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Project Number17-75-20249

Project titleDevelopment of methods for modeling key aspects of the pathogenesis of human diseases in genetically modified animals

Project LeadDeykin Alexey

AffiliationInstitute of Gene Biology RAS,

Implementation period 07.2017 - 06.2020 

Research area 05 - FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH IN MEDICINE, 05-102 - Patanatomy, pathophysiology

KeywordsGenetically modified animal models, atherosclerosis, epileptic encephalopathy, Lesch-Naikhan syndrome, genomic editing, point mutations, mitochondrial genome



Genetically modified organisms are an indispensable tool for studying the functions of genes and non-coding sequences, the interaction of regulatory sequences in the genome and the expression of recombinant proteins, and also for modeling human diseases. Until recently, the production of genetically modified animals was very long and expensive, and therefore almost inaccessible to many groups of scientists, but everything changed with the advent of new systems for editing the genome. The first article on the application of the CRISPR / Cas9 system (clustered appropriately interspaced short palindromic repeats / CRISPR-associated nuclease 9) which allows in one step to inactivate multiple genes was published in 2013 [1]. The discovery of the CRISPR / Cas9 system has revolutionized production of genetically modified animals, shortening the duration of experiments from several years to several months. Since that time a new era has begun in which genetically modified organisms can be used not only by scientists in expensive experiments, but also by doctors in their practice when new genetic defects are discovered. The CRISPR / Cas9 system includes RNA containing regular clusters of short palindrome repeats (CRISPR), trans-activating RNA and the Cas9 protein (nuclease). This complex, which performs in nature the role of bacterial immunity against phage parasites [2], was adapted for editing DNA sequences both in vitro and in mammalian cells [3]. Genetically modified mice [4, 5], rats [5], monkeys [6], etc. have already been obtained by microinjection into the pronucleus of the zygotes of the RNA-guide complex with the CAS9 protein. We have shown that the insertion of both deletions and insertions occurs on mouse embryos with high efficiency and high accuracy [7]. In addition, we found that this system allows the introduction of single nucleotide substitutions in addition to extensive modifications (unpublished data). Currently, the sequencing of the genome and the identification of new mutations in the examination of patients is often of an analytical nature and only in rare cases helps to select the drug therapy more quickly. If there was a mouse model that duplicated the genetic defect of a specific patient, targeted therapy could be selected on it, varying compositions and doses of medications, minimizing the side effects of improperly selected combination and irreversible deterioration of the patient's condition. In addition, the availability of a mouse model will allow to test current drugs designed to correct a genetic defect, and not remote effects that develop in patients as a result of its presence. Such experiments are already conducted for other diseases, for example, Duchenne's myodystrophy and chronic ischemia of the lower limbs. In this project, there is the task to obtain genetically modified models of epileptic encephalopathy and Lesch-Nayhan syndrome, reproducing the genetic defect of specific patients, as well as two models of atherosclerosis, one of which due to a large number of errors during replication in mitochondria (including induced ones) will allow to select mice with mutations associated with atherosclerosis in humans, the other will allow testing the hypothesis about the participation of sialidases in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. An alternative strategy for obtaining mutations associated with atherosclerosis in patients will be development of technology for site-specific mutagenesis of mitochondrial genome due to the delivery to mitochondria of the Cas9-sgRNA complex and the template for homologous recombination at the site of gap. The introduction of point mutations into the nuclear and mitochondrial genome will be achieved by injecting into the zygotes of the mouse (into the pronucleus or cytoplasm) a CRISPR / Cas9-based system (with one or two target sgRNAs) and a matrix for repairing the gap (in the form of plasmid DNA, single-stranded DNA , DNA in combination with a signal of mitochondrial localization). The