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Project Number17-13-00058

Project titleSelf-assembling of polyfuctional colloidosoms for new plasmonic materials

Project LeadGoodilin Eugene

AffiliationFederal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Implementation period 2017 - 2018 

Research area 03 - CHEMISTRY AND MATERIAL SCIENCES, 03-405 - Nanostructures and clusters. Supramolecular chemistry. Colloid systems

Keywordsself-assembling, nanocomposites, colloidosoms, Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, biomedical diagnostics



The previous stages of this project made it possible to propose original ways to solve the basic fundamental and experimental problems for the development of advanced functional materials with specified properties. These materials is required for creation of active elements of optical sensors for non-invasive analysis of a wide range of biologically active substances, their metabolites, living cells (erythrocytes) and functional cellular organelles (mitochondria). At the same time, a number of fundamental experimental and practical problems still remain. Successful analysis and solution of these problems can significantly accelerate the implementation of the achievements of this project into the field of biological diagnostics that is the main purpose of the project in 2017 – 2018 years and that is in accordance with the current and near future trends in the field of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Thus, the achievement of significant practical results is the main target of the ongoing fundamental research. Therefore, it is planned for 2017 – 2018 years (1) to optimize the best of the prepared types of nanocomposites – colloidosomes (including magnetic, hollow nanostructured microspheres, liposomes, vesicles containing silver nanoparticles) for an application in new directions of the SERS analysis using multifunctionality of the developed materials; to design materials (including effective techniques of preparation of silver nanoparticles with a remarkably high shape anisotropy) in order to use with the most common IR lasers of portable spectrometers (785 nm and others) operated in the “transparent window” of tissues and significantly reduced the luminescence and photodamage of biological objects; (2) to realize the approaches of combinatorial chemistry and the spatial separation of components of complex mixtures in planar layers of gel / polymer nanocomposites with nanoparticles of noble metals followed by 2D Raman mapping; (3) to achieve a controlled management of an aggregate structure of nanoparticles / nanostructures for the implementation of the dual frequency excitation of complex biological systems in the case of photocontrolled / plasmon-initiated reactions; (4) to make directed modification of plasmonic structures by supramolecular “traps” of analytes, biopolymers and special substances – linkers for cellular and bacterial membranes; (5) to change from the indicator detection systems to systems of quantitative analysis; to offer Raman-reporters (dyes – markers, etc.) as an “internal standard” for study of biological objects; to create a hardware – software complex for automated mathematical processing of spectra; to accumulate a database of basic spectra and mathematical images of spectra for the factor and cluster analysis; (6) to investigate the possibilities of new SERS-techniques with variable XY-polarization for obtaining more information about chemisorbed layers over the nanostructures and relative orientation of cell structures and compartments; (7) to proceed with research of the structure, behavior and generation of metabolites / signal substances for new types of living cells poorly investigated in the literature, including the excitation of nerve fibers; (8) to identify the spectral markers demonstrating the changes in conformation and functional properties of sub-membrane hemoglobin of erythrocytes and cytochrome c of mitochondria in various socially significant pathologies including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The obtained practical results will be analyzed in detail in terms of the influence of morphological, structural, textural – orientation characteristics of prepared materials. The statistical analysis of the spectral data of cells and biological fluids taken from laboratory genetically modified animals with various identified pathologies followed by the development of measurement methods and the analysis of obtained data will be carried out for implementation of the preclinical test stage of new optical sensors for prospective / most realizable options of biomedical diagnostics (screening and identification of socially significant diseases).

