fully ensure the accuracy of the accounts, estimation of trends, forecast accuracy and calculation of economic risks to marine biological resources and biodiversity. The scientific novelty of the program opens an opportunity to solve the above problems and to handle the challenges on a new quality level with the use of the latest techniques and technologies, including, among others, the use of surface and submarine robotics, lidar and acoustic means of control of the aquatic environment and the accounting and monitoring of marine biological resources; new molecular biological, biochemical and genetic methods for control the physiological state of the commercial aquatic species and for assessment of the sustainability of their populations; new approaches and methods for reproduction of marine biological resources under the conditions of marine biotechnological parks and the technologies of waste-free processing of marine biological raw materials and production of new types of functional foods; technology for production of biologically active compounds from marine organisms and their synthesis aimed at creation of new drugs. The program is characterized by an integrated approach to achieving the designated target; this approach involves implementation of several of major closely interrelated areas (projects), covering the full range of necessary measures and actions to resolve the issues. The program includes five main directions; each of them is presented as a major independent project, structured in turn into thematic sections, headed by leading scientists in the field of research: 6. Modern technologies and technical means for control of the state of marine ecosystems and marine biological resources (Academician Yu. N. Kul'chin). 7. Modern technologies for control of various types of anthropogenic pollution of the aquatic environment and for assessment of their impact on the marine biological resources (Corr. Member of RAS V.A. Avramenko) 8. Modern technologies for accounting of marine resources and monitoring of natural populations of valuable commercial aquatic species (Academician A.V. Adrianov). 9. Modern technologies for reproduction and waste-free processing of marine biological resources (Professor I.Yu. Dolmatov). 10. The development of innovative medicines and functional foods (Professor Y. S. Khotimchenko). The sequence of these directions is determined by the fact that each of them is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of each subsequent direction, so the successful implementation of the entire program is ensured. Thus, the first research direction involves the design and construction of prototypes of robotic, lidar and acoustic hardware systems and the development of technologies of their application to control of the aquatic environment (including real-time monitoring), which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the second direction, including technologies for identification and control of various types of water pollution and biological objects. The proposed hardware systems are the essential carriers of technical equipment for hydrological and hydrochemical monitoring of marine ecosystems and the analysis of sediments, to assess the quality of habitats of commercially valuable species. In the current conditions of the dynamics of marine ecosystems, the satellite observation algorithms (corrected in terms of regional peculiarities) and underwater robotic tools are necessary for a reliable assessment of the production potential and the accounting of marine living resources in the vast water areas of the Far Eastern seas; while mobile hardware systems and technologies of rapid diagnosis of pollution are essential for the control of underwater plantations in marine biotechnology parks. The most efficient mechanism to reduce a negative impact on natural populations of commercially valuable species is their reproduction in the natural environment (plantations) in a marine biotech park, which makes it also possible to implement the technologies of waste-free processing. In turn, such bio-technoparks may become a source of raw materials not only for the food industry, but also a source for elaboration of new types of drugs. In general, successful implementation of these projects under a single program will not only create a unique technological platform in the Far East of Russia and form the basis for complex solving of applied problems of environmental management at the advanced technical level, but will also bring the Far Eastern Federal University to the leading position in research of the World Ocean and in creation of new technologies for its development; this advance will fully corresponds to the first priority area in the development of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) - "The World Ocean", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. With its implementation, the program will focus not only on the material-technical and intellectual resources of the Far Eastern Federal University, but also on the abilities of a number of specialized research institutes of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations and the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS operating in the region and closely integrated with the Far Eastern Federal University. The joint implementation of all scientific directions of this program will not only solve the essential applied problems in creation of new technologies, but also will positively lead to an increase in the quality and quantity of scientific publications of the FEFU in the field of World Ocean research. Implementation of the program will also create new and unique opportunities for improvement and technical support of the educational process in a variety of disciplines and areas of training related to the study of the ocean. The proposed program will also contribute to the development of interactions between individual schools of the FEFU, as the implementation of these projects will involve not only the resources of the School of Natural Sciences, unifying the departments of mathematical, physical, chemical, biological directions and Earth sciences, but also the School of Biomedicine and the Engineering School of the FEFU.