tasks will be carried out, as they are all technically feasible within the current level of science. The authors have experience in the creation of more than 120 lines of transgenic mice, including using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, as evidenced by publications in leading journals in the specialty, the successful implementation of projects of RNF and RFBR and State Contracts on relevant topics. An obstacle to obtaining three new models of deseases may be their lethality. On the one hand, it will still be the scientific results that can be documented and published, and, on the other hand, the use of modern approaches (site-specific insertion, targeted knockout of the analysis of the absence of mutations in the alternative sites induced, if necessary, double-lock "leakage" of the promoter, transgene expression) preclude failure of the project. The possibility of obtaining the results is based on the possession of a group of authors a technology of creation of genetically modified animals at the advanced level, the presence of own laboratory, constantly carrying out such work, full compliance with the material and technical basis of the current level of science and technology, the scale of the project objectives. At the same time, the team has the necessary expertise in the field of molecular and genetic mechanisms of the pathogenesis of model deseases the study of animal models and manifestations of the corresponding pathologies in humans. 1. Wang H, Yang H, Shivalila CS, Dawlaty MM, Cheng AW, Zhang F, Jaenisch R. One-step generation of mice carrying mutations in multiple genes by CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome engineering. Cell. 2013; 153(4):910–918. PubMed PMID: 23643243 2. Jinek M, Chylinski K, Fonfara I, Hauer M, Doudna JA, Charpentier E. A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity. Science. 2012; 337(6096):816–821. 3. Cong L, Ran FA, Cox D, Lin S, Barretto R, Habib N, Hsu PD, Wu X, Jiang W, Marraffini LA, Zhang F. Multiplex genome engineering using CRISPR/Cas systems. Science. 2013; 339(6121):819–823. 4. Mashiko D, Fujihara Y, Satouh Y, Miyata H, Isotani A, Ikawa M. Generation of mutant mice by pronuclear injection of circular plasmid expressing Cas9 and single guided RNA. Scientific Reports. 2013; 3:3355. 5. Li D, Qiu Z, Shao Y, Chen Y, Guan Y, Liu M, Li Y, Gao N, Wang L, Lu X, Zhao Y, Liu M: Heritable gene targeting in the mouse and rat using a CRISPR-Cas system. Nat Biotechnol 2013, 31(8):681–683. 6. Niu Y, Shen B, Cui Y, Chen Y, Wang J, Wang L, Kang Y, Zhao X, Si W, Li W, Xiang AP, Zhou J, Guo X, Bi Y, Si C, Hu B, Dong G, Wang H, Zhou Z, Li T, Tan T, Pu X, Wang F, Ji S, Zhou Q, Huang X, Ji W, Sha J: Generation of gene-modified cynomolgus monkey via Cas9/RNA-mediated gene targeting in one-cell embryos. Cell 2014, 156(4):836–843. 7. Димитриева Т.В., Решетов Д.А., Жерновков В.Е., Влодавец Д.В., Зотова Е.Д., Ермолкевич Т.Г., Дейкин А.В. Модификация метода анализа результатов редактирования генома с помощью системы CRISPR/Cas9 на предимплантационных эмбрионах мыши. Вестник Российского государственного медицинского университета. 2016. № 3. С. 16-22. // 7. Dimitrieva TV, Reshetov DA, Zhernovkov VE, Vlodavets DV, Zotova ED, Ermolkevich TG, Deykin AV Modification of the method for analyzing the results of editing the genome using the CRISPR / Cas9 system on preimplantation mouse embryos. Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University. 2016. № 3. P. 16-22. 8. Jerry R Mendell and Louise R Rodino-Klapac: Duchenne muscular dystrophy: CRISPR/Cas9 treatment. Cell Research 2016, 26:513–514. doi:10.1038/cr.2016.28; 9. DE LOS ANGELES BEYTIA M, VRY J, KIRSCHNER J. Drug treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: available evidence and perspectives. Acta Myologica. 2012;31(1):4-8. 10. Kadotani H, et al., Motor discoordination results from combined gene disruption of the NMDA receptor NR2A and NR2C subunits, but not from single disruption of the NR2A or NR2C subunit. J Neurosci. 1996 Dec 15;16(24):7859-67 11. Pierson, T. M., Yuan, H., Marsh, E. D., Fuentes-Fajardo, K., Adams, D. R., Markello, T., Gahl, W. A. (2014). GRIN2A mutation and early-onset epileptic encephalopathy: personalized therapy with memantine. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 1(3), 190–198. 12. Бурлева Е.П., Бабушкина Ю.В. Применение препарата Неоваскулген для лечения больного с нейроишемической формой синдрома диабетической стопы Стр. 47-51 // 12. Burleva EP, Babushkina Yu.V. The use of Neovasculgen for the treatment of a patient with a neuroischemic form of diabetic foot syndrome Pp. 47-51

