
21 декабря, 2020 13:20

RSF will fund 30 collaborative projects with Chinese partner

Источник: RSF Press Office
The Russian Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) selected 30 winners of their joint call for proposals that was conducted by the partners for the first time.
Source: RSF Press Office

The review of the projects was carried out by both Russian and Chinese parties independently. The teams that will get funding obtained positive assessments from the reviewers in both countries.

The RSF grant will be 4-6 million Russian rubles annually for the period of 2021–2023.


NSFC is the main funder for basic research in China. In 2018, NSFC granted new 44,504 awards to over 1500 host institutions, and most of these awards went to individuals or groups of investigators.

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