Expected results
Implementation of this Program will create a system of up-to-date technical means and technologies aimed at conservation of the productive potential and rational use of marine biological resources of the Far Eastern seas of the Russian Federation; this will ensure ecological safety of highly productive marine areas, which are influenced by development of oil and gas industry and economic activities in the coastal zone; in case of active environmental management, this will allow to save marine biological resources of the Far Eastern seas for future generations; this will contribute to conservation and development of scientific, technical and socio-economic potential of the Russian Far East; this will provide an effective resolution of the food security issue in the Russian Federation and improve provision of human population with food and medicines produced from marine biological resources; this will also contribute to the socio-economic development of maritime regions in the Russian Far East and to the further integration of Russia into the Asia-Pacific region. 1. Within the framework of Direction 1: (1) A mobile laser interferometer system, consisting of a laser nano-barograph and a laser meter for measuring pressure variations in the hydrosphere, will be designed, manufactured as a prototype, and tested to study the role of infrasonic wave fields in waters of the Peter the Great Bay. This system will be used for the study of underwater communications between marine mammals, with the goal to create an effective technology for estimation of their abundance and monitoring of state of their populations. The currently used methods of surveys and monitoring of marine mammals are only visual ones that restricts accuracy of evaluation of abundance and migration routes of these animals. Unlike satellite-based technologies, which require installation of various transmitters on marine mammals (invasive type of research), the proposed technology uses non-invasive methods of study. Application of this ultra-precision system will enable researchers to differentiate influence of atmospheric and hydrospheric processes on aquatic organisms, as well as to assess the degree of effects exerted by infrasonic and sonic waves with various amplitude and frequency characteristics on marine biological objects. The equipment will be tested aboard the research vessel of the Collective Use Center, FEB RAS, in the areas of aggregations and migration ways of cetaceans in waters of the Sea of Japan. Preliminary tests will be conducted over beluga whales, kept in net pens installed in open waters of Paris Bay, in cooperation with the Oceanarium FEB RAS and Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI) FEB RAS. (2) The methods of development of intellectual systems to operate groups of mobile robots, such as uninhabited autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) and uninhabited remote-operated underwater vehicles (ROV), will undergo further improvement to be used for hydrographic measurements, assessment of biological resources, studies of biology of certain species of aquatic organisms, protection of marine areas, and provision of environmental security of marine areas. The fundamentally new complicated methods of navigation of underwater vehicles will be developed and applied. These methods, possessing intellectual abilities and properties of invariance to unknown parameters of the environment, will provide self-adjustment to these parameters, while maintaining a high accuracy in positioning of these devices under conditions of considerable uncertainty. A new mathematical model, based on a set of individable tasks and taking into account various options for their implementation, will be offered for the purpose of planning the work of an AUV group. New methods for solving the problem of optimal work planning in an AUV group, taking into account possible variations in the number of operated AUVs, will be develop. The method to measure parameters of the aquatic environment with the required accuracy by using an AUV group will be developed. The method will apply a new algorithm for water area coverage by means of a variable length meander and the proposed mathematical model for planning a group work. A method of search and survey of local inhomogeneities in the aquatic environment using an AUV group will be developed. The novelty of the method consists in the algorithm of trajectory formation and in the way of organization of group work to solve this problem. Studies will be conducted on the basis of the School of Natural Sciences (SNS) and Engineering School, FEFU, in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Technology Problems (IMTP) FEB RAS and Institute of Automation and Control Processes (IACP) FEB RAS. The team already has built up a substantial scientific basis. Attracted by this work, students and post-graduates have formed the FEFU team, which successfully represents Russia at international competitions on underwater robotics for already a number of years. The FEFU team won the students’ world championship in the ROV class twice, in 2010 and 2012. In 2013, the FEFU team took the 3rd place at the world championship on AUV. Also, the FEFU team won the Asian AUV championship Challenge 2013 in Singapore. (3) A new regional model of radioactive properties of aerosol for improving the algorithm of atmospheric correction of satellite measurements over waters of the seas of Japan, Okhotsk and in the Bering Sea will be developed to solve the problems of ecological control of marine waters, remote monitoring of ocean primary production and distribution of toxic micro-algae by means of satellite-based remote sensing of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. This extremely important task is related to the fact that the use of satellite-based color scanners of the sea surface in the coastal waters of the Russian Far East, without taking into account regional atmospheric and hydrological features and also spectral characteristics of members of certain groups of phytoplankton, entails multiple errors in assessment of primary production. Solution of this problem will enables researchers to significantly reduce the inaccuracy of satellite measurements of chlorophyll A in the sea water and to perform more reliable assessment of the state of phytoplankton communities and bio-productivity of marine areas. The proposed technology will also provide reliable detection and identification of harmful microalgae blooms that produce dangerous to human toxins, accumulated in marine invertebrates and fish. The team has gained a significant scientific basis. The works will be performed in the framework of satellite remote sensing of waters in the Far Eastern seas of Russia. The studies will be conducted on the basis of SNS, FEFU, in cooperation with the IACP FEB RAS, POI FEB RAS, and IMB FEB RAS. (4) A complex of effective remote means for two-level operational control over the state of sea surface, including emergence of petroleum hydrocarbon films on it, will be developed. This will also provide the opportunity to determine characteristics of certain petroleum products and their origin. The complex includes a scanning system of video surveillance of the sea surface (the first level of control, by slicks on the sea surface) and a system of remote sensing using a mobile fluorescence lidar, mounted on a platform on a small boat (the second level of control and identification). The system will be tested in port waters of the seas of Japan and Okhotsk, in the areas of oil terminals and offshore oil platforms, as well as along regular routes of tankers passing through highly productive water areas of the Far Eastern seas. These systems do not have analogues in the world. The complex will be tested onboard the research vessel of the Collective Use Center, FEB RAS. Studies will be carried out on the basis of the Physics and Mathematics Cluster of SNS, FEFU, together with IACP FEB RAS. (5) The technology of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) will be developed for underwater measurements for the first time; it becomes possible due to construction of new sources of coherent radiation with new properties. The technology of rapid analysis of elemental and molecular composition of seawater will be tested in areas exposed to human impacts of various degrees. This technology of rapid diagnosis of seawater state in real-time mode is urgently needed in connection with the issue of transboundary movement of pollutants to highly productive waters of the Far Eastern seas. Studies will be performed at the departments of Physics and Mathematics Cluster of the SNS, FEFU, together with IACP FEB RAS. (6) The immersed photon sensor system for quantitative evaluation and monitoring of production characteristics of marine waters, including vertical dynamics of primary production and its producers, will be developed and tested. These data are necessary for the so-called sub-satellite adjustment of regional characteristics of surface water to create more accurate algorithms for satellite remote sensing of certain waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Studies will be carried out on the basis of SNS, FEFU, in cooperation with the IACP FEB RAS. 2. Within the framework of Direction 2: (1) New data on the characteristics of accumulation and the rate of transformation of different types of pollutants by different species of commercial aquatic organisms will be obtained. This will provide an opportunity to understand the potential of benthic ecosystems and certain aquatic organisms in neutralization and transformation of toxins through biochemical conversion into non-toxic compounds, to evaluate more completely the physiological and biochemical adaptations of certain aquatic organisms to pollutants and stress factors caused by them, as well as to understand the mechanism of effect of various stress agents on living systems. Commercial species of sea urchins, holothurians, and bivalves inhabiting Russian waters of the Sea of Japan, including the areas of pronounced anthropogenic pollution, will be used in the works. The obtained data are necessary not only to assess the physiological state of aquatic organisms in the areas of commercial fishing, but also in order to calculate and evaluate capacities of coastal ecosystems in neutralization of certain types of pollution and to assess generally their resistance to various degrees of human impact on certain areas of marine waters. In the framework of this section, the effect of various chemical contaminants (heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenol and organochlorine compounds) on gametes and larval stages of the studied sea urchins, holothurians, and bivalves will also be evaluated. This is necessary for understanding the resistance of the commercial aquatic organisms at certain development stages. The methods of stable carbon isotope ratios will be used to reveal flows of transformed organic matter along food chains in habitats of the studied commercial species. These studies enable researchers to understand the degree of changes that pollutants undergo at various links of the trophic chain and also the degree of transformation after getting into organism of certain commercial species. Biological samples in the areas of commercially significant aggregations, as well as in the areas of human impacts will be collected by means of remotely operated underwater vehicles, equipped with appropriate samplers, and by using diving gears. The experimental work will be performed by using the up-to-date analytical equipment at the specialized laboratories of the School of Natural Sciences (SNS), FEFU, and at the testing center "Ocean", FEFU, in cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry FEB RAS, and the Institute of Geography FEB RAS. Studies will be conducted at the level of world’ latest technologies. (2) New data on the taxonomic and phenotypic diversity of marine bacteria participating in transformation of the organic matter will be obtained. These data are necessary to understand the mechanisms of regulation of biochemical processes associated with transformation of pollutants within certain fishing areas and their movement up the food chains. New data on lipid and fatty acid composition of bacteria, to be obtained in the framework of these ecotoxicological studies, can become a helpful tool for chemosystematics of marine microorganisms. The material will be collected as a result of vessel-based expeditions in the areas of commercially significant concentrations of aquatic organisms, as well as in the areas of a pronounced human impact in the seas of Japan and Okhotsk. Undisturbed soil cores will be retrieved by using a cartridge multi-corer and core samplers, mounted on a remotely operated underwater vehicle “Comanche”, in order to isolate microflora. Laboratory-based studies of microorganisms will be conducted at the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Biotechnology Chair, SNS FEFU, in cooperation with the specialized laboratories of IMB FEB RAS and Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (PIBOC) FEB RAS. (3) The creation of new sorbents for heavy metals and radionuclides and the use of marine organisms-bioconcentration, allowing the concentration of minute amounts of toxins from sea water, with subsequent quantification of toxicants by the methods of physicochemical analysis. The devices to concentrate and to determine the content of toxic substances directly into the forwarding conditions and to store the results for further processing in stationary conditions will be developed. All developed kinds of new collectors to be certified in field conditions and will be used to retrieve bank data on pollution of waters and coastal waters of the Far East region of Russia. Methods for determination of pollution of marine waters using new sorbents and marine organisms will be tested in field conditions and will be used to retrieve bank data on pollution of waters and coastal waters of the Far East region of Russia. 3. Within the framework of Direction 3: (1) Algorithms of remote survey and monitoring of bioresource species along long-term underwater transects by using autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles will be improved. The technology using this robotics provides automated counting of certain species of aquatic organisms with assessment of their linear dimensions, which enables operator to automatically calculate the biomass of individuals without their removal from the environment. This technology also allows reliable calculation of biomass of individual aquatic organisms per unit of area, as well as reliable appraisal of their commercial stocks with subsequent estimation of the possible catch. This technology also includes the option of automatic alignment of separate images of sea bottom into a united panorama without any distortion in the areas of stitching, which provides a high resolution image of any required portion the bottom surface. Visual images of the studied resource species are also input in the program to perform automatic identification (under the control of the operator) and consecutive counting of aquatic organisms, estimation of their size, and biomass calculation for certain commercial species. The use of underwater vehicles and the described algorithms of bioresource surveys enable researchers to conduct these works any time of the year and at underwater transects of any length, meanwhile providing all-weather monitoring and complete accuracy of the results. This technology can also be used to assess the biological diversity within specially protected marine areas, where removal of aquatic organisms is forbidden even for scientific purposes. At the same time, this technology of regular automated monitoring of biodiversity and biological resources along long-term transects, which cover all types of bottom landscapes within a certain fishing area or a specially protected marine area, provides a reliable assessment of seasonal and year-to-year changes in marine ecosystems under the effect of dynamic processes related to climate changes and anthropogenic impact. These technologies can bring assessment and monitoring of marine bioresources in the Far Eastern seas of Russia to the world’s most advanced level. Studies will be based on board the research vessel of the Collective Use Center (CCU) FEB RAS and on small-tonnage boats of the CCU at IMB FEB RAS during the marine expeditions in waters of the seas of Japan and Okhotsk and in waters of the Marine Biosphere Reserve, FEB RAS. This work will involve underwater vehicles of the FEFU, IMTP FEB RAS, and IMB FEB RAS. Work will be carried out by the School of Natural Sciences and the School of Engineering, FEFU, together with IMPT FEB RAS and IMB FEB RAS. (2) Data of fatty acid composition in symbiotic associations of commercial invertebrate species, which reveal their trophic links, will be presented for the first time. The analysis of features of lipid and fatty acid composition, associated both with diversity of species and with specific diet of mollusks, will be exemplified by mollusks. The origin and ways of transformation of fatty acids in mollusks will be established; new sources of biologically active lipids—prokaryotic symbionts of mollusks (existence of these symbionts will be confirmed through direct examination of tissues at the ultrastructural level in addition to the study of fatty acids as biomarkers)—will be analyzed. Physiologically active lipids are effective “biochemical markers” not only for identification of the main food chains between various trophic levels in local communities, but also for accurate determination of the degree of influence that environment factors exert on the structure and functional characteristics of coastal ecosystems in the studied areas (method of marker fatty acids). (3) A complex study of a population of cells and activity of humoral factors in hemolymph of abundant species of commercial bivalves will be carried out for the first time; criteria for assessing their immune status will be established as a method of evaluation of their physiological state both in the natural environment and under conditions of aquaculture farm. The developed method of identification of impulse and chronic stress effects on mollusks, based on analysis of activity of cellular and humoral immunity factors, will allow determining the range of variation in the immunological status of these commercially valuable species. Data on changes in the immune status of commercial invertebrates, exposed to more significant fishing pressure and anthropogenic stress, are of practical importance for organization of rational use and management of biological resources in the Far Eastern seas. (4) The search for effective molecular (biochemical) markers to assess the status of marine organisms will be continued; these markers are to be used as a prognostic indicator of possible adverse effects of environmental pollution. Major attention will be focused on the analysis of indicators specific (activity of biotransformation enzymes) and on measurements of “integral” biochemical parameters (level and activity of components of glutathione status, state of pro- and antioxidant balance, presence of “defects” in DNA), which are markers of “oxidative stress”. (5) Studies of echinoderms, related to identification of genes, which are regulators of dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and re-programming of cells during regeneration in these animals, will be based on commercial echinoderm species. A feature of these processes in echinoderms is that stem cells are not found in these invertebrates, and the lost structures get recovered solely due to dedifferentiation and transdifferentiation of cells of specialized tissues. In this regard, there is a unique opportunity to understand the natural mechanisms of transformation and re-programming of already differentiated cells in multicellular animals. Based on the analysis of transcriptomes, obtained before, the most appropriate transcription factors in cells of different tissues, such as muscle, nerve, ambulacral, and intestinal ones, will be identified by using holothurians as the most valuable representatives of commercial echinoderms. These data are of great practical importance for development of modern technologies of rearing especially valuable echinoderms in aquaculture, as well as for obtaining a particularly valuable biological material for pharmaceutical research by using cellular technologies. (6) The analysis of the centers of origin and ways of formation of geographic ranges in a number of commercial invertebrate species (such as gastropods and bivalves, sea urchins and crustaceans) will be performed through allozyme analysis, analysis of mtDNA fragments, microsatellite DNA, and genes of ribosomal DNA as molecular markers. These studies are necessary to understand the ways by which the range of the sepecies expands due to the warming of climate and sea surface, expressed at the regional and local levels, in some waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. By using representatives of these groups of invertebrates as an example, primer sequences for amplification of a number of nuclear genes (growth hormone gene, insulin gene, etc.) will be developed in order to analyze expression of these genes. (7) Systematic and phylogenetic relationships in the main ecologically and economically important groups of marine animals will be investigated by using genetic methods (analysis of allozyme variation, comparison of nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA); universal molecular markers for reliable species identification will be developed. The works on creation of a bank of universal genetic barcodes of fish in the Far East region will be continued in the framework of international genetic program DNA Barcoding, "FishBol". The availability of this data bank and the further improvement of genetic methods of studies will enable researchers not only to identify fish by fragments of organs and tissues, but also to determine relation of, for instance, salmon to certain populations. This provides an opportunity to determine belonging of salmon to specific river ecosystems and, therefore, to identify territory of their origin immediately during salmon fishing at ocean. This is an important issue, taking into account that certain countries make financial inputs to salmon reproduction at hatcheries and, therefore, may claim compensation for catching these fish by fishing companies of other countries. (8) A large-scale work on the analysis of composition, structure, and dynamics of gene pools of the most important commercial marine species will be conducted by using molecular biology techniques and principles of population genetics in order to assess sustainability of their populations in waters of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. This will provide the highest effectiveness of organization of their commercial catch, selection for artificial reproduction and genetic manipulation. These works are of great practical importance, since the anthropogenic impact brought a number of populations of the most valuable species of algae, invertebrates (crustaceans, mollusks, and echinoderms), and vertebrates (fish, seabirds, and marine mammals) animals in the state of deep depression. Depletion of genetic diversity, changes in population structure, significant genetic differences between generations and a variety of hereditary defects are observed in these populations. Consequences of unnatural genetic interactions (hybridization) between different biological species or populations are especially dangerous. These interactions become possible as a result of technogenic alterations of habitats of organisms (break of natural barriers of gene exchange) or due to purposeful human activity. Anthropogenic hybridization poses one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide, causing degradation of locally adapted gene pools of natural populations. Under these conditions, the urgent necessity of genetic monitoring, aimed at detecting and preventing the degradation of gene pools of natural populations (inbred and outbred depression, hybridization, introgression, etc.) caused by human activities, grows even more. The up-to-date methods and approaches will be used for these studies: (1) methods of amplification and sequencing of the combined set of nuclear and mitochondrial markers, which objectively reflect evolution of neutral and adaptive segments of the genome; (2) enough long fragments of the nuclear genome, as well as long fragments or complete mitochondrial genomes will be used, that will allow obtaining the detailed architecture of recombinant events and detecting genetic introgression; (3) an enough large number of markers will be analyzed, which is crucially important for reliable and regular estimates of genetic parameters. The important information necessary for conservation of valuable commercial species, whose populations are now in the depressive state due to the negative anthropogenic influence, as well as the information on cryptic speciation in the marine environment, which is one of the most difficult (and still poorly studied) issues of the modern evolutionary biology, will be collected during the studies. The works will be based on the most valuable commercial species of algae, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, and fish. Representatives of the populations of these species from waters with the most intense commercial fishing activity in the Far Eastern seas will be selected for the works. The studies will be conducted on the basis of SNS FEFU in cooperation with the specialized laboratories of the IMB FEB RAS and TINRO-Center. 4. Within the framework of Direction 4: (1) The FEFU in collaboration with FEB RAS institutes is creating a marine biotechnopark "Ostrovnoy” (“The Island"), located in the near-island water areas around the island Russkiy, where pilot-scale plantations of mariculture will be mounted to use as testing ground for developing technologies of cultivation of valuable aquatic species and for obtaining live biological material for research of cellular and molecular mechanisms of organs and tissue formation, as well as for studies of the immune status of larvae and juveniles of the especially valuable commercial objects, obtained from different manufacturers. In accordance with the concept presented by FEFU for development of the network of marine biotechno parks in the Russian Far East; these biotechnoparks will be large multifunctional complexes that combine multiple destinations of fishing activities (such as aquaculture and the development of technologies for the reproduction of bioresources and their complex processing using the latest high-end technologies and the promotion of the finished product on the domestic and foreign markets) science and education (training of highly qualified personnel for the high technology sector of the fishing industry). (2) The molecular biological methods for assessing the physiological and immune status of aquatic organisms will be used as a basis for development of effective technology of selecting producers among the most productive individuals with the highest immunity to local bacterial infections and parasitic diseases. The work will be performed on commercial species of bivalve mollusks, crabs and sea cucumbers. (3) Investigations will be carried out for selection of molecular markers to be used for identification of individual specimens of a certain species of commercial invertebrates, in particular genes of ribosomal DNA and cytochrome oxidase C, as well as microsatellites - short fragments of DNA. The main objective of this work is isolation of individual lines and clones in the groups of commercially used animals and the ability to further distinguish individual producers and their offspring. An analysis will be carried out to establish the differences in gene activities in normally developing larvae and in animals with various development disorders (developmental delay, developmental defects, and diseases). Crossing of certain lines of the studied invertebrates can be applied to select the producers of the most stable offspring. The results of these studies will open an opportunity to monitor and analyze a possible impact of in vitro produced juveniles on the genetic structure of natural populations of these species after the release of the juveniles in the natural habitat. The work will be performed on the example of the king crab and the Far-Eastern sea cucumber. For experimental work will be carried out on producers collected from fishing grounds in the Sea of Japan. The work on items 1-3 will be performed by the School of Natural Sciences of FEFU in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Biology of FEB RAS. (4) Databases of genes sequentially activated during the process of individual development will be created for several species of high-value commercial invertebrates; also the differences in their activity at different stages of ontogenesis (embryogenesis, larval development, the formation of the young) will be explored. Sequencing will be conducted on a high-sequencer Illumina Solexa 1G. A comparative analysis of gene expression in normal and pathologic individuals will allow us to identify genes that may be involved in various types of malformations. Implementation of this work will in a long prospect promote the development of biochips which can be used in molecular level analyses of deviations in the development of the individual stages, to make a prediction about the viability of the line and effectively reject material with a low potential for survival. Furthermore, the definition of primary nucleotide sequences of genes will enable the identification of specific gene markers to study the structure of natural populations of sea cucumber, monitoring of individual producers and their offspring on the basis of methods of “fingerprinting”. This method will allow us to select the most promising breeding material in natural populations. The study of abnormalities in the development of biochips using will reveal the mechanisms of immune protection in the Far-Eastern trepang to viral and bacterial diseases and to develop methods for the prevention and treatment. Application of the molecular genetics will improve the reproduction and reduce the cost of cultivation through identification of the most efficient producers, increased fertility and decreased mortality of larvae. These works will be carried out on the Far-Eastern sea cucumber (trepang), the most expensive commercial species in the Far Eastern seas. (5) The project stipulates improvement of the industrial methods of obtainment and cultivation of larvae and juveniles of commercial invertebrates to a viable size and establishment of the bank of cultures of unicellular algae, which are the optimal feed in the early developmental stages of cultured organisms. The work with microalgae will be conducted by the School of Natural Sciences of FEFU in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Biology of FEB RAS, partly by the Scientific and Adaptive body of the Oceanarium of FEB RAS and the Aquarium Complex of IMB of FEB RAS. (6) The technologies of complex processing of marine biological materials will be improved to form a basis for creation of functional foods and drugs of new types. These works will be carried out in conjunction with the laboratories of the School of Biomedicine of FEFU. 5. Within the framework of Direction 5: (1) The methods of virtual screening, supercomputer modeling and medicinal chemistry based on the lipid compounds of non-fish marine raw materials, including algae, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods, cephalopods and echinoderms will be used for creation of new pharmacologically active substances, which are prototypes of drug molecules or active components of functional foods, the effectiveness of which will be confirmed by the modern methods of preclinical studies in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. (2) The project involves the development of methods and technologies for preparation of chemically pure omega-3 fatty acids and their alkyl-glycerol esters, monoalkyl glycerins, as well as substances of other chemical structures (glycosides, carotenoids, and peptides). As a part of this task, the techniques for fabrication of refined isolated substances deprived of ballast impurities will be developed. The use of complex technology with sequential isolation of biologically active compounds will make the process virtually free of wastes. The work will use methods based on the changes in physico-chemical properties of substances in solutions of different organic solvents. The structures of these compounds are so sensitive to their concentration in the solvent at a controlled temperature shift, that they begin to crystallize on the principle of chain length - saturation. Based on previous studies, the organic solvents and modes of processes to be used will provide production of concentrates of substances with the desired structure. (3) The developed methods for isolation will be used for manufacturing prototypes; the following standardization will use of the developed during implementation of the project routine chemical methods and rapid methods for analysis of preparations. In particular, new prototypes of pharmacologically active forms of omega-3 PUFAs and AGE (alkyl glycerol ester) derivatives will serve as a basis for the creation of new medicinal compounds for treatment and/or prophylaxis of disorders in the central nervous system. (4) The pharmacological action of the newly developed substances will be assessed, including the complex evaluation of the effect on the immune system, on pathological processes in the central nervous system (neuroinflammation, cognitive activity, tumor growth) in laboratory animal models with the use of morphological, immunohistochemical, and electrophysiological techniques, confocal and multiphoton microscopy, and behavioral research. This work on the project will establish: the influence of the drugs on the humoral and cellular immunity in laboratory animals; the pH value of the brain tissue at acute and chronic neuroinflammation will be determined with the use of the method of combined microelectrodes on live hippocampal slices from laboratory animals; the relationship between the parameters of the acid-base balance in the hippocampus and cognitive functions, and also the relationship between the level of proteins involved in the regulation of the pH of the brain and the state of receptors and channels dependent on the pH level of the brain (NBCe1, NDCBE, and subunits of NMDA- and GABA-A receptors); values of the cognitive performance activities and functions of higher nervous activity in laboratory animals will be determined by certain behavioral tests. (5) Elaboration of the methods of omega-PUFA derivatives as correction means of the cognitive functions at disorders of the central nervous system and the immune system. To be determined: mechanisms of action of the developed substances on functions of the central nervous system; mechanisms of action of the developed substances on the immune system function; pharmacologically active forms of PUFAs that can serve as a basis for the creation of new medicinal drugs for the treatment and/or prevention of socially significant diseases. The data obtained in the study will be used as a basis for development of the methods of application of omega-3 PUFAs and AGE for pharmacological correction of socially significant diseases. Preparation of innovative drugs and new functional foods defines several important social and economic effects: improved medical care for the population, including a higher quality of life of patients with various diseases; cost savings through reduced morbidity, disability and mortality; increased economic efficiency of the pharmaceutical and food industries; and higher strategic security of the State.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2018
Recognition technology of biomass-dominated algae of Peter the Great Bay, including the harmful ones, is developed. Typical values of the main parameters of the aerosol for different seasons in the Far East, which were included in the regional model aerosol characteristics are defined. Monitoring technology and jet vortex currents in the ocean and the atmosphere methods remote optical, radiometric probing radar and is designed. New theoretical and experimental results on the surface water dynamics of the coastal waters were obtained. Experimental studies with application of created hydrobiophysical complex, directed to the study of communication phytoplankton dynamics with sea oscillations and waves of infrasonic and low-frequency sound ranges allowed not only to establish regularities of this dependence, but also to trace the chain of interaction living systems from the protozoon biomass to marine mammals at different atmosphere and hydrosphere processes of linear and non-linear characters, to establish threshold dependence of the interaction. A new method for determining the species composition of microalgae from the temperature spectra of fluorescence has been developed. On the basis of the proposed methodology and measurement of the fluorescence intensity of chlorophyll-a of microalgae, an immersed fiber-optic system for monitoring and control of the state of natural waters was created. New optical chemosensitive receptors that selectively respond to the presence of gaseous metabolites, such as biogenic amines and methane, as well as to the presence of nickel and palladium ions in the aquatic environment, have been developed. For the first time in the Russian Federation, a prototype of an underwater mobile-robotic complex was created to determine the chemical composition of water in real time and was successfully tested in the Amursky Bay. The approach of mission planning for autonomous underwater vehicles are suggested. A special feature of the approach is the unification of the mission planning language for a large class of surveillance and search robots. The language allows specifying the desired behavior of any vehicle and automatically adjusts to the design features of the underwater robot. The basis of the language is the GeoJSON standard. This allows the use of existing graphics engines for interactive mission editing. Advanced sorption materials for effective extraction of technogenic radionuclides under natural conditions from the marine environment of high salinity for repeated use were synthesized. Technologies of concentration of 137Cs, 60Co, 90Sr of various scaling from volumes of sea water from 10 to 300 l allowing to carry out the mentioned process within 2-5 hours with high sensitivity are created. The content of 137Cs in the North-Western Pacific ocean, in the Bay of Chazhma and Sysoeva was determined; 90Sr in the Ussuri Bay, 60Co in the surface, bottom layer and bottom sediments of the Bay of Chazhma to assess the radio-ecological situation of marine environments. The mechanism of radionuclides propagation from the Bay of Chazhma to the Gulf of Peter the Great, which is a local coastal upwelling in the water area circulation system, is determined. The adaptation of many types of hydrobionts and their favorable habitat (species and taxonomic composition, quantitative characteristics of the bottom population, etc.) against the background of chronic radiation exposure was revealed. The monitoring and assessment of pollution of coastal waters of the coastal waters of the sea of Japan on various indicators. Threshold concentrations for Saccarina japonica were calculated for the control technology of metal contamination of coastal waters with brown algae, background concentrations for three mass species of algae-Stephanocystis crassipes, Sargassum pallidum and Sargassum miyabei were specified . On the basis of the developed technology of control of metal pollution of mass species of brown algae carried out ecological and geochemical assessment of some areas of the Ussuri Bay. The assessment of pesticide contamination of mussels and flounders, etc.; persistent organic pollutants of fish. Comparison of the results with those from other areas of the world ocean showed that the presence of POPS in the Far Eastern seas of Russia indicates background pollution. Studies have been carried out to identify the functional genes responsible for the splitting of oil-coal-roads in microorganisms from waters with different anthro-genic loads. It is shown that the genes of the alkv group can be used as markers in determining the degree of contamination of the environment with oil and oil products. The hydrochemical conditions for the formation of primary products of the Eastern shelf of Sakhalin, Shantar archipelago and Peter the Great Bay (sea of Japan) have been studied. The possibility of using nematodes in the study of organic matter flows of photosynthetic, chemosynthetic and anthropogenic origin in both coastal and deep-sea communities is shown. The high efficiency of the use of remotely operated underwater vehicles in hydrobiological studies for the assessment of biological diversity and the state of marine biological resources is shown. Using the original developed technology, data on biomass and density of ecologically important and commercial aquatic organisms in the coastal waters of the Peter the Great Bay of the sea of Japan were obtained. Hydrothermal manifestations have been found in the deep sea areas of the Bering Sea e.g. the areas of the underwater volcano “Piipa” and “Massiv Vulkanologov”. The rich benthic fauna and ore manifestations of basic metal sulfides have been revealed. Researches on biological diversity of hydrobionts of the Far East Seas of Russia at taxonomic, morphological and molecular genetic levels are carried out. New species of nemerteans, kamptozoans, opisthobranch mollusks, free-living marine nematodes, crustaceans, kinorhynchs, peanut worms, and echiurans have been described. Thus, the biological diversity of isopod crustaceans for the Kuril-Kamchatka trench increased 2.75 times, and the biological diversity of the cumacean crustaceans increased 14.5 times. The study of the ways of biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids allowed to establish the nutrition spectra of 28 species of opisthobranch mollusks. The symbioses between heterotrophic bacteria and nudibranch mollusks (Rostanga alisae and Dendrodoris nigra) have been discovered for the first time. Demospongian fatty acids discovered in opisthobranch mollusks can be used as a basis for the development of new anti-cancer drugs, as well as a source of new antimalarial drugs. Data on the nucleotide sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of free-living marine nematodes were obtained, which revealed 3 cryptic species of the genus Paramesacanthion and 2 cryptic species Leptosomatidae. Using the nucleotide sequence of the genes 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA, and histone H3, a complete phylogeny of the large group of bivalve Mytilida has been developed. The monophyly of the subfamilies Mytilinae and Modiolinae has been proved. The evidence of invasion of the invading species Mytilus galloprovincialis in the community of the species of the North-Western part of the sea of Japan was obtained. For the first time, nucleotide sequences of complete mitochondrial genomes of commercial fish were obtained, which made it possible to conduct a taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis. Based on the study of mitochondrial DNA, gene flow between local intraspecific groups of redfin fish has been studied. Diagnostic features for reliable identification of commercial species and their hybrids necessary for reliable identification of fishery products were estimated. Cryptic biological diversity of potentially toxic algae of Far East Seas of Russia was analyzed. The dynamics of production of biological toxins in cultures dinoflagellate algae depending on physiological and morphological parameters of the cells and the environment has been studied. Using the 18S ribosomal rRNA marker, the causative agent of dangerous commercial crustacean infection – dinoflagellate Hematodinium has been identified. The remodeling of the structure of the axial complex of organs and the circulatory system of sea urchins and sea lilies (Echinodermata) have been accomplished. The microscopic anatomy of the new species deep-sea hemichordate from the family Torquaratoridae has been studied. Original data on the transformation of sperm after the activation in the reproductive system of females of free-living marine nematodes have been obtained. The morphological and functional changes in the cells of marine bivalves have been studied to identify inducers of apoptosis. The inducers of apoptosis working both in mammalian cells and in the cells of mollusks were found. Studies aimed at identifying cytogenetic pathologies in the hemolymph cells of commercial bivalves in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Peter The Great of the Sea of Japan. The immunological activity of bivalve hemocytes decreases greatly in anthropogenic impact areas. Bloodstock of Apostichopus japonicus (trepang) and scallops was formed. The methods of keeping, feeding and spawning of producers of these species, as well as the Kamchatka crab, have been developed. Seasonal parameters of the immune system of trepang were revealed. Bacteria symbionts and pathogenic viruses that affect the viability of both juveniles and adult crabs and trepangs were found. The obtained data on the genetics, molecular biology and morphology of the Kamchatka crabs, scallops and trepangs create the basis for conducting targeted selection and the formation of new lines of these animals. The results obtained allow the development of technological instructions for the maintenance of producers and the production of juveniles of these hydrobionts for the purpose of subsequent use in aquaculture farms. The obtained data on the seasonal dynamics of rheological parameters and the enzymatic activity of the muscle tissue of trepang can serve as a basis for developing recommendations on a rational time for its collection. Scientifically based technological parameters of the bioconversion of trepang allow to obtain a product with a known composition and biological activity. The known composition of the product of fermentolysis allowed to substantiate and develop formulations of functional food products with a tonic effect. Conducted work aimed at obtaining new pharmacologically active substances based on biologically active compounds from marine aquatic organisms. Using methods of combinatorial chemistry, methods have been developed for synthesizing a number of more active alkalodine derivatives of fascaplizin with antitumor activity, the effects of which have been confirmed in tumor cell cultures. Samples of natural compounds isolated from marine fungi have been obtained, which have the ability to inhibit the Wnt-cascade pathway of tumor cell metabolism. Result of experiments with marine lipids were used as a base for development of regulatory documents for innovative antimicrobial pharmaceuticals for external use with short chain fatty acids. Manufacturing technology and way of use were patented in Russian Federation. The new way for demodicosis treatment was proposed using sulfated galactans which can be used in various mammal species and in humans, in particular, in persons with immune deficiency. The following conclusion was made claiming marine polysaccharides as a promising source for creation on novel external pharmaceuticals. The results of the series of studies demonstrated that mollusks A. broughtonii and M. chinensis may serve as a plentiful natural source of high-quality collagen with high commercial potency. It was proved in experiments that addition of these extracts into mayonnaise and sauces slows down lipid peroxidation processes and triglyceride hydrolysis. The new technology of hydrolysate synthesis from northern shrimp Pandalus borealis was developed allowing further use in food processing. Technology of structuring drink manufacturing from marine serum with pectin of marine origin was elaborated.