Expected results
The scientific significance of expected results in fundamental and applied fields is associated with the generation of new fundamental knowledge and practical realization of new techniques of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in biomedical diagnostics. In particular, it is planned to achieve the following results: - optimization of functional characteristics of the prepared types of nanocomposites – colloidosomes (including magnetic, hollow nanostructured microspheres, liposomes, vesicles containing silver nanoparticles) for application in new directions of SERS analysis using multifunctionality of developed materials; materials design and complex characterization of nanomaterials and nanocomposites containing nanoparticles and noble metal-based nanostructures with controllable functional characteristics (such as position and intensity of plasmon resonance modes adjustable by laser excitation and absorption bands of analytes molecules, including complex matrix, and high affinity of surfaces to target analytes) by using modern instrumental methods of analysis (optical polarized light microscopy, SEM with EDX and mapping under characteristic radiation, TEM and HTEM with electron diffraction selected area, XRD, UV-vis, DRS, Raman spectroscopy and other), - materials design including effective techniques of preparation of silver nanoparticles with a record high shape anisotropy in order to use with the most common IR lasers of portable spectrometers (785 nm and others) operated in “transparent window” of tissues and significantly reduced the luminescence and photodamage of biological objects, - realization of the approaches of combinatorial chemistry and the spatial separation of components of complex mixtures in planar layers of gel / polymer nanocomposites with nanoparticles of noble metals followed by 2D Raman mapping, - control of an aggregate structure of nanoparticles / nanostructures for the implementation of dual frequency excitation of complex biological systems in the case of photocontrolled / plasmon-initiated reactions; study the effect of the optical properties of nanostructured materials and their superficial states, wavelength and power of the laser excitation on photochemical and plasmon-induced reactions that may occur in biological systems that are critical for the practical implementation of innovative methods of biomedical diagnostics; - development of an approach “SERS-cinema” (that means the recording of enhanced spectra with time interval of 5-10 seconds and tolerable signal-to-noise ratio) for tracking the dynamics of occurring biochemical processes and reconstruction of reaction mechanisms for biomolecules in low concentrations, including a number of enzymatic reactions, reactions of respiration and the generation of ATP / ADP functional mitochondria, reactions of binding oxygen with red blood cells, - directed modification of plasmonic structures by supramolecular “traps” of analytes, biopolymers and special substances – linkers for cellular and bacterial membranes, - change from the indicator detection systems to systems of quantitative analysis; offering the Raman-reporters (dyes – markers, etc.) as an “internal standard” for study of biological objects; creation of a hardware – software complex for automated mathematical processing of spectra; to accumulation of a database of basic spectra and mathematical images of spectra for the factor and cluster analysis, - investigation of the possibilities of new SERS-techniques with variable XY-polarization for obtaining more information about chemisorbed layers over the nanostructures and relative orientation of cell structures and compartments, - research of the structure, behavior and generation of metabolites / signal substances of new types of living cells little known from literature, including the excitation of nerve fibers, - identification of the spectral markers demonstrated the changes of conformation and functional properties of sub-membrane hemoglobin of erythrocytes and cytochrome c of mitochondria in various socially significant pathologies including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes; development of analysis methods of the dynamics changes in spectral signals of Raman scattering of target analytes for the construction of a formal – kinetic evaluation models and identification of the characteristics of biochemical reactions / formation of metabolites in the presence of living cells and functional cell organelles; detection based on the developed materials and methods of statistically significant differences in changed groups of biological material of laboratory animals as a result of the presence of disease or mutation in order to prove the possibility of express – analysis of various pathologies using SERS in the interests of medical screening and personal medicine, - analysis of the practical results in terms of the influence of morphological, structural, textural - orientation characteristics of the obtained materials; the determination of conditions for maximizing the enhancement of the Raman signal by the optimal combination of the optical properties of nanostructures, the excitation laser radiation and the absorption band of the analyzed molecules, including complex matrices, providing a resonant enhancement of spectrum signal. Contribution to the development of the subject research field of the project consists of the following: - new synthetic developments and preparation of new types of nanocomposites, specifically targeted for using in the analysis of biological objects by SERS with optimally selected functional parameters and biocompatibility, - fundamental data about structure at various hierarchical levels and its correlation with demonstrating functional (optical) properties of noble metal-based nanostructured materials, - development of new approaches of SERS in combination with combinatorial chemistry and spatial separation of components of complex mixtures in planar layers of gel / polymer nanocomposites, the implementation of dual-frequency excitation of complex biological systems, the use of systems for semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis, variation of the XY - polarization, using the "SERS-cinema", an