Expected results
As a result of the project, new genetic modified models of atherosclerosis, epileptic encephalopathy and Lesch-Nayhan syndrome will be obtained. Strains of mice will be obtained, the models are verified and transferred for preclinical testing to interested medical centers. The obtained results are the great importance for science and medicine, since not only new models of human diseases will be obtained, but a strategy of a personalized approach to modeling the disease and searching for therapy using an adequate genetic model of the pathological condition is worked out. The expected results correspond to the current level of biomedical research. It is supposed to use modern CRISPR / Cas9 technology of genomic editing and to obtain a model based on the genetic analysis of patients. These models are in demand by medical centers for treatment in which the relevant patients are located, but it is much more important to develop a strategy for treating difficult cases by modeling and screening potential medical strategies without injuring patients (including minors).



Annotation of the results obtained in 2019
As of may 11, 2020: The project is dedicated to developing technologies for genetic modification of mice and creating specific models of diseases using the developed experimental approaches. It was supposed to develop and improve the efficiency of several genome modification technologies: - Direct insertion of mutations into the nuclear genome using CRISPR/Cas9 genomic editing technology in combination with single-stranded or double-stranded plasmid matrices for homologous repair; - Development of a system for Cre-dependent induced expression of the gene of interest (for the purpose of intracellular localization or export from the target protein); - Development of a system for effective introduction of mutations into the mitochondrial genome using genomic editing technology based on the Cas9 protein with a signal of mitochondrial localization in combination with single-stranded matrices for homologous repair. Using these technologies, it was planned to solve a number of problems in the field of personalized medicine. the first direction of work was to reproduce in mice unique mutations obtained in the study of the genome of specific patients with severe genetic pathologies (epilepsy, Lesсh-Nyhen syndrome), as well as models of atherosclerosis based on previously identified mutations in the mitochondrial genome of patients. The second direction of work was to test the hypothesis of the role of sialidases in atherogenesis, which is planned to test the production of a transgenic mouse with increased production of sialidases in the blood and subsequent crossing of such mice with mice knocked out by the ApoE gene – a common model of familial hypercholesterolemia. The work was carried out in five directions in accordance with the application and work plan for the third year. Direction 1 – a preliminary phenotypic description of the Grin2A genetic model of epileptic encephalopathy, shows embryonic lethality of the mutant lines obtained in the homozygous state, the high mortality rate of mice in a heterozygous state. A core was formed for breeding the population and further experiments, including for transfer to interested scientific organizations. In direction 2, an experimental population of genetically modified hprt1 mice was Formed, the mice were transferred to the vivarium of the NIU BelSU (Belgorod, Russia), Which has extensive experience in preclinical tests to study the effect of sodium phenylbutyrate on the state of transgenic mice. Direction 3-mice born after microinjection of structures for genome modification (Polg1 and Polg2) and their molecular genetic analysis will be Performed after the removal of restrictions on the work of research organizations established by the Orders of the Ministry of education and science, the Mayor of Moscow and internal Orders of the IBG RAS. In direction 4, mice born after microinjection of structures for genome modification (Neu3) and their molecular genetic analysis will be Performed after the removal of restrictions on the work of research organizations established by the Orders of the Ministry of education and science, the Mayor of Moscow and internal Orders of the IBG RAS. In area 5, mice born after microinjection of structures for genome modification (MT1-2) and their molecular genetic analysis will be Performed after the removal of restrictions on the work of research organizations established by the Orders of the Ministry of education and science, the Mayor of Moscow and internal Orders of the IBG RAS. It was decided that the set of target mutation points should be expanded to include allelic variants of non-lethal genes. The General difficulty of performing the work was the introduction of restrictions on work in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. Since March 16, in accordance with the order of the Director of the IBG RAS in compliance with the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow, the IBG RAS has restricted work not related to the search for treatment for a new coronavirus infection, the Core facility "Genome Editing" and Vivarium of IGB RAS have made the necessary efforts to preserve the mouse population during the quarantine period, to preserve the possibility of continuing work on the direction and practical application of the results of the work (including the transfer of mice to interested organizations after the end of the quarantine). The work will continue after the end of the restriction mode. An important result of the third year of the project is the creation of a universal platform for tissue-specific Cre-LoxP induced coexpression up to 2 ORF. It has found application in the creation of mice sensitive to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In accordance with the recommendations of Office of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector and the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow on quarantine measures, these activities were not limited during the COVID-19 pandemic. Works in all areas of the grant were presented in reports at conferences: II JOINT SCIENTIFIC FORUM VI Congress of CIS PHYSIOLOGISTS VI CONGRESS of Russian BIOCHEMISTS IX RUSSIAN SYMPOSIUM "PROTEINS and PEPTIDES" October 1-6, 2019 Dagomys, Russia (section report) XXI PNPI Youth Winter School for Biophysics and Molecular Biology February 24-29, 2020, Saint Petersburg (plenary report) SCHOOL of YOUNG SCIENTISTS: genome Editing using the CRISPR / Cas9 system, November 18-19, 2019, Moscow, Russia (plenary report) 87th European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress, 26-29 may, 2019 Maastricht, Netherlands (1 section report and 2 poster reports) 2019 ASAS-SAS Annual Meeting, July 8-11, 2019, Austin, USA (poster report)