1. A.H. Gevorgyan, S.S. Golik, T.A. Gevorgyan Diode based on magneto-photonic crystals Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 474, P. 173-182 (year - 2018)

2. Aleksanin A.I., Gektin Yu.M., Diakov S.E., Zaicev A.A., Kachur V.A. Correcting for Cryoprecipitation in the Calibration of IR Channels of the MSU-MR Radiometer Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1357–1363. (year - 2018)

3. Aleksanin A.I., Gektin Yu.M., Diakov S.E., Zaicev A.A., Kachur V.A. Учет влияния криоосадков при калибровке ИК-каналов радиометра МСУ-МР Исследование Земли из космоса, №1, 2018, 72-80 стр. (year - 2018)

4. Alexander Inzartsev, Alexander Pavin, Grigory Eliseenko, Mikhail Panin Обнаружение и обследование локальных донных объектов с помощью группы специализированных автономных подводных роботов Известия ЮФУ. Технические науки., Известия ЮФУ. Технические науки. Тематический выпуск «Перспективные системы и задачи управления» – Таганрог: Изд-во ТТИ ЮФУ, 2018, № 1(195), С. 40-51. (year - 2018)

5. Balakirev E.S., Kravchenko A.Yu., Romanov N.S., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (Osmeriformes, Osmeridae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, VOL. 3, NO. 2, 744–745 (year - 2018)

6. Balakirev E.S., Kravchenko A.Yu., Romanov N.S., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Arctic rainbow smelt Osmerus dentex (Osmeriformes, Osmeridae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, VOL. 3, NO. 2, 879–880 (year - 2018)

7. Balakirev E.S., Romanov N.S., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the surf smelt Hypomesus japonicus (Osmeriformes, Osmeridae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, VOL. 3, NO. 2, 1071–1072 (year - 2018)

8. Barysheva V.C., Chernova E.N., Patrusheva O.V. Гидрохимические и микробиологические параметры вод залива Восток (Японское море) Вода: химия и экология, - (year - 2019)

9. Bezhin N.A., Dovgii I.I., Lyapunov A.Y., Drugova K.V., Tananaev I.G. Оптимизация параметров получения и применения сорбентов на основе ди-трет-бутилдициклогексил-18-краун-6 Вопросы радиационной безопасности, - (year - 2019)

10. Bezhin N.A., Dovgii I.I., Milyutin V.V., Nekrasova N.A., Tokar E.A., Tananaev I.G. Extraction of strontium and lead by impregnated type sorbents based on di-tret-butyldicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 and ionic liquid Radiochemistry, - (year - 2019)

11. Bogatyrenko E. A., Dunkai T. I., Buzoleva L. S., Kim A. V. Influence of Vladivostok coastal waters pollution on a microflora of mussel Crenomytilus grayanus IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 107, Issue 1, Номер статьи 0120523rd (year - 2018)

12. Borisanova, A.O., Chernyshev, A.V., Ekimova, I.A. Deep-sea Entoprocta from the Sea of Okhotsk and the adjacent open Pacific abyssal area: New species and new taxa of host animals DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 197-213. (year - 2018)

13. Boroda A.V., Kipryushina Y.O., Odintsova N.A. Chemical modulation of apoptosis in molluscan cell cultures Cell Stress and Chaperones, - (year - 2018)

14. Borzykh, O.G., Zvereva, L.V. Fungal assemblages associated with commercial bivalve species in coastal waters of the Sea of Japan, Russia Botanica Marina, Vol. 61 (4), pp. 355-363 (year - 2018)

15. Brandt, A., Alalykina, I., Fukumori, H., Golovan, O., Kniesz, K., Lavrenteva, A., Lörz, A.-N., Malyutina, M., Philipps-Bussau, K., Stransky, B. First insights into macrofaunal composition from the SokhoBio expedition (Sea of Okhotsk, Bussol Strait and northern slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 106–120. (year - 2018)

16. Buzoleva L.S., Golozubova Y.S., Eskova A.I., Кim A.V., Bogatyrenko Е.А. Biofilm formation as a method of survival of Esсheriсhia coli and Pantoea spp in the marine environment IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 107, Issue 1, Номер статьи 012053 (year - 2018)

17. Chaban, E.M., Kano, Y., Fukumori, H., Chernyshev, A.V. Deep-sea gastropods of the family Ringiculidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from the Sea of Okhotsk, Kuril–Kamchatka Trench, and adjacent waters with the description of three new species DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 197-213. (year - 2018)

18. Chaban, E.M.,Ekimova I.A., Chernyshev, A.V. Дополнение к фауне заднежаберных моллюсков залива Петра Великого (Японское море): Melanochlamys chabanae (Heterobranchia: Aglajidae) Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества, - (year - 2018)

19. Cherneva M.A., Chernyshev A.V., Ekimova I.A., Polyakova N.E., Schepetov D.M., Turanov S.V., Neretina T.V., Chaban E.V., Malakhov V.V. Species identity and genetic structure of nemerteans of the "Lineus ruber-viridis" complex (Muller, 1774) from Arctic waters Polar biology, 10.1007/s00300-018-2438-7 (year - 2018)

20. Chernova E.N , Shulkin V.M. The relationship between the concentrations of metals in the environment and the algae and bioaccumulation factor Russian Journal of Marine Biology, - (year - 2019)

21. Chernyaev A.P., Lyagusha M.S., Averyasova E.Y. Содержание стойких органических загрязнителей в гидробионтах СЗТО Известия ТИНРО, - (year - 2019)

22. Chernyshev A.V. Erginidae fam. nov. (Patellogastropoda) - новое семейство морских блюдечек Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества,, Вып. 22, №1/2 (year - 2018)

23. Chernyshev A.V., Chaban E.V. Заднежаберные моллюски отряда Cephalaspidea (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) залива Восток Японского моря. Часть 2 БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНОГО МАЛАКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА, Том: 21; Номер: 1-2; Стр.: 39-53 (year - 2017)

24. Chernyshev A.V., Kotsyuba E.P., Okazaki R.K. Thermal induction of heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 in tissues of the nemerteans Lineus alborostratus Takakura, 1898 and Quasitetrastemma stimpsoni (Chernyshev, 1992) Invertebrate Zoology, 15(1): 51–70 (year - 2018)

25. Chupin V.A., Dolgih G.I., Scherbatyuk A.Ph. Исследование пространственно-временного распределения акустического поля в прибрежной области моря Подводные исследования и робототехника, Подводные исследования и робототехника. Владивосток. № 2(26), 2018. С. 44-48. (year - 2018)

26. Dolgikh G.I., Dolgikh S.G., Plotnikov A.A., Chupin V.A., Shvets V.A., Yakovenko S.V. Некоторые результаты испытаний гидробиофизического комплекса Оптический журнал, Т. 85. № 7. С. 401-405. (year - 2018)

27. Dolgikh G.I., Dolgikh S.G., Plotnikov A.A., Shvets V.A. Лабораторный испытательный стендна основе двух интерферометров Майкельсона Приборы, № 5(215). С.16-20. (year - 2018)

28. Dolgikh G.I., Gusev E.S., Chupin V.A. The Nature of the "Voice of the Sea" Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 481. Part 1. PP. 912-915. (year - 2018)

29. Dolgikh G.I., Gusev E.S., Chupin V.A. Деформационные проявления "голоса моря" Доклады академии наук, Т. 481. № 1. С. 95-98. (year - 2018)

30. Dolgikh G.I., Novotryasov V.V., Yaroshchuk I.O., Permyakov M.S. Интенсивные волновые боры на осеннем пикноклине шельфовых вод залива Петра Великого Японского моря Доклады академии наук, Т. 479. № 2. С. 200-205. (year - 2018)

31. Dolgikh G.I., Novotryasov V.V., Yaroshchuk I.O., Permyakov M.S. Intense Undular Bores on the Autumn Pycnocline of ShelfWaters of the Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 479. N 2. PP. 200-205. (year - 2018)

32. Dolgikh G.I., Plotnikov A.A. Особенности возникновения морских инфрагравитационных волн МЕТЕОРОЛОГИЯ И ГИДРОЛОГИЯ, №8. C. 33-38. (year - 2018)

33. Dolgikh G.I., Plotnikov A.A. Peculiarities of Generation of Infragravity Waves Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, N 8. PP. 33-38. (year - 2018)

34. Dolmatov I.Y., Ginanova T.T., Eliseikina M.G., Frolova L.T. Formation of the ectodermal organs during the metamorphosis and definitive organogenesis in the holothurian Apostichopus japonicus Zoomorphology, Vol. 137. P. 545-564. (year - 2018)

35. Dubinkina E.S., Poddubny V.A. Влияние вертикального профиля атмосферного аэрозоля на результаты восстановления трёхмерных полей концентраций аэрозоля Экология. Экономика. Информатика. Серия: Системный анализ и моделирование экономических и экологических систем, Т. 1, № 3, С. 31-37 (year - 2018)

36. Dubinkina E.S., Poddubny V.A., Interannual variability of average effective aerosol concentration fields in the Far Eastern region Proc. SPIE, 24 International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, - (year - 2018)

37. Ezhova, O.V., Malakhov, V.V., Egorova, E.A. Axial complex and associated structures of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus pallidus (Sars, G.O. 1871) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) Journal of Morphology, 279(6), 792-808 (year - 2018)

38. Fedyanina L.N., Lyakh V.A., Smertina E.S. Оценка эффективности профилактического действия хлеба с добавлением экстракта бурых водорослей Вестник КрасГАУ, №5, с. 275-280. (year - 2018)

39. Fishchenko V.K., Dolgikh G.I., Zimin P.S., Subote A.E. Some Results of Oceanological Video Monitoring Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 482. N 3. PP. 1244-1247. (year - 2018)

40. Gevorgyan A. H., Golik S. S., Gevorgyan T. H. The Influence of the Direction of External Magnetic on the Band Structure of Magneto-Photonic Crystals Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 124, No. 3, pp. 310–318. (year - 2018)

41. Gevorgyan A. H., Golik S. S., Gevorgyan T. H. Влияние направления внешнего магнитного поля на зонную структуру магнитофотонных кристаллов Оптика и спектроскопия, Vol. 124, N. 3, P. 315 (year - 2018)


43. Golovan, O.A. "Desmosomatidae (Isopoda: Asellota) from the Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk: First data on diversity with the description of the dominant species Mirabilicoxa biramosa sp. nov." DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 292-307 (year - 2018)

44. Golozubova Y.S., Buzoleva L.S., Bogatyrenko E.A., Kim A.V., Eskova A.I. Нефтеокисляющие свойства бактерий рода Micrococcus, выделенных из бухты Находка залива Петра Великого (Японское море) Самарский научный вестник, Т.7, № 2(23). - С. 13-16 (year - 2018)

45. Guz E.A., Novitskaya E.G., Kalenik T.K., Levochkina L.V., Piekoszewski W. The influence of vegetable puree containing carotenoids on the nutrient composition and structure of milk yoghurt International journal of dairy technology, Vol. 71, No. 1, P. 89-95. (year - 2018)

46. Ilyin A.A., Golik S.S., Shmirko K.A., Mayor A.Yu., Proschenko D.Yu., Kulchin Yu.N. Broadening and shift of emission lines in a plasma of filaments generated by a tightly focused femtosecond laser pulse in air Quantum Electronics, 48 (2), 149 – 156 (year - 2018)

47. Ilyin A.A., Golik S.S., Shmirko K.A., Mayor A.Yu., Proschenko D.Yu., Kulchin Yu.N. Уширение и сдвиг эмиссионных линий в плазме филаментов, генерируемых остросфокусированным фемтосекундным лазерным импульсом в воздухе Квантовая электроника, Vol.48 (2), P. 149–156 (year - 2018)

48. Ilyin A.A., Major A.Yu., Proschenko D.Yu. Наблюдение расщепления Раби уровней атома кислорода в плазме филаментов, созданных фемтосекундным импульсом титан-сапфирового лазера Письма в ЖТФ, том 44, вып. 21, 16-21 (year - 2018)

49. Inna V. Stonik, Tatiana Yu. Orlova, Irina V. Chikalovets, Nina A. Aizdaicher, Anatoly I. Aleksanin, Vasily A. Kachur, Tatiana V. Morozova. Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) and the domoic acid concentration in Pseudo-nitzschia cultures and bivalves from the northwestern Sea of Japan, Russia Nova Hedwigia, - (year - 2018)

50. Inzartsev A., Eliseenko G., Pavin A., Panin M.A., Bobkov V., Morozov M. Отладка алгоритмов инспекции подводных трубопроводов на борту АНПА с помощью удаленного высокопроизводительного моделирующего комплекса Подводные исследования и робототехника, Подводные исследования и робототехника. Владивосток. № 2(26), 2018, С. 28-36. (year - 2018)

51. Inzartsev A.V., Boreyko A.A., Borovik A.I., Vaulin Yu.V., Kamorny A.V., Lvov O.Yu., Matvienko Yu.V., Sidorenko A.V., Spotyshev M.S., Scherbatyuk A.Ph. Опыт использования АНПА типа MT-2010 для экологических исследований в бухте Золотой Рог Экологические системы и приборы, "Экологические системы и приборы". Москва (Россия), "Научтехлитиздат" 2019, № 1, С.38-45 (year - 2018)

52. Kalitnik A.A., Nedashkovskaya O.I., Stenkova A.M., Yermak I.M., Kukhlevsky A.D. Carrageenanolytic enzymes from marine bacteria associated with the red alga Tichocarpus crinitus Journal of Applied Phycology, Vol. 30, P. 2071–2081 (year - 2018)

53. Kamenev Y.O., Eliseikina M.G., Maslennikov S.I., Dolmatov I.Y. The ultrastructural features of embryonic and early larval development in Yesso scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis Tissue and Cell, Vol. 53. P. 76–86. (year - 2018)

54. Kartavtsev Y.P., Sharina S.N., Chichvarkhin A.Y., Chichvarkhina O.V., Masalkova N.A., Lutaenko K.A., Oliveira C. Генетическая дивергенция мидий (Mollusca, Mytilidae) по нуклеотидным последовательностям ядерных генов 28S рРНК, 18S pPHК и H3 ГЕНЕТИКА, том 54, № 6, с. 639–660 (year - 2018)

55. Kartavtsev Y.Ph., Masalkova N.A., Katolikova M.V. Genetic-and-morphometric variability in the settlements of two mussel species (Mytilus ex. gr. edulis), M. trossulus and M. galloprovincialis, in North-West Japan Sea Journal of Shellfish Research, V. 37(1). P. 103–119. (year - 2018)

56. Katamanov S.N, Kachur V.A. Результаты географической привязки изображений МСУ-МР полярно-орбитального спутника «Метеор-М» № 2 Cовременные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса, Том: 15, Номер: 2, Страницы: 9-18 (year - 2018)

57. Khaitov, V., Makarycheva, A., Gantsevich, M., Lentsman, N., Skazina, M., Gagarina, A., Katolikova, M., Strelkov, P. Discriminating eaters: Sea stars asterias rubens L. Feed preferably on mytilus trossulus gould in mixed stocks of mytilus trossulus and mytilus edulis L Biological Bulletin, 10.1086/697944 (year - 2018)


59. Kharlamenko, V.I., Maiorova, A.S., Ermolenko, E.V. Fatty acid composition as an indicator of the trophic position of abyssal megabenthic deposit feeders in the Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, Volume 154, Pages 374-382 (year - 2018)

60. Khristoforova N.K., Emelyanov. A.A., Efimoff A.V. Биоиндикация загрязнения прибрежно-морских вод о. Русского (залив петра великого, японское море) тяжелыми металлами Известия ТИНРО, Т. 192, С. 157-166 (year - 2018)

61. Khristoforova N.K., Kobzar A.D., Boichenko T.V., Popova A.V. Биоиндикация состояния вод залива Посьета (залив Петра Великого, Японское море) Биота и среда заповедных территорий, № 1, С. 92-99 (year - 2018)

62. Khristoforova N.K., Litvinenko A.V., Tsygankov V.Yu., Kovalchuk M.V., Erofeeva N.I. Микроэлементный состав горбуши Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum, 1972 из Сахалино-Курильского региона Биология моря, - (year - 2019)

63. Khristoforova N.K., Tsygankov V.Yu., Lukyanova O.N., Boyarova M.D. High mercury bioaccumulation in Pacific salmons from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea Environmental Chemistry Letters, V. 16., N 2, P. 575-579. (year - 2018)

64. Kobzar A.D., Khristoforova N.K. Monitoring of pollution of Rudnaya Bay (Sea of Japan) on the content of heavy metals in brown algae Russian Journal of Marine Biology, - (year - 2019)

65. Konstantin A. Shmirko, Andrey N. Pavlov, Sergey Yu. Stolyarchuk Reconstruction or particles size distribution and refractive index using agglomerated debris particles from sky polarization measurements Proc. SPIE, 24 International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, - (year - 2018)

66. Konstantin A. Shmirko, Vladimir V. Lisitsa, Andrey N. Pavlov, Sergey Yu. Stolyarchuk Variations of microphysical and optical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol in transition zone "land-ocean" based on data of lidar sensing Proc. SPIE, 24 International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, - (year - 2018)

67. Kostetsky E. Ya. , Velansky P. V., and Sanina N. M. Phospholipid and Fatty Acid Composition of Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylethanolamine in the Black Plaice Pleuronectes obscura during Thermoadaptation JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY, Том: 54 Выпуск: 2 Стр.: 109-118 (year - 2018)

68. Kostetsky E. Ya. , Velansky P. V., and Sanina N. M. Thermal Adaptation and Fatty Acid Composition of Major Phospholipids in the Plain Sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok at Different Temperatures of Natural Habitat JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY, Том: 54 Выпуск: 3 Стр.: 205-215 (year - 2018)

69. Kovalev N.N., Kostetskiy E.Ya., Velanskiy P.V., Kavun V.Ya., Podgurskaya O.V. Оценка стабильности жирнокислотного состава основных мембранных липидов мидии Грея Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) в условиях хронического антропогенного загрязнения Биология моря, - (year - 2019)

70. Kulchin Yu.N., Voznesenskiy S.S. Nanostructured biominerals and biomimetic modeling of their characteristics Biogenic– abiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems. VI International Symposium., p. 27 (year - 2018)

71. Kushnerova N.F., Momot T.V., Rakhmanin Y.A., Fomenko C.E., Sprygin V.G., Drugova E.S., Merzlyakov V.Y., Lesnikova L.N. Профилактическое воздействие растительных экстрактов калины и элеутерококка на состав жирных кислот фосфолипидных фракций мембран эритроцитов при интоксикации оксидами азота Гигиена и санитария, том 97, № 2, с. 203-207. (year - 2018)

72. Lukinykh A. I., Ezhova O. V., Krylenko S. V., Galkin S. V. , Gebruk A. V., Malakhov V. V. Обнаружение туловищных целомодуктов у полухордовых ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, т. 483 № 5 (year - 2018)

73. Lukinykh A. I., Ezhova O. V., Krylenko S. V., Galkin S. V. , Gebruk A. V., Malakhov V. V. Discovery of Trunk Coelomoducts in Hemichordata Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 483, pp. 1–3. (year - 2018)

74. Lyagusha M.S.,Chernyaev A.P., Averyasova E.Y. Стойкие органические загрязнители в абиотических компонентах залива Петра Великого (Японского моря) Известия ТИНРО, - (year - 2019)

75. Lysenko L.V., Kim J., Madamba F., Tyrtyshnaya A.A., Ruparelia A., Kleschevnikov A.M. Developmental excitatory-to-inhibitory GABA polarity switch is delayed in Ts65Dn mice, a genetic model of Down syndrome Neurobiology of Disease, Vol. 115, P. 1-8 (year - 2018)