analysis of the dynamics and the determination of the stage and the mechanism of a number of important biochemical processes involving biomolecules and intermediates at low concentrations, - investigation of oxygen-binding properties of the sub-membrane hemoglobin (Hbms) of erythrocytes in hypertension and diabetes for identification of spectral markers reflecting conformational and functional changes of Hbms that can be used as additional parameters for sensitive medical diagnosis; similarly, spectral markers will be revealed for receiving information from SERS spectra of cytochrome c of intact mitochondria about activity of the entire electron transport chain, efficiency of electron transfer and ATP synthesis, energy status of mitochondria under various diseases for the development of early diagnostic methods. Social significance of the proposed studies is related to the fact that the project can be brought to the preclinical testing stage of new optical sensors for prospective / most realizable options of biomedical diagnostics (screening and identification of socially significant diseases). In particular, the statistical analysis of the spectral data of the biological material of laboratory of genetically modified animals with various identified abnormalities with subsequent elaboration of measurement techniques and analysis of the data will allow to propose practical methods of express-analysis, which does not require invasive procedures and can become in the future the method of choice for early pathology detection of patients, followed by a comprehensive analysis of the identified patient groups with significantly more expensive methods of biomedical diagnostics. Such an approach may allow to reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases in the broad groups of the population, that is, can have significant social and economic benefits in the case of the introduction of the proposed method. Non-invasive procedures for SERS-analysis eliminate the risk of negative impact on the human body. World – wide state of the art research in the field of using of SERS-materials for progressively developing biomedical diagnostics is traditionally high, but so far it includes proposed areas of the research just as tendencies and individual, unsystematic publications only. In our opinion, this indicates that the implementation of the continuation of the project is timely and relevant. Challenges of modern medicine, biochemistry are targeted for creating of new schemes of treatment of many socially significant diseases (such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, cognitive impairment in humans), especially their prognostics, early diagnosis and timely complex therapy. This creates new requirements for the determination of the concentration, conformation and activity of biopolymers and their complexes with substrates - biologically active compounds that are markers of disease, for the study of the kinetics of formation of metabolites during functionality of intact cells and cell organelles, and therefore requires the development of innovative, unique approaches and analytical tools of structures functioning in living tissue. Conventional Raman spectroscopy has been successfully used for non-invasive studies of biological objects and is getting poplular as a new analytical method for rapid analysis in recent years. Currently, Raman spectroscopy has been successfully used for the diagnosis and evaluation of cancer, estimation of membrane viscosity and plaque status, diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system. At the same time, the method of surface-enhanced Raman scattering has many great features. The number and location of the spectral lines is determined by the molecular structure of the substance and is very individual, performing for the lines of the "red area" as spectral "fingerprints" of molecules, allowing to identify them. The main objects that are considered in the world as priorities for use in SERS-analysis are cells and cell fragments (erythrocytes, bacteria, viruses, stem cells, other human tissue cells, including cancer cells), explosives (trinitrotoluene, hexogen, glyceryl trinitrate), poisons and drugs (6-mercaptopurine, methimazole), oil markers (polyaromatic and heteroaromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, thiophenes). Thus, research works carried out around the world in the field of SERS have a strong practical orientation that requires the necessity for the development of domestic materials science studies in this field and the high practical potential of such research. Surface plasmon resonance causes enhancement of the Raman signal and occurs only when the distance between the nanoparticle and studied molecule is less than 15-20 nm, which makes it possible to talk about the spatial localization of the detected SERS signal. The greatest effect of SERS is observed in so-called "hot spots", representing a region with localized nanoparticles of noble metal. Thereby, these nanostructures are of particular interest since they can be potentially used in biology and medicine to enhance Raman scattering intensity due to the increasing of the Raman cross-section over a billion times, allowing theoretically investigating the conformation of the molecules at a concentration of less than mM and nM. That is why the method of surface-enhanced Raman scattering is a promising solution of the problem due to very high sensitivity and unique molecular specificity. The current status of studies with targeted selection of the material, a consolidation of the experience of the authors of this application and discussion of the major challenges in project scope was briefly discussed in our paper, given in project report of 2016 year, "Nanostructured silver materials for noninvasive medical diagnostics by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (focus article) "(Semenova Anna A., Semenov Alexander P., Gudilina Elena A., Sinyukova Galina T., Brazhe Nadezhda A., Maksimov Georgy V., Goodilin Eugene A., 10.1016 / j.mencom.2016.04.001) " that contains a list of a number of leading foreign articles and reviews related to the subject: A. Guerrero-Martinez, S. Barbosa, I. Pastoriza-Santos, L.M. Liz-Marzan, Colloid & Interface Science, 2011, 16, 118. L. Polavarapu, J. Perez-Juste, Q. Xu, L. M. Liz-Marzan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 7460. R. A. Alvarez-Puebla, L. M. Liz-Marzan, Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 1011. G. J. Puppels, F. F. M. de Mul, C. Otto, J. Greve, M. Robert-Nicoud, D. J. Arndt-Jovin and T. M. Jovin, Nature, 1990, 347, 301. B. R. Wood, P. Caspers, G. J. Puppels, S. Pandiancherri and D. McNaughton, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2007, 387, 1691. R. A. Alvarez-Puebla and L. M. Liz-MarzaALn, Small, 2010, 6, 604. A. MaANrz, B. MoANnch, P. RoANsch, M. Kiehntopf, T. Henkel and J. Popp, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2011, 400, 2755. J. Kneipp, H. Kneipp, B. Wittig and K. Kneipp, Nano Lett., 2007, 7, 2819. (The number of articles about SERS, according database Web of Science, is equal to approximately 14 460 units at present and grows rapidly) In accordance, it can be clearly confirmed that the necessity for further development of modern methods of structural analysis and activity level of enzyme complexes, kinetics of formation of metabolites during the functionality of intact cells and cell organelles is very important. In the literature, the topic of determination of influence mechanism of biologically active substances including pharmaceuticals is still relevant that requires the development of innovative, unique approaches. It is not yet implemented and therefore it is a new and demanded idea of the implementation of non-destructive spatial and time-resolved monitoring changes of the content and the molecular structure of the most important classes of biologically active substances in extremely low concentrations that is important for the practical implementation of innovative methods for biomedical diagnostics, including methods based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering effect. In the latter case, the key factors are the material science (development of new materials), metrology (development of new effective techniques) and innovative (search for new analysis methods that extend the capabilities of existing techniques) aspects of the problem. All three aspects are reflected in prospective research directions. The possibility of practical use of the planned project results in the economy and the social sphere is the main pragmatic purpose of the planned continuation of this project in 2014 as described above.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2018
During the final stage of the project, the use of chemical methods of aerosol deposition and the formation of pseudomorphic structures with “hot spots” in the facette - selective deposition of oxide precursors, followed by the production of polyhedral silver nanoparticles allowed to control the aggregate structure of nanoparticles, their fine structure, as well as the characteristics of planar nanostructures. The obtained materials have variable optical properties, including a wide band of plasmon resonance, which makes it possible to use different wavelengths (514 – 785 nm) and power (1 – 100%) of laser excitation. The achieved characteristics are allowed to investigate the dynamics of biochemical reactions of respiration of mitochondria. To study these processes, the efficiency of using a sequence of fast shooting of SERS (3 – 5 seconds per spectrum) at the same point of the same sample at a minimum power of laser radiation (1 – 5%) to prevent photodamage of the sample is shown. When analyzing complex biological systems containing hemoprotein, we used natural internal “standard” spectral components, the intensity of which remained almost unchanged in the electron transport chain of mitochondria with the “breath” or when the redox processes oxygen uptake of red blood cells, thus, made the transition from simple indicator systems for detection of analytes to the system for semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis with the use of “internal” calibration. The complex of spectral data on the structure, behavior and peculiarities of metabolite generation by cells and cellular organelles allowed to reveal spectral markers and complex features accompanying changes in conformational and functional properties of membrane-bound hemoglobine in erythrocytes and cytochrome C in mitochondria in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in special lines of laboratory animals, at the same time, new approaches and methods of analysis of the dynamics of spectral signals of Raman scattering of target analytes for the construction of evaluation models of biochemical reactions are proposed. On the basis of the developed nanomaterials and methods of statistically significant differences in the changed as a result of the presence of the disease or mutation in the control groups of biological material, evidence of the possibility of rapid analysis using SERS for various pathologies was obtained. Revision of methods of application of nanostructured coatings, the introduction of a special sorbent or filter layers, the use of particles pseudomorphs allowed us to obtain practical results, with controlled morphological and structural characteristics of the obtained materials; optimization of parameters of materials and methodologies given the opportunity to gain more than 10^6 for the model analytes (fluorescent dye) and 10^4 – 10^5 for biomolecules containing heme fragments; in particular, an approach was used to increase the enhancement due to the optimal combination of optical properties of nanostructures, exciting laser radiation and the absorption band of the analyzed molecules, including in complex matrices that provide resonance amplification of the spectral signal. The combination of systematically obtained material science results and experimental data using laboratory animals allowed to develop practical recommendations and methods of using new active elements of SERS sensors for non – invasive medical diagnosis. In the course of the 2018 project, 7 articles were published, including reviews and leading material science journals of the first (and second) quantile, popular science reports were published in the media, and presentations were made at Russian and international conferences.!divAbstract



