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Project Number15-18-20047

Project titleLandscape ontology: semantics, semiotics, and geographic modeling

Project LeadGADAL Sebastien

AffiliationM.K.Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University,

Implementation period 2015 - 2017 

Research area 08 - HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 08-405 - Development of the system of scientific communications, its disciplinary and interdisciplinary peculiarities and new trends

Keywordslandscape, landscape semantics,lLandscape ontologygeocultural landscape, linguistic semantic, ssemiotics, remote sensing, SIG, ladscape modeling, cartography, toponymos, traditional knowledge



An identification of prospects and priority directions of development of further research in the Russian Arctic is connected with the understanding of the historical processes associated with the study and development of the Arctic. Trends of socio-economic development of the territory cannot be understood without accounting and analysis of natural, historical and socio-cultural and economic processes. The study of spatial-temporal features of the settlement and economic development of Arctic regions of Russia is aimed at mapping the territory as an integral natural-historical-cultural space. Identifying the ontological characteristics of the landscape with the use of linguistic and memtal representation and modern information technologies will allow to determine the integrity of the "painting" of the surrounding space, its conseptualisation and representation in the dynamics of its development and co-evolution of man-environment. . The pertinence of the problem is due to the fact that among the priorities of the state policy of Russia in a future are: - environmental safety of the Arctic and improving the quality of life of the population. Among the main directions for improving the quality of life of the population indicated: - ensuring ethno-cultural development of indigenous peoples, protection of their primordial habitat and traditional lifestyle; - ensuring rational use and development of environmental tourism in places of traditional habitat and traditional economic activities of indigenous peoples; Nowadays nature of the North and the Arctic is not only the result of the natural evolution of the landscape, but also of the economic activity of the population occurring over a long historical period. Conceptual exploration of space by humans since ancient times was achieved by means of evaluation of all natural objects, filling the space, phenomena and events associated with a particular landscape. Currently on the background of the development of the North and the Arctic territories of particular relevance is the existing experience of balanced interaction between man and nature, manifested through ethnocultural landscape in coevolution human-environment. Geographical terminology due to its active use in business and daily activities is one of the most important components of dialect vocabulary. The study of semantics and semiotics of the nomination of landscapes in the languages of indigenous peoples of the North-East of Russia (on case of Yakutia) provides the ability to compare different representations of the natural world, to identify the dynamics of change in the vision, representation and use of the surrounding landscape. The development and exploration by the indigenous peoples of the vast territory of Yakutia with its variety of landscapes occurred in different historical periods. Each ethnic group, adapting to the surrounding landscape, has occupied a niche without competition from each other - their ethnocultural landscape. Yakut cattle breeders lived in the river and the valleys of the rivers. In the mountain-taiga zone lived byTungus population engaged in reindeer herding. Unlike the Evens and the Evenks, Chukchi reindeer herders took the tundra areas. The Yukaghirs, most of them fishing, lived in the valley of the Kolyma river. Thus, each of the people inhabiting the region has developed its own system of geographical terms, the semantic content of which is determined not only by the landscape, but also a way of life, economic classes of the population. Major role in shaping the geographical vocabulary of different languages have played in the region and interlingual contacts. The problem of representation of local spaces in consciousness lies in the field of consideration of different disciplines: psychology, architecture and urban studies, geography, neuropsychology, partly cognitive linguistics. Unfortunately, almost copletely it is not investigated the interaction between verbal text and mental maps, spatial transmission of values in interpersonal communication. Therefore, it seems that when referring to the problem of mental representations of the local landscape within the study of folklore through the prism of verbal descriptions cannot be limited to consideration of the results obtained in only one of these disciplines. One of the areas of research aimed at a comprehensive study of the representation of local spaces is the use of satellite images as images of space landscapes to create mental maps. At the present time in the study of semantics and semiotics exists a very actual problem of identifying the pre-text of a system of representations, which can be described as a worldview is the concept of space, which are associated with the daily activities of a person or group and, consequently, the set of values and stories that are bound to different loci textual elements involved in the generation of oral stereotyped texts, that directly refer to local features: a description of the local landscape, biographical story, or any narrative of cultural memory bound to a specific space. It seems that there was a need to refer to the mental model of a landscape in the mind of the speaker ("mental map", "image space", the "cognitive map"). The scientific novelty of the project is dictated by the interdisciplinary approach in the study of landscape, namely, the wide use of methods of the Humanities (linguistics, folklore, semiotics, sociology, Ethnography, archeology, history, etc) and natural sciences (geography, physics, Informatics, space technology). A comprehensive study of the ontology of landscape, characteristic for the North modeling and development of landscapes by the ethnic groups, the conceptual understanding of landscape and its representation in conscoius and culture will be conducted through the prism of technological advances, namely, with the use of GIS technology, remote sensing and satellite imagery of the landscape. The possibility of obtaining results can be justified by the fact that the team has a fairly solid experience in this field of research, extending the scope of scientific cooperation in the educational space (masters program).