76. Magarlamov T.Yu., Chernyshev A.V., Turbeville J. M. Pseudocnidae of archinemerteans (nemertea, palaeonemertea) and their implications for nemertean systematic Journal of Morphology, DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20881 (year - 2018)

77. Maiorova, A.S., Adrianov, A.V. Deep-sea sipunculans from the Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk and the adjacent slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 167-176 (year - 2018)

78. Maiorova, A.S., Adrianov, A.V. Deep-sea spoon worms (Echiura) from the Sea of Okhotsk and the adjacent slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, V. 154. P. 177-186. (year - 2018)

79. Makarchenko, E.A., Makarchenko, M.A., Semenchenko, A.A., Palatov, D.M. Morphological description and DNA barcoding of Chaetocladius (Chaetocladius) elisabethae sp. nov. (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) from the Moscow Region Zootaxa, 4403 (2): 378–388 (year - 2018)

80. Makarchenko, E.A., Semenchenko, A.A., Palatov, D.M. New data on taxonomy and systematics of the genus Diamesa Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae) from Tien Shan and Pamir Mountains, with description of two new species Journal of Limnology, Vol. 77 No 1s (year - 2018)

81. Malyutina, M.V., Brandt, A. First records of deep-sea Munnopsidae (Isopoda: Asellota) from the Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk, with description of Gurjanopsis kurilensis sp. nov DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, Vol. 154, P. 275–291. (year - 2018)

82. Malyutina, M.V., Chernyshev, A.V., Brandt, A. Introduction to the SokhoBio (Sea of Okhotsk Biodiversity Studies) expedition 2015 DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, Volume 154, Pages 1-9 (year - 2018)

83. MARIN I. N., MAIOROVA A.S. KORN O. M. Cryptic diversity of the rocky crab genus Glebocarcinus Nations, 1975 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cancridae): description of a new species from Russian coastal waters of the Sea of Japan based on morphology, DNA and distribution Zootaxa, 4415 (3): 473–497 (year - 2018)

84. Maxim Sporyshev, Alexander Scherbatyuk Об использовании групп морских роботов для охраны водных акваторий: Краткий обзор Подводные исследования и робототехника, Подводные исследования и робототехника. Владивосток. № 2(26), 2018. С. 21-26 (year - 2018)

85. Mikhlina A., Tzetlin A.B., Ekimova I.A., Vortsepneva E. V. Drilling in the dorid species Vayssierea cf. elegans (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia): functional and comparative morphological aspects Journal of Morphology, - (year - 2019)

86. Milovankina A.A., Fadeeva N.P., Chertoprud E.S. Распределение мейобентоса по градиенту солености в эстуарии реки раздольной приморского края Самарский научный вестник, Т. 7, № 1 , С 76-83 (year - 2018)

87. Nedashkoyskaya O.I., Kim S.G., Stenkova A.M., Kukhlevskiy A.D., Zhukova N.V., Mikhailov V.V. Aquimarina algiphila sp nov., a chitin degrading bacterium isolated from the red alga Tichocarpus crinitus The molecular study and the fatty acid and polar lipids analyses of the study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Contract no. 14-50-00034) for ADK and NVZ., 68:892–898 (year - 2018)

88. Oleg Bukin, Dmitriy Proschenko, Alexey Chekhlenok, Sergey Golik, Ilya Bukin, Alexander Mayor, Victoriya Yurchik Laser Spectroscopic Sensors for the Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Sensitivity Sensors, 18, 1680 (year - 2018)

89. Pavlov Andrey N., Zubko Evgenij, Konstantinov Oleg G., Shmirko Konstantin, Mayor Alexander Yu., Videen Gorden. Vertical profile of polarization over Vladivostok using horizon shadowing: Clues to understanding the altitude variation of reflectance of aerosol particles Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer, Vol.204. P.94-102 (year - 2018)

90. Poddubny V.A., Dubinkina E.S. The computational technology for estimating average fields of atmospheric contaminant concentrations in remote areas of the Arctic Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling for Efficient Development of Arctic Zone (IT&MathAZ2018), Vol-2109, p. 65-71 (year - 2018)

91. Poddubny V.A., Dubinkina E.S., Markelov J.I., Buevich A.G., Antonov K.L., Omelkova E.V., Manzhurov I.L., Medvedev A.N. Recovery of Average Effective Methane Concentration Field in the Region of Kara and Barents Seas Using a Passive Location of the Atmosphere by Wind AIP Conference Proceedings, 14th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering ICCMSE 2018, Vol. 2040,p. 050020-1 – 050020-4 (year - 2018)

92. Podlesnykh A. V. , Kukhlevsky A. D. , Brykov V.A. Genetic Variability and Demographic History of a Population of the Even-Year Broodline Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792) (Bakhura River, Sakhalin Island) Inferred from the Polymorphism of Two Mitochondrial Genes Russian Journal of Marine Biology, - (year - 2019)

93. Ponomareva A.L., Buzoleva L.S., Bogatyrenko E.A. Abiotic environmental factors affecting the formation of biofilms microorganisms Biology Bulletin, Том: 45 Выпуск: 5 Стр.: 490-496 (year - 2018)


95. Rimskaya-Korsakova, N. N., Karaseva, N. P., Temereva, E. N., & Malakhov, V. V. ПРОТОНЕФРИДИИ В ВЫДЕЛИТЕЛЬНОЙ СИСТЕМЕ ВЕСТИМЕНТИФЕР (SIBOGLINIDAE, ANNELIDA) ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, Том: 478, Номер: 4, Страницы: 491-494 (year - 2018)

96. Rimskaya-Korsakova, N. N., Karaseva, N. P., Temereva, E. N., & Malakhov, V. V. Protonephridial excretory system in vestimentifera (siboglinidae, annelida) Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 478, pp. 22–25. (year - 2018)

97. S. S. Golik; V. V. Lisitsa; A. Yu. Mayor; K. A. Shmirko; Yu. S. Tolstonogova; A. V. Borovskiy; M. Yu. Babiy; I. G. Nagorniy; D. Yu. Proschenko; N. N. Golik; T. M. Agapova Lidar sensing atmosphere by gigawatt femtosecond laser pulses in the continent-ocean transition zone SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 10791, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing XIV, 107910G (year - 2018)

98. Selina M.S., Morozova T.V., Aizdaicher N.A., Efimova K.V. The Morphological, Genetic and Physiological Characteristics of a Benthic Dinoflagellate of the Genus Ostreopsis Isolated from Coastal Waters of the Northwestern Sea of Japan RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MARINE BIOLOGY, Vol. 44(1), P. 14-24. (year - 2018)

99. SELINA, M.S., EFIMOVA, K.V. & HOPPENRATH, M. Delimitation of the genus Thecadinium (Dinophyceae) sensu stricto with two species Thecadinium kofoidii and T. pseudokofoidii sp. nov. using morphological and molecular data PHYCOLOGIA, - (year - 2018)

100. Sergeev A.A., Leonov A.A. Rhodamine-microalgae based bionic structures for metal ions detection Proceedings of SPIE, - (year - 2018)

101. Sergeev A.A., Sergeeva K.A., Leonov A.A. Синтез и люминесценция допированных марганцем квантовых точек сульфида цинка Международный научно-исследовательский журнал, № 9 (75). - Ч.1. - C. 47-52 (year - 2018)

102. Sergeev A.A., Sergeeva K.A., Leonov A.A., Postnova I.V., Voznesenskiy S.S. Luminescent methane sensor based on energy transfer from ZnS:Mn2+ quantum dots to analyte molecule Semiconductors, Vol. 52, No. 14, pp. 1846–1848 (year - 2018)

103. Sergeeva K.A., Sergeev A.A., Kuznetsova Yu.V., Voznesenskiy S.S. ZnS:Mn2+ Quantum Dots as Efficient Photocatalyst for Organic Dye Decolorization Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol. 386, pp 207-213 (year - 2018)

104. Shmirko Konstantin, Pavlov Andrey, Zubko Evgenij Coating effect on light scattering by irregularly shaped particles Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer, Volume 215, Pages 71-76 (year - 2018)

105. Silchenko A.S., Kalinovsky A.I., Avilov S.A., Andryjaschenko P.V., Dmitrenok P.S., Yurchenko E.A., Ermakova S.P., Malyarenko O.S., Dolmatov I.Y., Kalinin V.I. Cladolosides O, P, P1-P3 and R, triterpene glycosides with two novel types of carbohydrate chains from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii. Inhibition of cancer cells colony formation and its synergy with radioactive irradiation Carbohydrate Research, V. 468. P. 73-79 (year - 2018)

106. Silchenko A.S., Kalinovsky A.I., Avilov S.A., Andryjaschenko P.V., Dmitrenok P.S., Yurchenko E.A., Ermakova S.P., Malyarenko O.S., Dolmatov I.Y., Kalinin V.I. Cladolosides C4, D1, D2, M, M1, M2, N and Q, new triterpene glycosides with diverse carbohydrate chains from sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii. Carbohydrate Research, Vol. 468. P. 36-44. (year - 2018)

107. Tabakaeva O.V., Tabakaev A.V. Lipids, vinyl alcohols, and fatty acids from soft tissues of the bivalve mollusk Mactra chinensis Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Volume 54, Issue 2, pp 223–227 (year - 2018)

108. Tabakaeva O.V., Tabakaev A.V., Piekoszewski W. Nutritional composition and total collagen content of two commercially important edible bivalve molluscs from the Sea of Japan coast Journal of food science and technology, Volume 55, Issue 12, pp 4877–4886 (year - 2018)

109. Temereva E.N., Kuzmina T.V. Spermatogenesis in the deep-sea brachiopod Pelagodiscus atlanticus and the phylogenetic significance of spermatozoon structure Journal of Morphology, - (year - 2018)

110. Tsybulsky A. V., Popov À. Ì., Kostetsky E. Ya. , Klimovich A. A., Styshova O. N. Оценка фармакологической активности моногликозида RH2 и моногалактозилдиацилглицерола ламинарии при экспериментальной пневмонии Биофармацевтический журнал, Т. 10. №4. с. 42 – 52 (year - 2018)

111. Tsybulsky Alexander V., Popov A.M., Klimovich A.A., Artyukov A.A., Kostetsky E.Ya., Veselova M.D. Сравнительное изучение эхинохрома А, оксигенированныхкаротиноидов, гинзенозидаRh2, дисульфаталютеолина и метформина, как средств потенцирования противоопухолевого действия доксорубицина Медицинская иммунология, Т. 20, № 2, стр. 179-192 (year - 2018)

112. Tsybulsky, A.V., Popov, A.M., Kostetsky, E.Y., Klimovich, A.A. , Styshova, O.N. Evaluation of pharmacological activity of ginseng monoglucoside Rh2 and laminaria monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) in experimental pneumonia Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 63-73 (year - 2018)

113. Tsygankov V.Yu. Хлорированные углеводороды в морских экосистемах северо-западной части Тихого океана Процессы в геосредах, №3 (17). С. 147-149. (year - 2018)

114. Tsygankov V.Yu., Lukyanova O.N., Boyarova M.D. Стойкие органические загрязняющие вещества в морских птицах Охотского моря Известия ТИНРО, Т. 192. С. 136-144. (year - 2018)

115. Tsygankov V.Yu., Lukyanova O.N., Boyarova M.D. Organochlorine Pesticide Accumulation in Seabirds and Marine Mammals from the Northwest Pacific Marine Pollution Bulletin, V. 128, P. 208-213 (year - 2018)

116. Tutov M.V., Sergeev A.A., Zadorozhny P.A., Bratskaya S.Yu., Mironenko A.Yu. Dendrimeric rhodamine based fluorescent probe for selective detection of Au Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 273. – P. 916-920 (year - 2018)

117. Tyrtyshnaya A.A., Manzhulo I.V. Влияние омега‑3 полиненасыщенных жирных кислот на процессы нейровоспаления в гиппокампе Нейрохимия, том 35, № 2, с. 170–182 (year - 2018)

118. Voznesenskiy S.S., Popik A.Yu., Gamayunov E.L., Galkina A.N., Orlova T.Yu., Markina Zh.V., Postnova I.V., Shchipunov Yu.A. Biogenic– abiogenic systems based on microalgae cells immobilized in a matrix Biogenic– abiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems. VI International Symposium., P. 114-115 (year - 2018)

119. Yurchenko OV, Skiteva OI, Voronezhskaya EE, Dyachuk VA Nervous system development in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Frontiers in Zoology, 10.1186/s12983-018-0259-8 (year - 2018)

120. Yushin V.V., Subbotin S.A., Claeys M., Bert W. Spermatozoa in spermatheca of plant parasitic nematode Paratylenchus hamatus sensu lato (Tylenchida, Paratylenchidae) Russian Journal of Nematology, Vol. 25 (2), 93 – 99 (year - 2017)

121. Zhdkov M.E., Kantemirov A.V., Kolesnikov A.V., Andin A.N., Kuzmich A.S. Syntheses of the marine alkaloids 6-oxofascaplysin, fascaplysin and their derivatives Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 59, P. 708–711 (year - 2018)

122. Zhidkov M.E., Sidorova M.A., Lyakhova I.A. One-step transformation of the marine alkaloid fascaplysin into homofascaplysins B and B-1. The first syntheses of 3-bromohomofascaplysin B and 3–bromohomofascaplysin B-1 Tetrahedron Letters, Vol. 59, P. 1417–1420 (year - 2018)

123. Zhukova, N.; Yakovleva, I. Light control of lipid metabolism in the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida: consequences for chloroplast ultrastructure and photosynthetic competence FEBS Open Bio, Vol. 8, p.160 (year - 2018)

124. Zolotova A.O., Kartavtsev Yu.Ph. Analysis of sequence divergence in redfin (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Tribolodon) based on mtDNA and nDNA markers with inferences in systematics and genetics of speciation Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, Vol. 29(7). P. 975-992 (year - 2018)

125. Галкин С.В., Денисов В.А., Ивин В.В., Крылова Е.М., Малютин А.Н., Михайлик П.Е., В.В. Мордухович В.В., Полоник Н.С., Санамян П.П., Шилов В.А. Комплексные исследования экосистем гидротермальных выходов и холодных высачиваний в Беринговом море - (82-Й Рейс НИС «Академик М.А. Лаврентьев») Океанология, - (year - 2019)

126. Bulgakov V.P., Vereshchagina Y.V., Veremeichik G.N. Anticancer Polyphenols from Cultured Plant Cells: Production and New Bioengineering Strategies Current Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 25, P. 1-22 (year - 2018)

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130. - Ферментативная активность микрофлоры дальневосточного трепанга "Apostichopus japonicas" -, 2018620024 (year - )

131. - Напиток на основе молочной сыворотки -, - (year - )

132. - Состав для производства хлебобулочных изделий -, - (year - )

133. - Сухая смесь для приготовления напитка -, - (year - )

134. - Состав для приготовления паштета -, - (year - )

135. - Способ получения антисептического средства -, 2659672 (year - )

136. - Способ производства напитка на основе молочной сыворотки -, - (year - )

137. - Сухая смесь для приготовления напитка 2 -, - (year - )

138. - Программа моделирования перемещения автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата -, 2018612493 (year - )

139. Alexander Inzartsev, Alexander Pavin, Mikhail Panin, Anton Tolstonogov, Grigory Eliseenko Detection and Inspection of Local Bottom Objects with the Help of a Group of Special-Purpose AUVs Proceedings of 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe, Proceedings of 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) Conference & Exhibition, Kobe, Japan, May 28-31, ISBN DVD: 978-1-5386-1653-6. (year - 2018)

140. Alexander Pavin, Alexander Inzartsev A GeoJSON-based Mission Planning Language for AUV OCEANS 2018 - MTS/IEEE Charleston, Proceedings of the OCEANS 2018 - MTS/IEEE Charleston Conference, Charleston, USA, October 22-25 (year - 2018)

141. Alexey Borovick, Alexander Inzartsev, Alexander Kamorniy, Alexander Scherbatyuk, Maxim Sporyshev Some Results of the Ecological Investigation in Zolotoy Rog Bay using AUV MMT 3000 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe, Proceedings of 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) Conference & Exhibition, Kobe, Japan, May 28-31 (year - 2018)

142. F. Dubrovin, A. Scherbatyuk, Yu. Vaulin Some results of operation for the AUV MMT 3000 mobile navigation system on long and deep water trajectories 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe, Proceedings of 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) Conference & Exhibition, Kobe, Japan, May 28-31, ISBN DVD: 978-1-5386-1653-6 (year - 2018)

143. - Pesticides are accumulated in bodies with high fat content, FEFU scientists say News Medical, Mar 1 2018 (year - )

144. - Роботы уходят под воду Кот Шредингера, Специальный номер, октябрь 2018, стр. 13 (year - )

145. - ДВФУ впервые вошел в рейтинги Times Higher Education «Физические науки» и «Науки о жизни» Сайт ДВФУ, - (year - )

146. - Pesticides are accumulated in the fat tissue EurekAlert, 28-Feb-2018 (year - )

147. - Победители конкурса грантов на реализацию комплексных научных программ организаций до конца года представят результаты пятилетних проектов Дайджест новостей Российского научного фонда, №4, 2018, стр. 24-27 (year - )