1. Lysikova E.A., Funikov S., Rezvykh A.P., Chaprov K.D., Kukharsky M.S., Ustyugov A., Deykin A.V., Flyamer I.M., Boyle S., Bachurin S.O., Ninkina N., Buchman V.L. Low Level of Expression of C-Terminally Truncated Human FUS Causes Extensive Changes in the Spinal Cord Transcriptome of Asymptomatic Transgenic Mice NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, Том: 45 Выпуск: 5 Стр.: 1168-1179 (year - 2020)

2. Soldatov V.O., Kubekina M.V., Silaeva Yu.Yu., Bruter A.V., Deykin A.V. On the way from SARS-CoV-sensitive mice to murine COVID-19 model. Research Results in Pharmacology, 6(2): 1-7 (year - 2020)

3. Mushenkova N.V., Summerhill V.I., Silaeva Y.Y., Deykin A.V., Orekhov A.N. Modelling of atherosclerosis in genetically modified animals AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH, Том: 11 Выпуск: 8 Стр.: 4614-4633 (year - 2019)

4. Poznyak A.V., Silaeva Y.Y., Orekhov A.N., Deykin A.V. Animal models of human atherosclerosis: current progress Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 53(6): e9557 (year - 2020)

5. Zhunina O.A., Yabbarov N.G., Orekhov A.N., Deykin A.V. Modern approaches for modelling dystonia and Huntington's disease in vitro and in vivo INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, Том: 100 Выпуск: 2 Стр.: 64-71 (year - 2019)


7. Kalmykov V., Vinogradov K., Zamkova M. Development Of Transgenic Mouse Model Superproducer Sealidase With Secretion Into The Blood ATHEROSCLEROSIS, Том: 287 Стр.: E240-E240 Аннотация к встрече: EAS19-0741 (year - 2019)