1. Alexander Yu. Polyakov, Daniil A. Kozlov, Vasily A. Lebedev, Ratibor G. Chumakov, Alexander S. Frolov, Lada V. Yashina, Marina N. Rumyantseva, and Eugene A. Goodilin Gold Decoration and Photoresistive Response to Nitrogen Dioxide of WS2 Nanotubes Chemistry: A European journal, - (year - 2018)

2. Anna A. Semenova, Sergey V. Savilov, Alexander E. Baranchikov, Vladimir K. Ivanov, Eugene A. Goodilin Skeleton pseudomorphs of nanostructured silver for Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Mendeleev Communication, - (year - 2018)

3. Anna A. Semenova, Sergey V. Savilov, Alexander E. Baranchikov, Vladimir K. Ivanov, Eugene A. Goodilin Hierarchical structure of highly stable effortless SERS substrates with silver ring morphology Mendeleev Communication, - (year - 2018)

4. Lena Yadgarov, Bojana Višić, Tsafrir Abir, Ron Tenne, Alexander Yu. Polyakov, Roi Levi, Tatyana V. Dolgova, Varvara V. Zubyuk, Andrey A. Fedyanin, Eugene A. Goodilin, Tal Ellenbogen, Reshef Tenne and Dan Oron Strong light–matter interaction in tungsten disulfide nanotubes Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 20, 2018-2020 (year - 2018)

5. E. A. Gudilin, A. A. Semenova, A. A. Petrov, A. B. Tarasov, A. V. Lukashin, and K. A. Solntsev Развитие современного фундаментального материаловедения на факультете наук о материалах МГУ Неорганические материалы, Vol. 54, No. 13, pp. 16–48 (year - 2018)

6. E.A.Goodilin, A.A.Semenova, O.E.Eremina, N.A.Brazhe, E.A.Gudilina, T.Yu.Danzanova, G.V.Maksimov, I.A.Veselova Перспективные методы неинвазивной медицинской диагностики с использованием наноматериалов: cпектрocкoпия гигaнтcкoгo кoмбинaциoннoгo рaccеяния клеток, клеточных органелл, метаболитов и нейромедиаторов ВЕСТНИК РНИМУ, номер 6, 2018 (year - 2018)

7. Olga E. Eremina, Anna A. Semenova, Elena A. Sergeeva, Nadezhda A. Brazhe, Georgy V. Maksimov, Tatyana N. Shekhovtsova, Evgene A. Goodilin and Irina A. Veselova Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in modern chemical analysis: advances and prospects Russian Chemical Reviews, том 87, номер 8, с.741-765 (year - 2018)

8. - Нанотрубки дисульфида вольфрама — основа для новых фотонных устройств Сайт МГУ, Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда (year - )

9. - Оптическая жизнь дисульфидных нанотрубок Нанотехнологическое сообщество, Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского Научного Фонда (грант 14-13-00871). (year - )

10. - Основа для новых фотонных устройств Stimul. Журнал об инновациях, - (year - )