Annotation of the results obtained in 2014



Annotation of the results obtained in 2015
The mobile laser interference complex was designed, manufactured and tested in the waters of the Peter the Great Bay. It consists of nanoprogram laser and laser measurer of variations of pressure of hydrosphere, technical characteristics which allow to measure variations of atmospheric and hydrospheric pressure in the frequency range from 0 (conditionally) up to 1000 Hz with an accuracy of 1 MPa and 0.1 MPa respectively. The precise application of this complex allows to differentiate the influence of atmospheric and hydrospheric processes on aquatic organisms and assess the impacts of signals with different amplitude and frequency characteristics of the sound and infrasonic ranges on marine biological objects. Theoretical and experimental researches on creation of complex modeling software simulates the behavior of an Autonomous underwater vehicles in Maritime hydrology were conducted. Mathematical models of the dependence of fluorescence of chlorophyll-a cultures of microalgae from phytoplankton to such environmental parameters as temperature and illumination were developed and experimentally confirmed. Physical principles of construction of a new submersible measuring system with fiber optic sensor the LIF to measure the status of chlorophyll-a in the composition of the phytoplankton with consideration of the effect of temperature were developed. Options of nanocomposite polymer structures for optical sensors of dissolved gases and metal ions were investigated. Software-hardware complex for detection and identification of contaminants of the sea surface by organic films was developed. It consists of a scanning polarization video system and a mobile fluorescence LIDAR. Models for the formation of optical images of film formations on the sea surface were developed and experimentally verified. Method of calculating velocities of surface marine currents on the sequence of television images of optical inhomogeneities on the sea surface, including organic films was improved. Hardware-software complex for measurement of optical and microphysical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol on the basis of multifrequency Raman LIDAR with enhanced power characteristics was developed. The works on the improvement of algorithms for remote recording and monitoring bottom-dwelling aquatic organisms in real time using remote controlled underwater vehicles (ROV) on the basis of these images and calibrating it with the use of diving hydrobiological method were hold. The results allow recommending the use of the developed technology in the evaluation of marine biological resources. Work has been carried out to test methods of automated accounting and monitoring of aquatic organisms in the far Eastern marine reserve. The advantages of underwater vehicle in the evaluation of the spatial distribution of the number of moving objects epifauna, which are not included in dredge and diving harvest was shown. Detailed bathymetric map of the investigated area the Far East marine reserve and a map of the distribution of biotopes with characteristic combinations of substrates were built. The density of their settlements on different types of substrates and the total biomass were determined. A map of its distribution was built. The estimation of reserves is especially valuable bottom hydrobionts, both in protected waters of the far Eastern marine reserve, and in the open part of Peter the Great Bay was produced. For the first time data on the structure and role of growth factors and their receptors, belonging to the family of vascular endothelial growth factors VEGF and VEGFR in development of invertebrates was analyzed. Special emphasis was placed on the role of these factors in organogenesis and regeneration in echinoderms. The role of β-integrin, as well as its intended ligand, fibronectin-like protein in the development and in some adult tissues of the mollusk Mytilus trossulus was investigated. Using molecular-genetic methods the systematic and phylogenetic relationships of the major ecological groups of marine animals were investigated. Molecular markers for reliable species identification of marine invertebrates and microalgae were developed. The ultrastructural features of formation of organs in regeneration in sea cucumbers were studied. The analysis of factors of cellular and humoral immunity of bivalve mollusks from background to impact waters in the seasonal dynamics was held. The parameters that significantly changed in the conditions of anthropogenic stress were identified. The experimental Protocol of the laboratory diagnostics of immune status of field and indicator of marine bivalves to assess their physiological state was proposed. The results of the experiment lead to suggest to use immunological indices in bivalves as adequate biomarkers to monitor the status of different species of bivalve mollusks in conditions of anthropogenic stress. The fatty acid composition of molecular species and thermotropic behavior of membrane lipids of marine macrophytes and invertebrates and fish, depending on the speed of thermal acclimation were studied. It is shown that different mechanisms of regulation of physico-chemical state of lipids of membranes of algae in a changing temperature environment, probably related to differences in the life cycle of the species. The correlation between the ratio of the fatty acid composition and ecological status of habitats of aquatic organisms was shown. It allows to use these parameters as markers of the ecological status of marine areas and indicates the potential of the investigated organisms to adapt to temperature increase. The methods and technology of manufacturing chemically pure omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic), the alkyl-glycerol esters were developed. It allows obtaining highly purified concentrates of these compounds. For the first time samples of the compounds with purity up to 99% were obtained. Using models of a culture of cells of the Central nervous system and laboratory animals the presence of the neuroprotective activity of the marine fatty acids was shown. The ability to reduce the degree of inflammatory reactions, improve cognitive function through simulation of synaptic transmission were proven. The estimation of the structure of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which provides the pharmacological action was held. Initial work to assess the antitumor activity of red pigment obtained from the marine sponge Fascaplysynopsis sp. cell culture of glioma line C6 was performed. It showed the potential of this line and use faceposing as a prototype of new medicines with the properties of inducers of apoptosis. Work on creation of technologies of the directed degradation of the marine biopolymer pectin, which allows to obtain oligomers with required degree of polymerization was conducted. On the basis of this technology the prototypes were made. It investigation showed the presence of high binding capacity of oligomers from pectin seagrass Phyllospadix iwatensis. The works on the creation of a number of functional food from marine raw materials, including scyphoid jellyfish Rhopilema asamushi and Aurelia aurita, from the Japanese sea cucumber, fish products, and biopolymers from marine algae. The developed products are characterized by high content of essential amino acids, carotenoids, triterpene glycosides and other biologically active substances. The technology of manufacture new functional products was developed and proved. Based on the results of experimental researches on influence of technological regimes on the content of individual components of products the projects were developed by the technical conditions and technological instructions, necessary for further work with the data of the raw components. Manufacturing scheme for spawning and growth of larvae and juveniles of invertebrates and algae was created. Artificial spawning and larvae of king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus, scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis, and holothurian Apostichopus japonicus were realized. Ultrastructural peculiarities of tissue and organ changes during metamorphoses and definitive organogenesis were studied in A. japonicus for the first time. Three- dimensional models of larvae during metamorphoses were created (late doliolaria, pentactula, one-month-old juvenile). The analysis of the variability of the microsatellite and mitochondrial markers was conducted on the great part of the area of the scallop M. yessoensis. Nevertheless of the existence swimming larva during life cycle of this species, a pairwise heterogeneity test of allele frequency distributions revealed of the population-genetic structure. The significant differentiation was revealed not only between regions, but between the local populations into regions too. It may be determined by environmental factors and the adaptation of populations to the local factors. High frequency of some microsatellite alleles in some populations suggest that any genes that link to these microsatellite loci are involved in the environmental adaptation. A comparison of the haplotype frequency among the geographic groups inferred that one major haplotype and its derivatives are greatly connecting with temperature gradient. This fact is suggested that some kind of the mitochondrial gene is involved in the adaptation to a given environment such a seawater temperature. It was developed some informative polymorphic microsatellite loci for the investigation of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Histopatological changes of tissues and cells in crayfishes infected by herpes-like virus were studied using light and electron microscopy. It was shown that herpes-like virus can induce some diseases of animals in king and blue crab populations in west part of Okhotsk Sea. This infection is one of the main factors which define strength of the species. The herpes-like virus from blue crab can infect haemocytes of other species of crayfishes at in vitro conditions. Formation of specific herpes-like viral particles in cell culture was demonstrated for the first time. It was shown by using ramanov spectroscopy method that melanin production in vivo and in vitro is one of the sigh of the herpes-like viral infection. Data about spectra of combination scattering of pigments (Raman effect) can be used for express-diagnostics of the infection. It was shown that a body wall of sea cucumbers is composed of water (85 %), proteins (6.2-6.8%), carbohydrates (2,2-2,5%), and lipid (0.7%). Protein content in the viscera of the A. japonicus is lower and the lipid (2.9%) is higher than in the body wall. Spectrum of fatty acids is not limited by omega-3 fatty acids, but also by high content of branched saturated fatty acids. The content of carotenoids in the viscera and gonads is of 0.92-1.1 mg/100 g of tissue. Carotenoids were not detected in the body wall. The highest content of glycosides identified in the gut of holothurians (622 mg/100g). Rational parameters of extraction of fat-soluble biologically active substances (temperature is 60°C, the ratio of raw material/ extractant is 1:5, extraction duration – 3 hours) were defined. It was substantiated a choice of raw materials for the production of preparations enriched in amino acids (the scallop waste and recycling - robe). The quantity of free amino acids in the soft tissues of the scallop is 1.67%, protein is 13.7%. Rational parameters for the bioconversion of raw materials by various enzymes (time, water module, pH, temperature, duration of process, the ratio of enzyme substrate) were selected. Molecular weight distribution of peptide fractions at fermentolysate and their amino acid composition were defined. The quantity of free amino acids in fermentolysate increases to 62.5%. The obtained data will be the basis for the development of technology of producing of biologically active substances and functional foods based on them



1. - Экологическая характеристика вод пролива Босфор Восточный по кислородным показателям Известия ТИНРО, Т.181, С. 161-168 (year - 2015)

2. - Расчет отраженного взволнованной морской поверхностью диффузного солнечного излучения Вестник ДВО РАН, №3, т. 181,36-45 (year - 2015)

3. - Некоторые результаты морских испытаний централизованной системы управления группой морских роботов Управление большими системами, - (year - 2016)

4. - Программный моделирующий комплекс для автономных подводных аппаратов на базе многопроцессорной архитектуры Подводные исследования и робототехника, №1(19), 2015, С. 23-32. (year - 2015)

5. - Морфология фронтальных филаментов у науплиев Verruca stroemia (Muller, 1776) и Hesperibalanus heaperius (Pilsbry, 1916) (Cirripedia: Thoracica) Биология моря, Т. 41, №5, с. 331-339 (year - 2015)


7. - Экотоксикологическая оценка качества вод западнокамчатского шельфа Известия ТИНРО, Т. 182, С. 190-196 (year - 2015)

8. - Влияние частоты повторения лазерных импульсов на интенсивность спектральных линий в методе фемтосекундной лазерной искровой спектроскопии жидкости Письма в ЖТФ, том 41, вып. 21, c. 45 -51 (year - 2015)

9. - Janolus fuscus O’donoghue, 1924 (Gastropoda: Proctonotidae) – представитель нового для морей России семейства голожаберных моллюсков БИОЛОГИЯ МОРЯ, том 42, № 1 (year - 2016)

10. - Мониторинг загрязнения прибрежных вод Амурского залива (Японское море) тяжелыми металлами с использованием бурой водоросли Sargassum miyabei Uendo, 1907 Биология моря, №5, Т. 41, С. 361-365 (year - 2015)

11. - Новые продукты как источники коллагенобразующих аминокислот Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований, № 8, С. 664-669 (year - 2015)

12. - Характеристика холинэстеразной активности гемолимфы мидии Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) обитающей в импактных природных и антропогенных условиях Биология моря, Т. 42, № 1. С. 65-72 (year - 2016)

13. - Вихри в океане и атмосфере: расчет по спутниковым изображениям Метеорология и гидрология, - (year - 2016)

14. - Распределение дальневосточного трепанга Apostichopus japonicus (selenka, 1867) на открытой акватории Амурского залива (Японское море) в условиях промысловой нагрузки Вода: химия и экология, № 9. С. 55-62 (year - 2015)

15. - Термотропное поведение и состав жирных радикалов главных фосфолипидов краба-стригуна Бэрди (Chinoecetes Bairdi) Биология моря, №1 (year - 2016)

16. - Экспериментальная оценка эффективности раневых покрытий на основе биологически активных веществ из морских гидробионтов Биология моря, Т. 42, № 5. С. 427-433 (year - 2016)

17. - Влияние температуры среды на спектры лазерно-индуцированной флуоресценции микроводорослей ВЕСТНИК ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНОГО ОТДЕЛЕНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, №3. - С. 30-35. (year - 2015)

18. - Лазерно-интерференционный измеритель давления гидросферы с учётом изменений температуры Приборы и техника эксперимента, №5. С.149-150. (year - 2015)

19. - Состояние бухт Козьмина и Врангеля (залив Петра Великого, Японское море): динамика загрязнения тяжелыми металлами Известия ТИНРО, 180, с. 1-8 (year - 2015)

20. - Об одном механизме образования осадочных волн на шельфе Японского моря Доклады академии наук, Т. 465. №5. С. 593-597. (year - 2015)

21. - Особенности атмосферной коррекции спутниковых данных цвета океана в Дальневосточном регионе Исследования Земли из космоса, №3 (year - 2016)

22. - Прогенез в эволюции голожаберных моллюсков рода Dendronotus (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) Доклады Академии Наук, - (year - 2016)

23. - Модификация ультракороткими импульсами нового полимерного фоторегистрирующего материала на основе ПММА, допированного 2,2-дифторо-4-(9-антрацил)-6-метил-1,3,2-диоксаборином Квантовая электроника, 45 (5), 477–481. (year - 2015)

24. - Развитие технологии диагностики морского дна с помощью низкочастотных гидроакустических излучателей и береговых лазерных деформографов Вестник ДВО РАН, №6. С. 91-96. (year - 2015)

25. - Характеристики излучения фемтосекундной плазмы воздуха Вестник ДВО РАН, №3, с. 49-52 (year - 2015)


27. - Содержание тяжелых металлов в горбуше Оncorhynchus Gorbuscha walbaum, 1792 из прикурильских океанических вод во время анадромной миграции Биология моря, № 6. Т. 41. С. 447-452 (year - 2015)

28. - Молекулярно-генетическая идентификация нового штамма Tisochrysis lutea (Bendif et Probert, 2013) из акватории российских прибрежных вод Японского моря Микробиология, т. 85 (2) (year - 2016)

29. - Новые комбинированные консервы для функционального питания Современные проблемы науки и образования, №2 (year - 2015)

30. - Зависимость флуоресценции фитопланктона от внешних воздействий Биофизика, Т. 61, №1, С. 86-92 (year - 2016)

31. - АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИЙ РАСЧЕТ ДРЕЙФА ЛЬДА ПО ДАННЫМ РАДИОМЕТРОВ AMSR Исследование Земли из космоса, - (year - 2016)

32. - Нелинейно-оптические свойства коллоидов углеродных квантовых точек Сборник научных трудов «Основные проблемы естественных и математических наук», Сборник трудов II Международной научно-практической конференции «Основные проблемы естественных и математических наук» (г. Волгоград), №2, с 30-33 (year - 2015)

33. - Сезонная зависимость эффективности трансформации гидроакустических волн на границе «вода-дно» Подводные исследования и робототехника, №2(20). C. 35-39. (year - 2015)

34. - Динамика периода ветровых волн Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук, №11 (year - 2015)

35. - Морские внутренние волны и атмосферные депрессии -, Т. 462. №5. С. 601-604. (year - 2015)

36. - Построение и экспериментальные исследования системы счисления пути малогабаритного автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата с аккомодацией к ошибкам в показаниях датчиков Датчики и системы, Датчики и системы. №11, 2015. М.: ИПУ РАН (year - 2015)

37. - Комбинированные полуфабрикаты в оболочке с добавлением кукумарии японской для функционального питания Международный журнал прикладных прикладных и фундаментальных исследований, №6, с.417-421 (year - 2015)

38. - Гидрофизический лазерно-интерференционный комплекс Приборы и техника эксперимента, - (year - 2016)

39. - Исследование некоторых алгоритмов одномаяковой мобильной навигации АНПА: результаты моделирования и морских испытаний Гироскопия и навигация, - (year - 2015)

40. - Влияние антропогенного загрязнения на проявление патогенных свойств у морских псевдомонад Современные проблемы науки и образования, № 5 (year - 2015)

41. - Разработка рецептуры хлеба функционального назначения с применением альгината натрия Хлебопродукты, Том. 8, с. 60-62 (year - 2015)

42. - Паразитирование трематод вызывает образование наростов в области замка двустворчатого моллюска Macoma balthica Linnaeus, 1758 (Veneroida, Tellinidae) ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, том 466, № 1, с. 1–4 (year - 2016)

43. - Роль даунвеллинга/апвеллинга в формировании/разрушении гипоксии придонных вод Амурского залива (Японское море) Известия ТИНРО, Т.183 (year - 2015)


45. - Состав жирных кислот и питание глубоководных голотурий Охотского моря Биология моря, т. 41 (6), с. 418-424 (year - 2015)

46. - Исследование зависимости интенсивности линий Ca II от частоты повторения фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов при оптическом пробое на поверхности водного раствора кальция Вестник ДВО РАН, №3, с. 45-48 (year - 2015)

47. - Компенсация воздействия температуры на работу лазерных интерферометров Приборы и техника эксперимента, - (year - 2016)

48. - Динамика спектров лазерной плазмы, генерируемой на поверхности жидкости наносекундным лазерным излучением Доклады ТУСУРа,, No 1 (35), март 2015 с. 56-59 (year - 2015)

49. Aleksanin Anatoly , Vladimir Kim, Vasily Kachur AMSR-E SST charts enhancement Journal of Oceanography, - (year - 2016)

50. Alexanina M.G. , Zagumennov A.A. , Dyakov S.E. , Kachur V.A. Thermodynamic parameters of ocean surface calculated on satellite imagery WIT Transactions in Ecology and Environmental, - (year - 2016)

51. Balakirev E.S., Parensky V.A., Kovalev M.Yu., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the white char Salvelinus albus (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) Mitochondrial DNA, Volume 27, 2016 - Issue 5 (year - 2015)

52. Balakirev E.S., Romanov N.S., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Kamchatka grayling Thymallus mertensii (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–2 (year - 2015)

53. Biryukovau Y. S. , Ilyin A. A., Golik S. S., Mayor A. Yu. Investigation of the spectra of luminescence and Raman scattering in water and chlorophyll "a" excited by femtosecond laser pulses Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9680, 968048 (year - 2015)

54. Bogatyrenko E.A., Buzoleva L.S. Characterization of the gut bacterial community of the japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Microbiology, V. 85. № 1. P. 116-123 (year - 2016)

55. Bogatyrenko E.A., Buzoleva L.S. Характеристика бактериального сообщества кишечника дальневосточного трепанга Apostichopus japonicus Микробиология, Т. 85, № 1 (year - 2016)

56. Borisanova A. O., Yushin V. V., Malakhov V. V., Temereva E. N. The fine structure of the cuticle of kamptozoans is similar to that of annelids Zoomorphology, Volume: 134 Issue: 2 Pages: 165-181 (year - 2015)

57. Bulanov A.V., Nagorny I.G. Acoustic Emission and Magnification of Atomic Lines Resolution for Laser Breakdown of Salt Water in Ultrasound Field AIP Conf. Proc., 1685, 030005 (year - 2015)

58. Chernova E.N. Биогеохимический фон и особенности накопления металлов фукусовыми водорослями из прибрежных вод Японского, Охотского и Белого морей Биология Моря, № 1, С. 60-68 (year - 2016)

59. Chernova E.N. Biogeochemical Background and Trace Metal Accumulation by Brown Algae of the Genus Fucus in Coastal Waters of the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk and the White Sea. Rus. Journ. Mar.Biol., Том 56, Выпуск 3, С. 363-371 (year - 2016)

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61. Chernova E.N., Kozhenkova S.I. Определение пороговых концентраций металлов в водорослях-индикаторах прибрежных вод северо-западной части Японского моря Океанология, № 3, С.393-402 (year - 2016)

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64. Chichvarkhin A.Y., Chichvarkhina, O.V., Chernyshev, A.V. Runcinida valentinae Chernyshev, 2006 (Opisthobranchia: Runcinacea), a new opisthobranch species for the Sea of Japan Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 214–218 (year - 2015)

65. Davydova L., Vorobyeva N. , Sanina N. , Velansky P. , Mazeyka A. , Kostetsky E. Influence of warm-acclimation on major membrane lipids of Saccharina japonica and Ulva lactuca WIT Transactions Ecology and Enviromental, - (year - 2015)

66. Dolgikh G. I. , S. S. Budrin, S. G. Dolgikh, V. V. Ovcharenko, V. A. Chupin, V. A. Shvets, S. V. Yakovenko Internal Marine Waves and Atmospheric Depressions Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 462, Part 2, pp. 631–633. (year - 2015)

67. Dolgikh G. I. , V. V. Novotryasov, A. N. Samchenko, I. O. Yaroshchuk One Mechanism of the Formation of Sedimentary Waves on the Shelf of the Sea of Japan -, Vol. 465, Part 2, pp. 1278–1282. (year - 2015)

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70. Egorin А.М., Palamarchuk М.S., Tokar E.А., Marinin D.V.., Tutov М.V., Avramenko V.A. Concentrating Cesium-137 from Seawater Using Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Resin for Radioecologicalorcinol-Formaldehyde Resin for Radioecological Radiochimica Acta, - (year - 2016)

71. Ekimova I., Schepetov D., Chichvarkhina O., Chichvarkhin A. Nudibranch molluscs of the genus Dendronotus Alder et Hancock, 1845 (Heterobranchia: Dendronotina) from Northwestern Sea of Japan with description of a new species Invertebrate Zoology, 13(1): 15–42 (year - 2015)

72. Ezhova O.V., Egorova E.A., Malakhov V.V. Преобразования осевого комплекса органов офиур как результат перемещения мадрепорита на оральную сторону Известия Российской академии наук. Серия биологическая., № 6. — С. 576–584. (year - 2015)

73. Fedyanina L.N. , E.S. Smertina, V.A. Lyakh, C.F. Zinatyllina Stability of Composition of Sulfated Polysaccharides and Brown Algae Alginic acids in Baked Goods – Criterion of its Efficiency as a Functional Ingredient Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, Vol. 12(Spl. Edn. 2), p. 83-90 (year - 2015)

74. Filaretov V. , A. Zhirabok, A. Zyev, A. Protsenko, I. Tuphanov, A. Scherbatyuk. Design and investigation of dead reckoning system with accommodation to sensors errors for autonomous underwater vehicle OCEANS MTS IEEE, Proceedings of the OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE Conference, October 19-22, 2015, Washington, USA. (year - 2015)

75. Golik S. S. , Ilyin A. A. , Babiy M. Yu. , Yu. S. Biryukova, T. M. Agapova, A. Yu. Mayor, O. A. Bukin, and Yu. N. Kulchin The Influence of Laser Pulse Repetition Rate on the Intensity of Spectral Lines in Femtosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of a Liquid Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 1044–1046 (year - 2015)