9. Kubekina M.V., Kalmykov V.A., Kusov P.A., Silaeva Y.Y., Deikin A.V. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome: from patient to mouse model JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Том: 97 Стр.: 46-47 Приложение: 3 Аннотация к встрече: 223 (year - 2019)



12. - Грантополучатели РНФ открыли двери своих лабораторий для всех желающих Интернет портал Российского научного фонда, 23 Декабря, 2019 17:48 (year - )

13. - Ученые включили естественную защиту нейронов в модели бокового амиотрофического склероза Газета.Ru (Gazeta.Ru), 03.04.2020 | 21:03 (year - )

Annotation of the results obtained in 2017
The project is aimed at solving a number of problems in the field of personalized medicine, the first area of work is the reproduction in the mice of pathological unique mutations obtained in the study of the genome of specific patients with severe genetic pathologies (epilepsy, Lesch-Nichena syndrome), as well as models of atherosclerosis based on previously identified patients with mutations in the mitochondrial genome. The second direction of work was testing the hypothesis about the role of sialidases in atherogenesis, for testing which is planned to obtain a producer of sialidases in the blood and crossing such mice with ApoE -/- mice - common models of familial hypercholesterolemia. During the implementation of the work plan in the first direction, a bioinformatic analysis was conducted to determine the equivalence of disorders in the structure of human proteins caused by the mutations studied, disorders in the structure of the mouse protein during the reproduction of such mutations. For all directions of work, the equivalence of mutations in the studied area for humans and mice is shown, which gives reason to expect to obtain not only a genetically equivalent model, but also a similar phenotypic manifestation. For all areas of work, a mouse genome editing system has been designed to obtain the desired site-specific mutations. An experimental population of mice consisting of male producers - 40 heads, vazectomized males - 40 heads, females for selection of recipients - 200 heads was formed. Hormonal treatment of 265 immature female C57Bl6 * CBA mice was performed, more than 1300 zygotes were obtained, of which 664 were used to analyze the effectiveness of the genome editing system or to transplant recipients. A total of 75 recipient mice were operated, 17 mice were obtained (which are in the analysis), 28 recipients are expecting labor and this work is continuing. In the second direction (induced tissue-specific production of sialidase), a system for cloning the construct was developed, primers were selected for cloning cDNA and a full-genomic copy of the Neu3 gene, developed for Neu3 DNA, and work was carried out to optimize PCR to produce a full-genomic copy of the Neu3 gene.




2. - Когда диагноз лотерея: от редких мутаций спасет расшифровка генома Международное информационное агентство «Россия сегодня» (РИА НОВОСТИ), 08:00 02.05.2018 (обновлено: 08:07 02.05.2018) (year - )

Annotation of the results obtained in 2018
In the second year of the project, work was carried out to develop all areas of planned research: 1) Creating a personalized model of epileptic encephalopathy associated with a mutation in the Grin2A gene: Primary transgenic mice were obtained, they were characterized by the degree of mosaicism of the mutation, the descendants of the first generation of 4.5-33% in different lines inherit the mutant allele, the descendants of the second and third generations, are characterized Mendelian character of inheritance mutations in the heterozygote, but according to preliminary data, the lethality in the homozygote is observed. 2) Creating a personalized model of Lesha-Nihena syndrome (mutation in the HPRT1 gene): Primary transgenic mice were obtained, they are characterized by the degree of mosaicism, mutations, the descendants of the first generation 10-17% inherit the mutant allele in various lines, the descendants of the second and third generations, are characterized Mendelian character of inheritance of X-linked genes. 3) Creating mice with a constitutive / inducible mutation in the PolG gene: Genetic constructs were created for CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing (constitutive mutation) and Cre-LoxP dependent expression of the mutant PolG gene; the results of construction efficiency for gene editing on blastocysts were obtained; received the first live mouse from the transplantation of zygotes after microinjection design for gene editing; work is underway to create primary transgenic mice 4) Creation of mice with Cre-LoxP-dependent gene expression. Neu3-study of the role of sialidases in atherogenesis: Created genetic constructs for Cre-LoxP-dependent expression of the mutant PolG gene; work is underway to create primary transgenic mice. 5) Creation of mice carrying atherosclerosis-associated mutations in the mitochondrial genome: Created genetic constructs for CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing; the results of construction efficiency for gene editing of the mitochondrial genome on blastocysts were obtained; work is underway to create primary transgenic mice. The project is presented at three leading international conferences on molecular biology and cardiovascular diseases; published abstracts of conferences, an experimental article with the results of work in the first direction, three review articles on the subject of the project and an experimental article, which used the methodological developments resulting from the research project.