Annotation of the results obtained in 2017
A comparative analysis of possible practical applicability of the previously obtained best types of nanocomposites – colloidosomes – is conducted for detection of target biological molecules with the aim of developing new methods of a SERS analysis using multifunctional materials. Optimization of morphology and the surface modification of silver – containing nanocomposites pseudomorphs is performed for practical applications in the field of analysis of heme – containing proteins and cell organelles for the development of new methods of medical diagnosis. The performed functionalization allowed to change in a controllable way the position of the peak of plasmon resonance, the plasmon resonance multimodality, the chemical stability of the material, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in SERS spectra, to provide better biocompatibility. Fundamental data on the structure of the materials at different hierarchical levels are obtained and correlations are shown with functional properties for silver based nanostructured samples. Practical development of nanomaterials containing noble nanoparticles dispersed in the structure of polymer composites is conducted to control better functional characteristics, position and intensity of plasmon resonance modes, providing adaptable positions with respect to a given laser radiation and absorption bands of the analyzed molecules, including complex matrices; allowing a high affinity of the surface with respect to target analytes. In particular, directed modification of plasmonic nanostructures is carried out with molecular traps of the analytes using biopolymers and substances – linkers. Methods of producing nanoparticles are probed for combining SERS with the most common IR lasers portable spectrometers (785 nm, etc.) working in the “transparency window” of tissues, thus reducing the luminescence and the photodamage of biological objects. A comprehensive material characterization is performed using modern instrumental analysis techniques, including SEM with EDX and mapping in characteristic radiation, TEM with electron diffraction of selected area, XRD, UV, DLS, RAMAN spectroscopy for the determination of metrological characteristics of the analytical signal in the SERS analysis of model and biological objects. Experiments are carried out on combinatorial analysis and spatial separation of components of complex mixtures in planar layers of nanocomposites with noble metal nanoparticles followed by mapping. It is found that an indicator reaction of the oxidation of ortho-phenylenediamine (FDA) on a nanostructured silver surface allows to increase the sensitivity of the detection hemoproteins by the method of spectroscopy SERS. It is established that such proteins catalyze the oxidation reaction of this type of reagents, as a result, a new indicator system for the determination of hemoglobin by the method of spectroscopy SERS is suggested on the basis of the discussed catalyzed oxidation reaction of FDA with hydrogen peroxide. A calibration is measured for determination of hemoglobin on nanostructured silver surface by the method of spectroscopy SERS using the 1403 cm-1 line in the spectrum of the oxidation products, also metrological characteristics are found, in particular, DOC 0.01 – 5 µm, r = 0.99. The sensitivity of the SERS spectra with respect to cell organelles – functional mitochondrial – using introduction of the substrates, the different number of substrates and the sequence of their application, as well as to activation of the electron transport confirms that it is possible to analyze the features of electron transport by means of SERS spectroscopy without deterioration of the functionality of the organelles that is critical in the study of mitochondria in various pathologies. In addition, the parameters of the SERS spectra can be judged when analysing the conformation of the heme of cytochrome C and the conformation of the active acceptance and donation of electrons. This observation for the first time creates the prerequisites for a statistically significant analysis of the pathologies of the living organisms with a minimum amount of biological material used. In the course of the project, preparation of 5 publications and presentations at 3 conferences is performed.



1. A. S. Sarycheva, A. A. Semenova, E. A. Goodilin Vapor phase SERS sensor based on mesoporous silica decorated with silver nanoparticles NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, 8 (5), P. 579–585 (year - 2017)

2. A. Yu. Polyakov, V. A. Lebedev, L. Yadgarov, E. A. Goodilin Two facile routes for functionalization of WS2 nanotubes with silver nanoparticles NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, 8 (5), P. 628–634 (year - 2017)

3. Alexey Tarasov, Zhi-Yi Hu, Maria Meledina, German Trusov, Eugene Goodilin, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Yuri Dobrovolsky One-Step Microheterogeneous Formation of Rutile@Anatase Core–Shell Nanostructured Microspheres Discovered by Precise Phase Mapping J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (8), pp 4443–4450 (year - 2017)

4. Eremina O.E., Sidorov A.V., Shekhovtsova T.N., Goodilin E.A., Veselova I.A. Novel multilayer nanostructured materials for recognition of polycyclic aromatic sulfur pollutants and express analysis of fuel quality and environmental health by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (17), pp 15058–15067 (year - 2017)

5. A.Yu.Polyakov, A.Zak, R.Tenne, E.A.Goodilin, K.A.Solntsev Неорганический дизайн, функциональные свойства и применения нанокомпозитов на основе тубулярных и луковичных наноструктур MoS2 и WS2 Успехи Химии, - (year - 2017)

6. Maksimov G.V., Goodilin E.A., Semenova A.A. Soft chemistry design of silver-based nanostructured materials for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (приглашенный доклад) 6th Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, 6th Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Book of Abstracts, P.10 (year - 2017)

7. Olga Eremina, Elena Sergeeva, Alexander Sidorov, Tatyana Shekhovtsova, Irina Veselova, and Eugene A. Goodilin Resonant SERS for robust quantitative and selective express-analysis of polyaromatic compounds against complex matrixes of real oil samples Faradey Discussions, Faradey Discussions, 30 August - 1 September 2017, Glasgow, UK, P46 (year - 2017)

8. Shekhovtsova T.N., Eremina O.E., Veselova I.A., Goodilin E.A. Planar silver nanostructures coated by polymer layers for SERS sensing (устный доклад) Dalton Younger Member Event, Dalton Younger Member Event, 7 сентября 2017, Bath, Великобритания (year - 2017)