76. Golik S. S. , Ilyin A. A. , M. Yu. Babiy, Yu. S. Biryukova, V. V. Lisitsa, K.A. Shmirko Influence of laser pulse energy on emission lines intensity in the femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of iron in aqua solution Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9680, 96804A (year - 2015)

77. Golik S. S. , Ilyin A. A. , M. Yu. Babiy, Yu. S. Biryukova, V. V. Lisitsa, O. A. Bukin Determination of Iron in Water Solution by Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.17, No.11, Nov. 2015, p.975-978 (year - 2015)

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79. Grinchenko A.V., Trubetskaya E.V., Sokolnikova Yu.N. , Anisimova A.A., Kumeiko V.V. Activity of agglutination factors in hemolymph of the bivalves Modiolus kurilensis (Bernard, 1983) from different water areas of the Sea of Japan WIT Transactions Ecology and Enviromental, - (year - 2016)

80. I. V. Manzhulo, I. V. Dyuizen Neurochemical Changes in the Rostral Ventromedial Nucleus of the Medulla Oblongata in Rats with Developing Neuropathic Pain. Neurochemical Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 227–231. (year - 2015)

81. Ilyin A. A. , S. S. Golik, K. A. Shmirko Absorption and emission characteristics of femtosecond laser plasma filaments in the air Spectrochimica Acta Part B, V.112, p. 16–22 (year - 2015)

82. Ilyin A.A. , Golik S.S. , Shmirko K.A. Absorption of laser radiation by femtosecond laser-induced plasma of air and its emission characteristics Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9680, 96801Y (year - 2015)

83. Inzartsev Alexander , Valery Bobkov, Sergey Melman, Alexander Pavin Distributed Simulation Framework for Investigation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles’ Real-Time Behavior OCEANS MTS IEEE, Proceedings of the OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE Conference, October 19-22, 2015, Washington, USA (year - 2015)

84. Kadnikova I.A. , R. Costa, T.K. Kalenik, O.N. Guruleva, S. Yanguo Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of the Mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, Vol. 3, No. 8, 478-482 (year - 2015)

85. Kameneva P.A., Efimova K.V., Rybin V.G., Orlova T.Y. Detection of Dinophysistoxin-1 in Clonal Culture of Marine Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum foraminosum (Faust M.A., 1993) from the Sea of Japan Toxins, 7, 3947-3959 (year - 2015)

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87. Kamenskaya D.N., Pankova M.V., Atopkin D.M., Brykov V.A. Fish growth-hormone genes: evidence of functionality of paralogous genes in Levanidov’s charr Salvelinus levanidovi Molecular Biology, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 687–693 (year - 2015)

88. Kartavtsev Yu.Ph. Gene tree reticulations and genetic divergence. On solving concerns of neo-darwinism and DNA barcoding Mitochondrial DNA, - (year - 2015)

89. Kartavtsev Yuri Ph. , Batischeva Natalia М., Bogutskaya Nina G., Katugina Anna O., Hanzawa Naoto Molecular Systematics and DNA Barcoding of Altai Osmans, Oreoleuciscus (Pisces, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae), and Their Nearest Relatives, Inferred from Sequences of Cytochrome b (Cyt-b), Cytochrome Oxidase c (Co-1), and Complete Mitochondrial Genome Mitochondrial DNA, - (year - 2015)

90. Khozhaenko E. V. , R. Y. Khotimchenko, V. V. Kovalev, M. Y. Khotimchenko, E. A. Podkorytova Metal Binding Activity of Pectin Isolated from Seagrass Zostera marina and its Derivatives Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 485–489 (year - 2015)

91. Khristoforova N.K., Tsygankov V.Yu., Boyarova M.D., Lukyanova O.N. Heavy Metal Contents in the Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum, 1792 from Kuril Oceanic Waters during Anadromous Migration Russian Journal of Marine Biology, No. 6, Vol. 41, P. 479–484 (year - 2015)

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93. Kulchin Yu.N. , A.Yu. Mayor, D.Yu. Proschenko, A.Yu. Zhizhchenko, S.S. Golik, M.Yu. Babiy, A.G. Mirochnik Modification of a new polymer photorecording material based on PMMA doped with 2,2- difluoro-4-(9-antracyl)-6-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaborine by ultrashort pulses Quantum Electronics, 45 (5) 477 – 481 (year - 2015)

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97. Manzhulo Igor V. , Olga S. Ogurtsova, Nina E. Lamash, Nikolay A. Latyshev, Sergey P. Kasyanov, Inessa V. Dyuizen Analgetic effect of docosahexaenoic acid is mediated by modulatingthe microglia activity in the dorsal root ganglia in a rat model ofneuropathic pain. Acta Histochemica, Vol. 117, N7. P. 659-666 (year - 2015)

98. Mayor A.Yu. , Bukin О.А. , Proshenko D.Yu., Golik S.S. Investigation of features of processes raman and fluorescence sea water depending on the time characteristics of the excitation radiation Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9680, 968043 (year - 2015)

99. Mirochnik Anatolii , Petrochenkova Natalia , Alexander Shishov, Tatiana Emelina, Alexander Sergeev, Andrei Leonov Optical Amines and Ammonia Sensors Based on Europium(III) Luminescent Complexes Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 245. - P. 204-210. (year - 2016)

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101. Mironenko Alexander Y. , Sergeev Alexander A. , Alexander E. Nazirov, Andrei A. Leonov, Svetlana Y. Bratskaya, Sergey S. Voznesenskiy Sensitive Coatings for Luminescence Detection of Cu(II) in Solutions Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 245. - P. 243-246 (year - 2016)

102. Mordukhovich V., Atopkin D., Fadeeva N., Yagodina V., Zograf J. Admirandus multicavus and Adoncholaimus ussuriensis sp. n. Nematoda: Enoplida: Oncholaimidae) from the Sea of Japan Nematology, P. 1-16 (year - 2015)

103. Mordukhovich V.V., Fadeeva N.P., Semenchenko A.A. , Zograf J.K. New species of Pseudochromadora Daday, 1899 (Nematoda: Desmodoridae) from Russian Island (the Sea of Japan) Russian Journal of Nematology, Vol. 23, № 2 (year - 2015)

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105. Mühlenhardt-Siegel Ute , Lavrenteva Anna V. Selected species of the family Diastylidae (Cumacea, Peracarida, Crustacea) from the deep-sea of the NW Pacific ZOOTAXA, Vol. 3956 (3), 345-373 (year - 2015)

106. Nedashkovskaya O.I., Van Trappen S., Zhukova N.V., De Vos P. Lutibacter holmesii sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius and emended description of the genus Lutibacter International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, - (year - 2015)

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108. Obukhova A. L., Voronezhskaya E. E., Malakhov V. V. The Morphology of the Frontal Filaments in the Nauplii of Verruca stroemia (Müller, 1776) and Hesperibalanus hesperius (Pilsbry, 1916) (Cirripedia: Thoracica) Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 363–371. (year - 2015)

109. Odintsova N.A., Eliseikina M.G, Ryazanova T.V. Experimental Infection of King Crab Hemocytes with a Herpes-like virus in Culture Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 401–404 (year - 2015)

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112. Pavin Alexander , Alexander Inzartsev, Grigoriy Eliseenko, Oleg Lebedko, Mikhail Panin A Reconfigurable Web-based Simulation Environment for AUV -, Proceedings of the OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE Conference, October 19-22, 2015, Washington, USA (year - 2015)

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115. Rybalkina O. Yu. , N. N. Ermakova, T. G. Razina, E. P. Zueva, E. G. Skurikhin, M. Yu. Khotimchenko, R. Yu. Khotimchenko Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 41(5), pp 389-396 (year - 2015)

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118. Shmirko Konstantin , Alexey Bobrikov, Andrey Pavlov Atmospheric correction of satellite data Proceedings of SPIE, vol 9680, CID 9680 3B (year - 2015)

119. Shoshin A.V., Shoshina E.A. , Zograf J.K. The types of supplements in the family Tobrilidae (Nematoda, Enoplia) Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), 81 – 90 (year - 2015)

120. Silchenko A.S., Kalinovsky A.I., Avilov S.A., Andryjaschenko P.V., Dmitrenok P.S., Kalinin V.I., Yurchenko E.A., Dolmatov I.Yu. Colochirosides B1, B2, B3 and C, novel sulfated triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Colochirus robustus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida) Natural Product Communications, V. 10, № 10. P. 1687-1694. (year - 2015)

121. Silchenko A.S., Kalinovsky A.I., Avilov S.A., Andryjaschenko P.V., Dmitrenok P.S., Kalinin V.I., Yurchenko E.A., Dolmatov I.Yu. Colochirosides A1, A2, A3, and D, Four Novel Sulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus robustus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida) Natural Product Communications, V. 11, N 3. P. 381-387. (year - 2015)

122. Silchenko A.S., Kalinovsky A.I., Avilov S.A., Andryjaschenko P.V., Dmitrenok P.S., Yurchenko E.A.,Dolmatov I.Yu., Kalinin V. I. Structures and biological activities of cladolosides C3, E1, E2, F1, F2, G, H1 and H2, eight triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii with one known and four new carbohydrate chains Carbohydrate Research, V. 414, P. 22-31 (year - 2015)

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129. Tsygankov V. Yu., Boyarova M. D. , Lukyanova O. N. Bioaccumulation of persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by gray whale and Pacific walrus from the western part of the Bering Sea Marine Pollution Bulletin, V. 99. P. 235-239 (year - 2015)

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131. Tsygankov V.Yu. , Boyarova M.D. Sample Preparation Method for the Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Aquatic Organisms by Gas Chromatography Achievements in the Life Sciences, V. 9, P. 65–68 (year - 2015)

132. Tuphanov Igor , Sherbatyuk Alexander A centralized planner considering task spatial configuration for a group of marine vehicles: field test results IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September 28 – October 03, 2015, Hamburg, Germany. (year - 2015)

133. Turanov S.V. , Kartavtsev Yu. Ph., Lee Y.-H. , Jeong D Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction and taxonomic investigation of eelpouts (Cottoidei: Zoarcales) based on Co-1 and Cyt-b mitochondrial genes Mitochondrial DNA, - (year - 2016)

134. Veselovskii I., Whiteman D. N., Korenskiy M., Suvorina A, Perez-Ramirez D Use of rotational Raman measurements in multiwavelength aerosol lidar for evaluation of particle backscattering and extinction Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol.8 4111– 4122 (year - 2015)

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148. GUZEEVA E.A., ZOGRAF J.K., SPIRIDONOV S.E. Morphological and molecular differences of two Binema (Thelastomatoidea) from the African mole cricket Gryllotalpa africana Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), 155 (year - 2015)

149. Kartavtsev Y.Ph. Genetic introgression between species: resolving challenges to Neo-Darwinism and DNA barcoding Genome, Vol. 58, P. 236. (year - 2015)

150. Kartavtsev Yu. Ph., Batishcheva N.М., Bogutskaya N.G., Katugina A.O., Hanzawa N. Molecular systematics and DNA barcoding of Altai osmans, Oreoleuciscus (Pisces, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae), and nearest relatives, as revealed by sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt-b), cytochrome oxidase c (Co-1), and complete mitochondrial genome Modern Achievements in Population, Evolutionary, and Ecological Genetics: International Symposium, Vladivostok – Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 1–10, 2015: Program & Abstracts., Vladivostok, 2015, p.35. (year - 2015)

151. Kartavtsev Yu.Ph. Gene introgression between species and gene tree reticulations: are these events challenged Neo-Darwinism and DNA barcoding? Modern Achievements in Population, Evolutionary, and Ecological Genetics: International Symposium, Vladivostok – Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 1–10, 2015: Program & Abstracts. –, Vladivostok, 2015, p.34. (year - 2015)

152. Katugina A.O., Kartavtsev Yu.Ph., Nikitin V.D., Dzen G.N., Hapochkin E.E., Bogutskaya N.G. Comparative genetic analysis of three species of far eastern dace of the genus Tribolodon (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) based on some morphological and genetical traits Modern Achievements in Population, Evolutionary, and Ecological Genetics: International Symposium, Vladivostok – Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 1–10, 2015: Program & Abstracts., Vladivostok, 2015, p.38. (year - 2015)

153. Kostetsky E., Velansky P. , Vorobyeva N., Sanina N. , Stenkova A. Fatty acid composition of main phospholipids and neutral lipids from muscle clam Modiolus kurilensis, inhabiting in different water areas of the Peter the Great Gulf WIT Transactions Ecology and Enviromental, - (year - 2016)

154. Lukyanova O.N., Tsygankov V.Yu., Boyarova M.D., Khristoforova N.K. Persistent organic pollutants in the Russian food chain Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants in North Pacific and Polar Regions . Dalian, China, - (year - 2015)

155. Masalkova N.А., Kartavtsev Y.Ph., Katolikova М.V., Sharina S.N., Chichvarkhina О.V. Genetic and morphometric variability and hybridization of two species of mussels, Mytilus trossulus and Mytilus galloprovincialis, in the north-west of Sea of Japan Modern Achievements in Population, Evolutionary, and Ecological Genetics: International Symposium, Vladivostok – Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 1–10, 2015: Program & Abstracts., Vladivostok, 2015, p.45. (year - 2015)

156. Mirochnik A. , Petrochenkova N. , Shishov A. , Emelina T. , Sergeev A. , Leonov A. Supramolecular lanthanide-containing luminescent structures for ammonia and amine vapours detection Proceeding of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), c. 363-364 (year - 2015)

157. Mironenko A.Y. , Sergeev A.A. , Nazirov A.E. , Leonov A.A. , Bratskaya S.Y. , Voznesenskiy S.S. Sensitive coatings for luminescence detection of Cu(II) in solutions Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), c. 337-338 (year - 2015)

158. MORDUKHOVICH V.V., FADEEVA N.P., SEMENCHENKO A.A., ZOGRAF J.K Putative new species of Pseudochromadora Daday, 1899 (Nematoda, Desmodoridae) from Russkiy Island (the Sea of Japan) Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), 162 (year - 2015)

159. MORDUKHOVICH V.V., FADEEVA N.P., YAGODINA V.D., ZOGRAF J.K. Description of Adoncholaimus sp. and redescription of Admirandus multicavus Belogurov et Belogurova, 1979 (Oncholaimidae: Adoncholaimidae) from Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), p. 162 (year - 2015)

160. Odintsova N.A., Eliseikina M.G, Ryazanova T.V. Experimental Infection of King Crab Hemocytes with a Herpes-like virus in Culture Abstracts of the International Conference «Cell cultures of marine and fresh-water animals», 2015, September 8-10, Marine Biological Station «Vostok», Vladivostok, Russia., P. 17. (year - 2015)

161. TREBUKHOVA YU.A., PAVLYUK O.N., ZOGRAF J.K. The community of free-living marine nematodes in the area of South Kirinsky gas and condensate field (continental slope of the Sakhalin Island, the Sea of Okhotsk) Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), p. 168 (year - 2015)

162. Tsygankov V.Yu., Boyarova M.D., Tyupeleev P.A., Shcherbakov I.А., Lukyanova O.N., Khristoforova N.K. Persistent organic pollutants in the food chain: Salmon, seabirds and marine mammals from the North-West Pacific (Russian Far East) Change and Sustainability of the North Pacific: PICES 2015 Annual meeting (конференция). Qingdao, China, - (year - 2015)

163. Yushin V.V. An overview on male gametes of Ecdysozoa Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), P. 170 (year - 2015)

164. Zhukova N.V., Eliseikina M.G., Balakirev E.S, Ayala F.J. Evolutionary novelty: symbiosis of nudibranch mollusk with denitrifying and diazotrophic bacteria From molecules to Macrophysiology. The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, 23-28 August 2015, Krakow, Poland. P. 373. (year - 2015)

165. Zograf J. K., Trebukhova Yu. A., Pavlyuk O. N. Description of a new species of Phanodermopsis sp.n. (Enoplida, Phanodermatidae) from the far eastern seas 11th International Nematological Symposium Nematodes and other Ecdysozoa. July 06-11,2015, Cheboksary, Russia Abstracts, с.60 (year - 2015)

166. Zograf J.K., Guzeeva E.A. Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of hair-worm Gordionus alpestris (Villot, 1885) (Parachordodidae, Chordodoidea). Russian journal of nematology, 23(2), p.170 (year - 2015)

167. Zograf J.K., Yakovlev K.V. Ultrastructural study of MSP localisation in free-living nematodes Russian Journal of Nematology, 23 (2), p. 171 (year - 2015)

168. Леонов А.А., Назиров А.Е. , А.А. Сергеев, А.Ю. Мироненко, С.С. Вознесенский Полимерные нанокомпозитные структуры для регистрации ионов меди в водных растворах МАТЕРИАЛЫ V ВСЕРОССИЙСКОЙ С МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫМ УЧАСТИЕМ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ И ШКОЛЫ ДЛЯ МОЛОДЫХ УЧЕНЫХ «МАКРОМОЛЕКУЛЯРНЫЕ НАНООБЪЕКТЫ И ПОЛИМЕРНЫЕ НАНОКОМПОЗИТЫ», с. 43 (year - 2015)