1. Kalmykov V.A., Kusov P.A., Yablonskaia M.I., Korshunov E.N., Korshunova D.S., Kubekina M.V., Silaeva Yu.Yu., Deykin A.V., Lukyanov N.E. New personalized genetic mouse model of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome for pharmacology and gene therapy Research Results in Pharmacology, 4(4):115-122 (year - 2018)

2. Tatiana V. Egorova Evgenia D. Zotova Denis A. Reshetov Anna V. Polikarpova Svetlana G. Vassilieva Dmitry V. Vlodavets Alexey A. Gavrilov Sergey V. Ulianov Vladimir L. Buchman Alexey V. Deykin CRISPR/Cas9-generated mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy recapitulating a newly identified large 430 kb deletion in the human DMD gene Disease Models & Mechanisms, 25;12(4). pii: dmm037655 (year - 2019)

3. Glanz V.Y., Orekhov A.N., Deykin A.V. Human Disease Modelling Techniques: Current Progress CURRENT MOLECULAR MEDICINE, Том: 18 Выпуск: 10 Стр.: 655-660 (year - 2018)

4. Ninkina N., Kukharsky M.S., Hewitt M.V., Lysikova E.A., Skuratovska L.N., Deykin A.V., Buchman V.L. Stem cells in human breast milk Human Cell, 2019 Apr 10. doi: 10.1007/s13577-019-00251-7. [Epub ahead of print] (year - 2019)

5. Volobueva A.S., Orekhov A.N., Deykin A.V. An update on the tools for creating transgenic animal models of human diseases – focus on atherosclerosis Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 52(5): e8108 (year - 2019)

6. Deykin A. Orekhov A. Development of methods for modeling key aspects of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in genetically modified animals ATHEROSCLEROSIS, V.275, p.: E114-E114 (year - 2018)

7. Kalmykov V., Kusov P., Deikin A. Bioinformatic analysis of a transgenic personalized murine model of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome FEBS OPEN BIO, Том: 8 Стр.: 458-459 (year - 2018)

8. Kubekina M., Kusov P., Kalmykov V. Creation of a personified model of atherosclerosis in genetically modified mice FEBS OPEN BIO, Том: 8 Стр.: 458-458 (year - 2018)

9. Kubekina M.V., Kalmykov V.A., Deikin A.V., Orekhov A.N. Bioinformatics Analysis of Mitochondrial Mutations Associated With Atherosclerosis Global Heart, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 237-540 (year - 2018)

10. Sukhorukov V., Kalmykov V., Sharkov A., Kusov P. Bioinformatics analysis of a transgenic personalized murine model of refractory epilepsy FEBS OPEN BIO, Том: 8 Стр.: 457-457 (year - 2018)

11. Кусов П., Калмыков В., Дейкин А. Bioinformatic structural analysis of a transgenic personalized murine model of epileptic encephalopathy FEBS OPEN BIO, Том: 8 Стр.: 458-458 (year - 2018)

12. - Биолог рассказал, как генная инженерия экономит миллионы «Вечерняя Москва» Эл №ФС77-69371, 07:59 • 4 июня 2018 (year - )