Annotation of the results obtained in 2016
New data on the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosol are obtained together with the confirmation of theoretical estimations to improve the effectiveness of lidar sensing using a new design of the lidar. Developed within the framework of the project statistical method of backward traetory possible to obtain the spatial distribution of aerosol fields and its main sources. Instrumental versions of the fluorescent lidar and optical system for the registration of organic films on the sea surface are optimized. Developed the technology of phytoplankton cell cross section size evaluation by spectral form of backscatter coefficients. Evaluation of the accuracy of calculation of current velocities on the basis of satellite data is executed. According to the task of evaluating the depth of quasi-homogeneous layer, developed the technology of computation sea layer by satellite estimations current velocities. Mathematical models of microalgae reactions that take into account the temperature dependence of the fluorescence spectra were built. Laboratory models of chemosensory cells based on biopolymer nanocomposite systems for the registration of the physical and chemical parameters of water environment have been created. Informative signs of sensory response, the registration of which provides increased sensitivity, selectivity and reliability of the measurement system were identified. The method of automated mission planning and algorithms correction of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) trajectories in carrying out monitoring in the waters and sea bottoms of different types is developed. Worked out methods of measuring the parameters of the water environment with a given accuracy through the use of AUV groups. Approach to a centralized planning for AUV group operation using for search of local heterogeneities in given aquatic area is investigated. It leads to decreasing of common mission execution time. Adaptive method for AUV visual navigation using the sequence of photo images is developed. This method allows to improve the precision of the AUV positioning and to decrease the computational demand for the real time system operation. A prototype of an intelligent monitoring and emergency system for autonomous underwater robots are developed to improve the reliability performance of the long-term missions. The design principles and implementation of a reconfigurable real-time software platform designed for data exchange between software modules of unmanned underwater and surface vehicles are investigated. Using autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles, the new methods for counting of certain species of aquatic organisms with assessment of their linear dimensions were developed and the population status of marine commercial species have been monitored in the bottom in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan and in the Chukchi Sea. The main biotopes for these ecosystems have been described. It has been shown that the productivity of the benthic communities of the Bay of Peter the Great was lower significantly compared to the Chukchi Sea. A considerable level of anthropogenic load in Peter the Great Bay has been evaluated. The monitoring of toxin-producing algae of phytoplankton from Sea of Japan has been carried out. The seasonal dynamics of diarrheic shellfish poisoning toxins in tissues of the mussels from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan have been studied. The morphologic and taxonomic biodiversity of the important invertebrate benthic species from Far Eastern seas of Russia (vestimentifera, mussels, crustaceans, echinoiderms, nematods, polychaets, etc.). High level of the benthic community biodiversity in the deep-sea trenches of the Sea of Japan have been detected (201 new species from 621 founded species). A fragment of cytochrome c oxidase was used to assess whether species of the squid family Gonatidae from the North Pacific could be identified using DNA barcoding approach. Pairwise intra- and interspecific p-distances have been assessed, and systematic relationships among species has been estimated by NJ analysis. The genetic variability distribution of two mtDNA segments of chum salmon and Sakhalin taimen has been examined in populations of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. It has been determined the average and the range of the immune system status for bivalves affected by viral and bacterial infection and abiotic factors. It has been suggested using of hematological criteria in assessing the health status of bivalves. The expression of genes associated with the induction of pigment differentiation has been analyzed for the sea urchin during embryonic and larval development in vivo and in cell culture. It has been shown that the level of the gene expression during the gastrula stage was increased significantly. It has been considered as first evidence that the pigment differentiation in cell culture was affected by environmental conditions not by matrix. On the fatty-acid analyze it has been shown that the commerce and cultivated clams were divided into two groups and 5 subgroups with different nutritional requirements. It has been shown that the mollusks which feed on phytoplankton was the most perspective species for using in aquaculture. On the basis of nuclear (ITS), plastid (rbcLS) and mitochondrial (COI) DNA sequence data, the genetic composition of typical brown algae and their morphological varieties have been analyzed. The nucleotide variability in the complete bindin locus, including two exons and one intron, in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius represented by two morphological forms have been studied. The complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced in two individuals of the Amur sculpin, yellow-spotted grayling Thymallus flavomaculatus, stone char Salvelinus kuznetzovi. The thermotropic behavior and the molecular species composition of major phospholipids of the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and marine algae from Far Eastern seas of Russia have been studied. Experimental studies focused on isolation of innovative drug prototypes based of biologically active compounds from marine species were carried out. With the use of the tumor cell culture, extracts of more than 100 deep water animals were tested. The results suggested several promising sources for further isolation and elaboration of substances possessing antitumor properties. Technologies purposed for synthesis of the more active and less toxic derivatives of natural compounds exerting anti-tumors effects were developed using the medicinal chemistry approach. Complex investigation of the neuroprotective influence of the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were performed. It was figured out that oral intake of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid lead to very valuable health benefits. Administration of DHA prevents cognitive dysfunctions, reduces signs of neuroinflammation, and decrease accumulation of beta-42 amyloid responsible for development of Alzheimer’s disease. The results of clinical trials showed that alkyl-glyceroles isolated from the commander squid exert neuroprotective effects. Administration of alkyl-glycerols leads to reduced neurodegenerative alterations in brain and activated antioxidant activity. Manufacturing technologies for functional food products from such marine species as sea algae Ulva lactuca, Undaria pinnatifida, and Costaria costata, sea jelly-fish Aurelia aurita and Rhopilema asamushi, sea mollusk Anadara broughtonii were developed. Biological and nutritional value of these products were experimentally confirmed. Morphological peculiarities of larval development in far-eastern sea cucumber, scallop, and red king crab were studied. It was studied that specialization of cells of digestive epithelium begins during metamorphosis. Digestive tube is divided on functional parts only in one-month-old juveniles. Transcriptome sequencing of larva from some developmental stages in far-eastern sea cucumber, scallop, and red king crab was realized. The two types of viruses, some bacteria and microsporidia were identified in red king crab. The cells of epithelium of antennal gland are the targets for viral infection. The ways of inoculation of viruses in the body of the king crabs were studied. Under the experimental conditions was shown the inoculation of viruses through the organs of the respiration and excretion. Bacteria cause the necrosis of the hepatopancreas tissues. Microsporidia affected the muscle cells of the king crabs. The lyses and destruction of the body wall of Apostichopus japonicus were caused by the Gramm-negative bacteria. Infection was accompanied by the depression of the constitutive immunity. In particularly in the reduction of the amount of differentiated the amount of immunocompetent cells and humoral factors of immunity such as mannan-binding C-lectins in the coelomic fluid. The mitochondrial and nuclear markers of the scallop associated with resistance to low temperatures and another factors were studied from the most northern localities of the Okhotsk and Japan Sea. The DNA sample specimens of sea cucumbers from Primorye were studied with the aim of identifying genetic markers associated with growth rate. The synthesis of new, highly selective hitozanferrotsianidnyh sorbents for extraction and concentration of 134Cs and 137Cs radionuclides from highly mineralized environments, including seawater, was designed. Radionuclides sorption mechanism was studied. A new method for rapid concentration Cs anthropogenic radionuclides from seawater was designed. Methods for determining heavy metals using neutron acti-vative analysis ampulnam neutron source based on CA-252 was developed. Thane-developed technique of Cs-133 in the selective determination of the sorbent by the NAA Was developed. The methods for reducing matrix effects in neutron activation analysis was designed. Expeditions on the sampling of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan was conducted. The estimation of metals pollution in brown algae-macrophytes was spended. The content of HCH, DDT and its metabolites in salmon was determined. The Sea of Okhotsk as a region for the development of aquaculture of Pacific salmon was evaluated. Detected oxidative stress in bivalves organs from areas of chronic anthropogenic pollution of the Sea of Japan. Integrated biochemical index of organisms from the bais of experiencing chronic anthropogenic load was calculated. The transport of metals on the plankton food chain - bivalves, filter feeders was studied. The ranges of concentrations of hydrocarbons in the marine waters of the Bering, Okhotsk, Sea of Japan was determined. The content of petroleum hydrocarbons and PAH in the water and marine animals was determined. Designed index of " technogenic", shows the degree of sample contamination by hydrocarbons of anthropogenic origin. Microbiological analysis of water Sea of Japan bays showed contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. It was found that 53% of the bacteria isolated strains from the coastal waters of the Sakhalins south capable of degrading crude oil fraction. On the basis of the taxonomic affiliation of microorganisms was determined the effect of heavy metals on the nature of the changes of the structural organization of cells. The fatty acid composition of a marine bacterial taxa of different cells was studied. For cells of bacteria genera Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium characterized by a certain set of fatty acids, not changing under the influence of anthropogenic load. The comparative characteristic properties of bacteria from pure and chronic contaminated areas was determined. The composition of bacterial communities mussels Gray Crenomytilus grayanus and grass shrimp Pandalus kessleri was studied. The selection and description of new species of nematodes was conducted. The data on the ratio of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the tissues of the nematode was obtained. A setting of assimilation numbers in the bays of the East, Posiet et al. was established. The concentration of nutrients was determined. The volume of primary production of phytoplankton in the waters of the Amur Bay was culculated, the estimation of "excess" of phytoplankton biomass was obtained. The calculation of assimilation number of phytoplankton and primary pro-induction Bay East was pro-duced.



1. A. A. Ilyin, S. S. Golik, M. Yu. Babiy, Yu. S. Biryukova, V. V. Lisitsa Investigation of laser plasma temperature and spectral line broadening in femtosecond laser plasma on the surface of barium water solution Proc. SPIE, - (year - 2016)

2. A.V. Bulanov, I.G. Nagorny, A.V. Storozhenko Features of optical breakdown of liquid under the action of ultrasound Physics Procedia, - (year - 2017)

3. Adrianov, A. V., & Maiorova, A. S. Condyloderes kurilensis sp. nov. (kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida)—a new deep water species from the abyssal plain near the kuril-kamchatka trench Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 42(1), 11-19 (year - 2016)

4. Aleksanina M.G., Eremenko A.S., Zagumennov A.A., Kachur V.A. Eddies in the Ocean and Atmosphere: Identification by Satellite Imagery Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 620–628 (year - 2016)

5. Anisimova A.A., Lukyanova O.N., Chaika V.V., Kalitnik A.A., Danilenko S.A., Kuznetsov V.L., Golokhvast K.S. Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Some Histological and Biochemical Parameters in Marine Bivalves Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) and Swiftopecten swifti (Bernardi, 1858) Nano Hybrids and Composites, Vol. 13, pp. 225-231. (year - 2017)

6. Balakirev E.S., Parensky V.A., Kovalev M. Yu., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the stone char Salvelinus kuznetzovi (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B, Vol. 1, № 1, С. 312-313. (year - 2016)

7. Balakirev E.S., Pavlyuchkov V.A., Anisimova M., Ayala F.J. DNA polymorphism and selection at the bindin locus in three Strongylocentrotus sp. (Echinoidea) BMC Genetics, 10.1186/s12863-016-0374-5 (year - 2016)

8. Balakirev E.S., Romanov N.S., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the yellow-spotted grayling Thymallus flavomaculatus (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2016b. Vol. 1, № 1, С. 318-319. (year - 2016)

9. Balakirev E.S., Saveliev P.A., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Amur sculpin Cottus szanaga (Cottoidei: Cottidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, Vol. 1, № 1, С. 337-338. (year - 2016)

10. Brykhovetskiy I., Lyakhova I., Mischenko P., Milkina E., Zaitsev S., KhotimchenkoY., Brykhovetskiy A., Polevshikov A., Kudryavtsev I., KhotimchenkoM., Zhidkov M. Alkaloids of fascaplysin are effective conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, inhibiting the proliferation of C6 glioma cells and causing their death in vitro Oncology Letters, Pulished online (year - 2016)

11. Buzoleva L.S. , Bogatyrenko E.A., Eskova A.I., Kim A.V., Dolmatova E.S., Golosubova Yu.S. Таксономический состав и эколого-трофическая структура бактериальных сообществ прибрежных акваторий японского моря с разной антропогенной нагрузкой Гидробиологический журнал, № 4, Т.52, С. 72-81 (year - 2016)

12. Buzoleva L.S., Kim A.V., Kompanets,G.G., Bogatyrenko E.A. Проявление патогенных свойств у морских бактерий под влиянием антропогенного загрязнения Экология человека, Т. 44, № 03, С. 30-36 (year - 2016)

13. Bystritskaya E., Stenkova A., Chistuylin D., Chernysheva N., Khomenko V., Anastyuk S., Novikova O., Rakin A., Isaeva M. Adaptive responses of outer membrane porin balance of Yersinia ruckeri under different incubation temperature, osmolarity, and oxygen availability MicrobiologyOpen, Vol. 5, Is. 4, P. 597-603 (year - 2016)

14. Chaban, E. M., & Chernyshev, A. V. Первая находка Smaragdinella sieboldi A.Adams, 1864 (Opisthobranchia: Haminoeidae) в Южно-Китайском море (Вьетнам) с переописанием вида Биология моря, Т. 42, № 4. С. 311-316. (year - 2016)

15. Chaban, E. M., & Chernyshev, A. V. The first finding of smaragdinella sieboldi A. adams, 1864 (opisthobranchia: Haminoeidae) in the south china sea with description of the anatomy of the species Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 42(4), 362-367 (year - 2016)

16. Cherniaev, A.P., Kondakova A.S., Zyk E.N. Contents of 4-Nonylphenol in Surface Sea Water of Amur Bay (Japan/East Sea) Achievements in the Life Sciences, Vol. 10, Is. 1, P. 65-71 (year - 2016)

17. Chernyshev A.V., Zaslavskaya N.I. Sharina S.N. Nipponacmea fuscoviridis (Teramachi, 1949) (Gastropoda: Lottiidae) – новый для фауны России вид морских блюдечек Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества, вып. 20, № 1, с. 77–82 (year - 2016)

18. Chernyshev, A. V., & Chaban, E. M. Japonactaeon nipponensis (Yamakawa, 1911) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) – единственный представитель семейства Acteonidae в фауне России с описанием нового подвида Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества, вып. 20, № 1, с. 83-91 (year - 2016)

19. Chernyshev, A.V. Nemerteans of the coastal waters of Vietnam Biodiversity of the Western Part of the South China Sea. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, P. 279–314. (year - 2016)

20. Chichvarkhin A., Ekimova I., Chalenko K., Schepetov D., Chichvarkhina O., Valdes A. Placida babai (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa) в российских водах Японского моря Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества, вып. 20, № 1, с. 44–56 (year - 2016)

21. Chichvarkhin Anton, Olga Chichvarkhina, Irina Ekimova, Karina Chalenko First record of nudibranch mollusk Onchidoris muricata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) in the Sea of Japan and its ephemeral population associated with unusual prey Marine Biodiversity, - (year - 2016)

22. Chichvarkhin, A. Y., Chichvarkhin, O. V., & Kartavtsev, Y. P. Janolus fuscus O’Donoghue, 1924 (gastropoda: Proctonotidae), a species of a nudibranch family that is new to the marine fauna of russia Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 42(1), 20-25 (year - 2016)

23. Dobrynina E.V., Yuferova A.A., Kalenik T.K. Обоснование и разработка комбинированных продуктов питания из неиспользуемых видов дальневосточных водорослей и сцифоидной медузы Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета, № 7 (118). С. 145-153. (year - 2016)

24. Dolgikh G.I., Budrin S.S., Ovcharenko V.V., Plotnikov A.A. Особенности распространения акустических волн на шельфе убывающей глубины Доклады академии наук, Т. 470, № 1, С. 95-98 (year - 2016)

25. Dolgikh G.I., Budrin S.S., Ovcharenko V.V., Plotnikov A.A. Peculiarities of Spreading of Acoustic Waves over a Shelf with Decreasing Depth Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 470, № 1, pp. 95-98 (year - 2016)

26. Dolgikh G.I., Dolgikh S.G., Chupin V.A., Yu-Hung Hsiao The Nature of Terrestrial Infragravitational "Noise" Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 471, Part 2, pp. 1257-1260 (year - 2016)

27. Dolgikh G.I., Dolgikh S.G., Chupin V.A., Yu-Hung Hsiao О природе инфрагравитационного "шума" Земли Доклады академии наук, Т. 471,№ 4, С. 470-474 (year - 2016)

28. Dolgikh G.I., Plotnikov A.A. Лазерно-интерференционный приемник градиента давления Приборы и техника эксперимента, № 6, С. 125-126 (year - 2016)

29. Dolgikh S.G., Budrin S.S., Plotnikov A.A. Compensation for the Temperature Effect on Operation of Laser Interferometers Instruments and Experimental Techniques, Vol. 59, # 3, pp. 481-482 (year - 2016)

30. Dolgikh S.G., Budrin S.S., Plotnikov A.A. Компенсация воздействия температуры на работу лазерных интерферометров Приборы и техника эксперимента, № 3, С. 147-148 (year - 2016)

31. Dolmatov I.Yu., Ginanova T.T., Frolova L.T. Digestive system formation during the metamorphosis and definitive organogenesis in Apostichopus japonicus Zoomorphology, - (year - 2016)

32. Drugova E.S., Merzlyakov V.Y., Rushnerova N.F., Fomenko S.E., Sprygin V.G., Momot T.V., Lesknikova L.N. Восстановление метаболических реакций печени крыс экстрактом из морской бурой водоросли Saccharina japonica при интоксикации четыреххлористым углеродом Символ науки, №9. С. 9-12 (year - 2016)

33. Dubrovin F.S., Scherbatyuk A.Ph. О методе оценивания точности работы одномаяковой мобильной навигационной системы подводного аппарата с помощью водного аппарата, оснащенного DGPS Подводные исследования и робототехника, №1, 2016 (year - 2016)

34. Dyachuk, V.A. Hematopoiesis in Bivalvia larvae: Cellular origin, differentiation of hemocytes, and neoplasia Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 65:253-7 (year - 2016)

35. Dyakov S.E., Kachur V.A. Построение композиционных карт температуры поверхности океана, ориентированных на сохранение термических структур Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования земли из космоса, Т.13, №2, С. 84-94 (year - 2016)

36. Efimova, K. V., Orlova, T. Y., & Brykov, V. A. Molecular genetic identification of a new tisochrysis lutea (bendif et probert, 2013) strain isolated from the russian coastal waters of the sea of japan Microbiology (Russian Federation), 85(3), 325-332 (year - 2016)

37. Egorin A.M., Palamarchuk M.S., Turner E.A., Tutov M.V. , Azarova Yu. A., Tananaev I.G., Avramenko V.A. Извлечение 137Cs из морской воды c использованием резорцинформальдегидной смолы Радиохимия, - (year - 2017)

38. Ekimova I., Valdes A., Schepetov D., Chichvarkhin A. Was Gordon Robilliard right? Integrative systematics suggests that Dendronotus diversicolor Robilliard, 1970 is a valid species Canadian Journal of Zoology, DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2016-0096 (year - 2016)

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121. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Zvereva A.A., Kilin K.N., Sergeev A.A., Sergeeva K.A., Nepomnyaschiy A.V., Voznesenskiy S.S., Ustinov A.Yu Characterization and photocatalytic activity of SiO2, FeOx coatings formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium Surface & Coatings Technology, - (year - 2016)

122. Veselovskii I., Goloub P., Podvin T., Bovchaliuk V., Derimian Y., Augustin P., Fourmentin M., Tanre D., Korenskiy M., Whiteman D. N., Diallo A., Ndiaye T., Kolgotin A., Dubovik O. Retrieval of optical and physical properties of African dust from multiwavelength Raman lidar measurements during the SHADOW campaign in Senegal Atmos. Chem. Phys, 16, 7013–7028 (year - 2016)

123. Voznesenskiy S. S. , A. Yu. Popik, E. L. Gamayunov, T. Y. Orlova, Z. V. Markina Оптические биосенсоры на основе клеток микроводорослей в экологическом мониторинге водных сред Вестник ДВО РАН, Т. 4, № 188, с. 43-46. (year - 2016)

124. Voznesenskiy S. S., Popik A. Yu., Gamayunov E. L., Markina Z. V., Orlova T. Y. The dependence of phytoplankton fluorescence on the thermal stress factor Biophysics, Volume 61, № 1, pp 73–77 (year - 2016)

125. Yakovenko S.V., Budrin S.S., Dolgikh S.G., Chupin V.A., Shvets V.A. Гидрофизический лазерно-интерференционный комплекс Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ. Физико-математические науки., - (year - 2017)

126. Yakovenko S.V., Budrin S.S., Dolgikh S.G., Chupin V.A., Shvets V.A. A Hydrophysical Laser-Interference Complex Instruments and Experimental Techniques, № 2, pp/121-126 (year - 2016)

127. Yu. S. Biryukova, S. S. Golik, A. A. Ilyin, M. Yu. Babiy, V. V. Lisitsa, T. M. Agapova Influence of energy and repetition rate of the femtosecond laser pulses on the spectral and temporal characteristics of plasma in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of aqueous solutions Proc. SPIE, - (year - 2016)

128. Yushin V.V., Claeys M., Bert W. U Ultrastructural immunogold localization of major sperm protein (MSP) in spermatogenic cells of the nematode Acrobeles complexus (Nematoda, Rhabditida) Micron, Vol. 89. P. 43-55. (year - 2016)

129. Анисимова А.А., Пономарёва А.Л., Гринченко А.В., Кирсанова И.А., Кравченко Д.Н. Состав и сезонная динамика клеточной популяции гемоцитов двустворчатого моллюска Corbicula japonica Prime (1864) в эстуарии р. Киевка (бассейн Японского моря) Биология моря, - (year - 2017)

130. Денисенко Ю.К. , Т.П. Новгородцева, Н.В. Жукова, М.В. Антонюк, Е.Г. Лобанова, Е.П. Калинина АССОЦИАЦИЯ МЕТАБОЛИЗМА ЖИРНЫХ КИСЛОТ С СИСТЕМНОЙ ВОСПАЛИТЕЛЬНОЙ РЕАКЦИЕЙ ПРИ ХРОНИЧЕСКИХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯХ ОРГАНОВ ДЫХАНИЯ Биомедицинская химия, том 62, вып. 3, с. 341-347 (year - 2016)

131. Звягинцев А.Ю., Санамян К.Э., Туранов С.В., Картавцев Ю.Ф. КОЛОНИАЛЬНАЯ АСЦИДИЯ DIDEMNUM VEXILLUM KOTT, 2002 – ЧУЖЕРОДНЫЙ ВИД В ЗАЛИВЕ ПЕТРА ВЕЛИКОГО (ЯПОНСКОЕ МОРЕ) Российский Журнал Биологических Инвазий, № 2 2016, с. 49-59 (year - 2016)

132. Карасева Н.П., Римская-Корсакова Н.Н., Галкин С.В., Малахов В.В. Таксономия, географическое и батиметрическое распространение вестиментифер (Annelida, Siboglinidae) Зоологический журнал, Т. 95. № 6. С. 624-659 (year - 2016)

133. Чичвархин А.Ю., Екимова И.А., Егорова Е.Л., Чичвархина О.В. Видовая принадлежность ассоциированного с раками-отшельниками голожаберного моллюска рода Cuthona Alder et Hancock, 1855 (Gastropoda: Tergipedidae) из Японского моря Биология моря, Т. 42. V. 6. C. 449-457. (year - 2016)

134. Chandrasekhar S. Prostereoisomerism and biological activity: Possible implications for drug design Turkish Journal of Chemistry., Volume 40, Issue 4, Pages 535-545 (year - 2016)

135. Khotimchenko Y.S. Tyrosinase inhibitors from marine algae British Journal of Dermatology, Vol. 175, issue 3, P. 457-458. (year - 2016)

136. Labutin Timur A. , Vasily N. Lednev, Alexey A. Ilyin, Andrey M. Popov Femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, №1, Т.31, С.90-118 (year - 2016)

137. Voznesenskiy S. S., Popik A. Yu., Gamayunov E. L., Markina Z. V., Orlova T. Y., Kulchin Yu.N. Biosensors Based on Micro-algae for Ecological Monitoring of the Aquatic Environment Algae - Organisms for Imminent Biotechnology; InTech, Rijeka, Chapter 5, pp 103–131 (year - 2016)

138. Ковалев Н.Н., Крыжановский С.П. , Кузнецова Т.А. , Костецкий Э.Я., Беседнова Н.Н. Морские ежи: биомедицинские аспекты практического применения Дальнаука: Владивосток, 128 с. (year - 2016)

139. Lukyanova O.N., Valova V.N. Kovekovdova L.T., Popkov A.A. Оценка качества среды обитания и состояния осетровых рыб в аквакультуре (Приморский край) Экология родного края: проблемы и пути решения: Сб. материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, С. 379-383 (year - 2016)

140. Sergeev A.A. , A.Yu. Mironenko, M.V. Tutov, A.A. Leonov, S.S. Voznesenskiy Люминесцентные хемосенсорные структуры для регистрации ионов металлов в водной среде Сборник трудов IX Международной конференции «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики – 2016». Санкт-Петербург. 17-21 октября 2016, с. 308-310 (year - 2016)

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144. - Таксономическая характеристика и некоторые физиолого-биохимические свойства культивируемых гетеротрофов, выделенных из акваторий с разной антропогенной нагрузкой -, Свидетельство об официальной регистрации №2016621429 от 24.10.2016 (year - )

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146. Buzoleva L.S., Kim A.V., Eskova A.I. , Bogatyrenko E.A. Таксономическая характеристика и некоторые физиолого-биохимические свойства культивируемых гетеротрофов, выделенных из акваторий с разной антропогенной нагрузкой Свидетельство о государственной регистрации базы данных, - (year - 2016)

147. A. Yu. Mayor, D. Yu. Proschenko, Yu. A. Shchipunov, I. V. Postnova, S. S. Golik, A. A. Podlesnyih The influence of titanium dioxide to nonlinear optical properties of carbon quantum dots Proc. SPIE, - (year - 2016)

148. Bobkov V.A., Mashentsev V.Yu., Tolstonogov A.Yu., Scherbatyuk A.Ph. Adaptive Method for AUV Navigation Using Stereo Vision Proceedings of the 26th ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, - (year - 2016)

149. Inzartsev A., Pavin A., Kleschev A., Gribova V., Eliseenko G. Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Fault Diagnostics of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Proceedings of the OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, Monterey, California, USA, - (year - 2016)

150. Mayor A.Yu. , S.S. Golik, I.G. Nagorniy, D.YU. Proschenko Пробоотборник для подводного лазерного искрового спектрометра III Международная научно-практическая конференция "Наука и просвещение", С.78-82 (year - 2016)

151. Pavin A.M., Inzartsev A.V., Eliseenko G.D. Reconfigurable Distributed Software Platform for a Group of UUVs (Yet Another Robot Platform) Proceedings of the OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, Monterey, California, USA, - (year - 2016)

152. Scherbatyuk A., Dubrovin F. About Accuracy Estimation of AUV Single-Beacon Mobile Navigation Using ASV, Equipped with DGPS Proceedings of the OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Conference, Shanghai, China, - (year - 2016)

153. Scherbatyuk A.Ph., Sporyshev M.S. Comparison of Some Algorithms for Centralized Planning of AUV Group Operation for Local Heterogeneities Survey Proceedings of the OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Conference, Shanghai, China, - (year - 2016)

154. - Черви помогут искать нефть на Сахалине SakhalinMedia, - (year - )

155. - В России нашли новый способ разведки нефти Вести. Экономика, - (year - )

156. - В Приморье научились искать нефть с помощью червей Российская газета, - (year - )

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Annotation of the results obtained in 2017
The problem of estimating the backscattering coefficients and calculating the biomass of phytoplankton has been solved, and a technique has been developed for automatically extracting and analyzing vortices and jet streams of the ocean according to RS data. A method for controlling pollution of the coastal water area using a video camera and coastal radar is proposed. Spectra of fluorescence of organic films on the sea surface are obtained with the help of a fluorescent LIDAR. Vertical profiles of the parameters of aerosol particles in spring are obtained, comparisons of their properties based on numerical experiments, active and passive soundings were performed. A three-dimensional model of the fluid-location of the atmosphere was created and the fields of the volumetric concentration of the submicron aerosol and their interannual variations for Primorye were estimated. It was created an underwater mobile-technical complex for real time determining the chemical composition of water and prototypes of chemosensors based on micro-algae and biopolymer nanocomposite structures as active elements of sensors to determine water pollutants. The methodology for estimating concentrations of various species of microalgae using fluorescence parameters was developed. The laboratory sample of the system for monitoring natural waters was created. A laser measuring instrument of hydrosphere pressure variations is created with a mechanical system of compensation of external temperature influence, allowing to register the variations in hydrosphere pressure with an accuracy of 57 μPa in the frequency range from 0 (conditionally) to 1000 Hz, small constructive changes made it possible to transform it into a laser-interference system of the bottom type, capable of registering displacement of the seabed in the frequency range from 0 (conditionally) to 1000 Hz with an accuracy of 77 pm. A complex is created, consisting of a coastal system of laser strainmeters and an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle, equipped with a highly sensitive hydroacoustic system, the carried-out full-scale tests confirmed its high technical capabilities. Peculiarities of the appearance of sea infragravitational shelf waves in range of periods from 30 s to 5 min are investigated. When processing data of optical-biological complex it is established that the dynamics of concentration phytoplankton at a certain depth depended on the variations of the hydrosphere pressure. As a result of the processing of synchronous experimental data, obtained during the registration of variations in the deformation of the earth's crust by the coastal laser strainmeter, variations of an atmospheric pressure by laser nanobarograph, variations in hydrosphere pressure by a laser measuring instrument of hydrosphere pressure variations of wind speed, powerful oscillations in the range of 7-9 Hz are registered, according to the frequency range related to the "sea voice". The method for navigation of autonomous underwater vehicle based on visual odometry with regard to the conditions of the local maneuvers are proposed. This method is based on the SLAM-algorithm for stereo images and recognition algorithm for re-visited places. A two-stage scheme of extraction and concentration of 137Cs from sea water was developed. Express-method of detection of strontium radioisotopes in sea water, omitting the elution stage was suggested. The estimation of the pollution of Peter the Great Gulf coastal waters and other Sea of Japan coastal waters was conducted with the use of macrophyte seaweeds and microorganisms resistant to heavy metals pollution. A comparison was made between heavy metal concentrations in the aquatic environment with the highest values of bioaccumulation factors of bioindicator species and empirically defined background concentrations of dissolved trace elements in water. Assessment of pollution of waters and aquatic organisms by organic pollutants was made as well as assessment of pollution of bottom fish by pesticides. Was conducted a metagenomic analysis of the structure of microbial communities of water column of the Sea of Japan waters with different anthropogenic load. The taxonomic composition of microflora of the Crenomytilus grayanus mussels and their environment was investigated. Structural and functional parameters of deep-sea meiobenthos and nematoceran were studied in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Pacific Ocean waters near Kuril Islands. A detailed hydrological and hydrochemical survey of the Tumen River estuary was done. Comprehensive hydrochemical studies on the Eastern shelf of the Sakhalin Island were conducted. Taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution of the important invertebrate benthic species from Far Eastern seas of Russia (vestimentifera, mussels, crustaceans, echinoiderms, nematods, polychaets, etc.) has been studied. The great attention has been paid to the investigation of the biological diversity of the ultra-abyssal fauna of the in the deep-sea trenches of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and other deep-sea areas of the Pacific Ocean. New species in crustaceans, nematodes and nemerteans are described. New data of the world-wide distribution, abundance and diversity of the deep-sea crustaceans has been provided. Universal molecular markers for reliable species identification of species of invertebrates and fishes from Far Eastern seas of Russia have been developed. A disease caused by parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Hematodinium has been found in the lithodid crab Hapalogaster grebnitzkii from the Sea of Okhotsk. DNA barcoding techniques combined with the BOLD ( identification engine and the locally assembled barcode library have been improved and advanced for identification of different commercially valuable marine species. The cell differentiation on larval development in bivalves and echinoderms have been investigated. It has been determined the sources and ways of cell differentiating in the formation of the nervous and muscular system. The cell death process in molluscan cells after freezing and thawing has been examined It has been decided on the optimal approaches for studying molluscan cells after cryopreservation. Accumulation and tissue distribution of dinophysitoxin-1 and dinophysitoxin-3 in the mussels feeding on the dtx-1-producing microalga has been examined. Identification and certification of clonal cultures of diatom microalgae, which are of interest from the point of view of biotechnological use and potential toxicity, have been carried out. Using autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles previously unexplored biotopes of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk have been examined. For the first time, it has been identified deep-water areas in the Sea of Okhotsk with a predominance of organisms with chemoautotrophic symbionts, which indicate hydrocarbon emissions. Comparative studies of the effectiveness of autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles for operation under different conditions and with different tasks have been conducted and methodical recommendations for the application of underwater robotics in research have been developed. Morphological peculiarities of digestive system formation and functioning in larva of king crab, scallop, and trepang. Food rations for these animals were created. Differential gene activity on different stages of development of trepang was studied. It will allow us to estimate deviations in development. On the base of obtaining data A disease caused by parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Hematodinium has been found in the lithodid crabs Hapalogaster grebnitzkii. The macro- and micromorphological descriptions (using light and transmission electron microscopy) of the disease, as well as molecular identification of Hematodinium sp. from soft crabs, based on 18S RNA sequence data was conducted. The importance of discovery Hematodinium sp. infection in H. grebnitzkii is determined by the role of these crustacean species as a probably reservoir host and a vector of highly lethal disease transmission for juvenile of the king crabs. The genetic variability of mitochondrial and nuclear markers was investigated in four samples of japanese scallop Mezuhopecten yessoensis, and nuclear markers in three samples of sea cucamber Apostichopus japonicas. The obtained data were analyzed to elucidate the influence of several factors (currents, temperature) on the distribution and the level of genetic variability. We found the existence of heterogeneity between samples. This indicates either the existence of the of population-genetic structure, or the indirect impact factors on survival of recruits. Parameters of obtaining of fermentolizates from trepang-processing waste were defined. There were works carried out aimed at obtaining the novel pharmacologically active substances from biologically active compounds isolated from marine species. With the use of the combinatorial chemistry approach the methods of synthesis of active derivatives of natural compounds with antineoplastic activity were developed allowing to get highly active and safe substances. a screening study of anticancer activity of compounds from more than a hundred species of deep-sea animals were performed using the tumor cell lines. Complex studies for assessing the molecular mechanisms of neuroprotective action monoalkyl-glycerol ethers were carried out, the results of which indicate the potential effectiveness of these compounds in the treatment of the central nervous system disorders. Application of monoalkyl-glycerol esters contributes to the normalization of locomotor activity and recovery of cognitive functions in neuroinflammation. The technology and processing of the functional foods from lipids of marine species were developed with the following clinical trials, which showed beneficial effects on lipid metabolism and hematopoiesis. The new antiseptic agent with pronounced antibacterial activity was developed on the base of lipid compounds. The composition of such sea species ascidians and Northern shrimp was investigated and scientific rationale was given confirming prospective use of these sources for manufacturing of functional food products. Seaweed extracts were shown to have pronounced hepatoprotective action.



1. (Cherniaev, A.P., Rychkova E.Y., Kondrikov N.B., Zyk E.N. Современная модификация способа определения ХОП в органических объектах Известия ТИНРО, том 188, С. 244-250 (year - 2017)

2. A. Pavlov, E. Zubko, O. Konstantinov, K. Shmirko, A. Mayor, G. Videen Vertical profile of polarization over Vladivostok using horizon shadowing: Clues to understanding the altitude variation of reflectance of aerosol particles Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 204, January 2018, Pages 94-102 (year - 2018)

3. Adrianov A.V., Maiorova A.S. Parasemnoderes intermedius gen.n., sp. n. – the first abyssal representative of the family Semnoderidae (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2018. V. 44. I. 1. (year - 2018)

4. Adrianov A.V., Maiorova A.S. Meristoderes okhotensis sp. nov. – the first deepwater representative of kinorhynchs in the Seaof Okhotsk (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, - (year - 2017)

5. Aleksanin A.I., Gektin Yu.M., Djakov S.E., Zajtsev A.A., Kachur V.A. Учет влияния криоосадков при калибровке ИК-каналов радиометра МСУ-МР Исследование Земли из космоса, - (year - 2018)

6. Aleksanin A.I., Kachur V.A. Specificity of atmospheric correction of satellite data on Ocean color in the Far East Izvestya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 1121–1131 (year - 2017)

7. Aleksanin A.I., Stopkin M.V., Kachur V.A. Automatic calculation of Ice drift based on AMSR data Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, №9, vol 53, pp 996-1004 (year - 2017)

8. Aleksanin A.I., Stopkin M.V., Kachur V.A. Автоматический расчет дрейфа льда по данным радиометров AMSR Исследование Земли из космоса, №1 с. 13-23. 2017 (year - 2017)

9. Babiy M.Yu., Golik S.S., Ilyin A.A., Biryukova Yu.S., Agapova T.M., Lisitsa V.V. Investigation of Spectral Lines Broadening in Femtosecond Laser Plasma Generated on the Surface of the Barium Water Solutions Physics Procedia, V. 86, p. 92 – 97 (year - 2017)

10. Balakirev E.S., Pavlyuchkov V.A., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the phenotypically-diverse sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius (Strongylocentrotidae, Echinoidea) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, Vol. 2, № 2. P. 613-614. (year - 2017)

11. Balakirev E.S., Saveliev P.A., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genomes of the Cherskii’s sculpin Cottus czerskii and Siberian taimen Hucho taimen reveal GenBank entry errors: incorrect species identification and recombinant mitochondrial genome Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Vol. 13. P. 1-7. (year - 2017)

12. Balakirev E.S., Saveliev P.A., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Sakhalin sculpin Cottus amblystomopsis (Cottoidei: Cottidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, Vol. 2, № 1. P. 244-245 (year - 2017)

13. Balakirev E.S., Saveliev P.A., Ayala F.J. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Volk's sculpin Cottus volki (Cottoidei: Cottidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, VOL. 2, NO. 1, 185–186 (year - 2017)

14. Biryukova Yu. S., Golik S. S., Ilyin A. A., Babiy M. Yu., Mayor A. Yu., Proschenko D.Yu. Determination of the limits of detection of the elements in aqueous solutions by femtosecond LIBS depending on the laser pulse repetition rate Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 10094 100941R-1 (year - 2017)

15. Biryukova Yu.S., Golik S.S., Ilyin A.A., Mayor A.Yu, Proschenko D.Yu., Kulchin Yu.N. Влияние частоты повторения лазерных импульсов на пределы обнаружения в фемтосекундной лазерной искровой спектроскопии водных растворов Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ), №5(32), с.49-52 (year - 2017)

16. Blagodatski A.S., Cherepanov V.B., Koval A., Kharlamenko V.I., Khotimchenko Y.S., Katanaev V.L. High-throughput targeted screening in triple-negative breast cancer cells identifies Wnt-inhibiting activities in Pacific brittle stars Scientific Reports, Vol.7, N.1. p. 11964. (year - 2017)

17. Bukin O.A., Mayor A.Yu. , Proschenko D.Yu., Golik S.S., Chekhlenok A.A., Burov D.V. Investigation of the threshold of the filamentation and generation of supercontinuum depending on the concentration of chlorophyll a photosynthesing pigment in sea water Proc. of SPIE, - (year - 2017)

18. Bukin O.A., Proschenko D.Yu., Mayor A.Yu., Golik S.S., Chekhlenok A.A., Burov D.V. Spectral features of Raman scattering and fluorescence sea water induced by femtosecond laser pulses Proc. of SPIE, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10466 104661S-4 (year - 2017)

19. Bulanov A.V., Nagorny I.G. The magnification of atomic lines intensity originated by laser breakdown in ultrasound field Physics Procedia, V. 86, P.147-151 (year - 2017)

20. Bulgakov V.P., Vereschagina Y.V., Veremeichik G.N. Anticancer Polyphenols from cultured plant cells: production and new bioengineering strategies Current Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 25, p. 1-22 (year - 2017)

21. Buzoleva L. S., Bogatyrenko E. A., Repina M. A., Belkova N. L. Изучение нефтеокисляющей способности бактерий, выделенных из прибрежных вод юга о. Сахалин Микробиология, № 3, Т. 86, С. 317–325 (year - 2017)

22. Buzoleva L. S., Bogatyrenko E. A., Repina M. A., Belkova N. L. Oil-Oxidizing Activity of Bacteria Isolated from South Sakhalin Coastal Waters Microbiology, No. 3, Vol. 68, pp. 338–345 (year - 2017)

23. Cella, Kristen; Carmona, Leila; Ekimova, Irina, Chichvarkhin, A ; Schepetov, D ; Gosliner, TM A Radical Solution: The Phylogeny of the Nudibranch Family Fionidae PLOS ONE, Том: 11 Выпуск: 12 Номер статьи: 0167800 (year - 2016)

24. Chernova E.N., Lisenko E.V. Содержание металлов в организмах разных трофических уровней в условиях пресноводных озер восточного Сихотэ-Алиня Биология внутренних вод, - (year - 2018)

25. Chernyshev A.V., Polyakova N.E. Nemerteans from deep-sea expedition SokhoBio with description of Uniporus alisae sp. nov. (Hoplonemertea: Reptantia s.l.) from the Sea of Okhotsk DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, - (year - 2017)

26. Chernyshev A.V., Polyakova N.E. Nemerteans of the Vema-TRANSIT expedition: First data on diversity with description of two new genera and species DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, - (year - 2017)

27. Chernyshev A.V., Polyakova N.E., Turanov S.V., Kajihara H. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Lineus torquatus and allies (Nemertea, Lineidae) with descriptions of a new genus and a new cryptic species Systematics and Biodiversity, - (year - 2017)

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