Expected results
Expected results. The project is expected to develop a model of ethno-cultural landscapes of Yakutia through the provision of toponymic systems - group names describing the geographical representation of the surrounding landscape and development of the territory. As a result of work on the project will be: 1) the characteristics and assessed the degree of development of landscapes of the ethnic groups living on the territory of Yakutia, studied the history of the development and changes of landscapes on the basis of systematization of the data of historical documents. 2) Analyze of toponymy and landscape vocabulary, typical for the area the study, which gives a general idea about the main features of the historical forms of nature; a data base that contains information on the linguistic images of landscape diversity in the territory of Yakutia, extracted from national geographic terminology; 3) Studies of the complex picture of geocultural landscape using GIS technology and remote sensing techniques (satellite imagery) that contains data about the dynamics and the forecast of development of the landscape. 4. Recommendations for ministries of economy, environment, tourism, cultural development on preservation of natural and cultural heritage. Organization of parliamentarysessions in the Government of Yakutia on this issue with representatives of the districts where was conducted the expedition of the project. 5. Dissemination of gained knowledge in the international scientific space. 6. Attracting young researchers to consolidate at the universities and science. 7. Integration of NEFU as one of the federal universities of Russia in the international scientific community on the problem under consideration through the organization and participation in international scientific events, invitations to visit professors, joint publications. 8. Preparation of project report for the University of the Arctic, the Arctic Council etc. 9. Defend 1 doctoral thesis, 2 candidate, publication of 2 book. Publication of scientific articles (RSCI index of at least 30 articles, at least 8 articles in Scopus database..



Annotation of the results obtained in 2017
In the reporting period, the researchers continued the analysis of toponymy and landscape lexical units, common for the study areas and giving a general idea of the features of nature management historical forms. Three databases containing integrated information on the linguistic images of the landscape diversity of the territory of Yakutia (toponym, meaning, etymology with the reference to the source, old name of the toponym, brief historical digression, transcription in English), information on the type of terrain, features of terrain, land use, geographic location were created. The methodological basis for research of toponyms is based on an interdisciplinary approach, including linguistic, linguo-cognitive, cartographic, comparative-historical and culturological methods of research. Etymological, semantic, cognitive aspects of the toponyms of the Khangalassky, Verkhoyansky, Oymyakonsky uluses (districts) have been identified. The results of cognitive analysis show that in the dialectical relationship of a human with nature, peson’s orientation in space is revealed through certain well-defined landmarks from the set of possible ones, as well as the conceptualization of the surrounding landscape through the somatic code of culture. Based on the analysis of the collected material, cognitive matrix schemes of toponyms were developed. Landscape-toponymic maps have been compiled for all model study areas that represent models of ethnocultural landscapes of Yakutia through the study of geographical names, their "objective reality" in the consciousness and culture of the ethnos, as well as their spatial representation in landscape-toponymic maps and space images. According to the composition of objects involved in the process of toponymization, five groups are identified: settlements, rivers, lakes, relief and islands. The presentation of the results of toponymic analysis in a spatial form, the systematization of the information obtained about toponyms and the modeling of the actual situation of the birth and functioning of the toponymic system, and the study of their dynamics make it possible to reveal the processes of changing toponyms associated with the stages of settlement of the territory, changes in the composition of the population, occupation, etc. Results of the analysis of 16 different maps from the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century show that the number of toponyms is directly related to the stages of development of the territory of Yakutia. The correlation between different types of toponyms gradually changed. In the 17th century hydronyms prevailed, as in the absence of permanent settlements, the objects of orientation were mostly water objects - rivers, lakes, streams. However, over time, the role of rivers in people's lives decreases. In the 18th century the main landmarks are permanent settlements. The number of place names gradually increases. This group includes all the new geographical names of oronyms, etc. In the 20th century, the maximum number of toponyms (54, including 47 oikonyms) was displayed in the Soviet times on the map of 1949. It was the time when in addition to the centers of collective farm and state farm departments, there appeared small settlements so called winter lodgings (in Russian “zimniki” and in Sakha “kystyk” and summer lodgings (in Russian “letniki”, in Sakha “saylyk”) that are displayed on the maps. Subsequently, during the enlargement process, they merged and the modern picture of settlement was established in the 1960s. Since then, the number of toponyms has not changed significantly. The available information on the historical maps in a visual form gives an idea of the natural conditions and features of the landscape of the Khangalassky district that developed from the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century. Analysis of drawings and maps from different atlases into which the territory of Yakutia was included showed a change in the ratio of conventional signs to the objects themselves, depending on the level of completeness of geographical knowledge of its territory and the improvement of mapping methods. In the reporting year, a new scientific material reflecting the features of the mental representation of the local landscape of the Paleo-Asiatic ethnic group (Yukagirs and Chukchi) living in Yakutia was introduced. The study of the influence of long-term ethno-cultural contacts of the Paleo-Asiatic population with other ethnic groups living in Yakutia made it possible to reveal the degree of transformation of the Yukagir language, which is one of the world's disappearing languages, and trace the processes of transformation (loss / restoration) of elements of traditional culture through studying the features of mental representation of the surrounding space using mapping of the toponymic space of the areas of residence of the Yukagirs in Yakutia. Thus, a correlation between the density of toponyms and the population of the study areas was revealed. To determine the relationship between the distribution areas and the geography of place names, the density of distribution of toponyms of different linguistic origin was determined. This interrelation is considered in the example of the toponymic map of Nizhnekolymsky Ulus (district), compiled on the basis of the created database, represented primarily by the Yukagir, Chukchi, Even, Yakut toponyms and the later Russian layer of names. In 2017, the study of the complex picture of the geocultural landscape was continued with the use of GIS technologies and methods of remote sensing (space imagery) containing data on dynamics, as well as the assessment of the landscape potential development. Numerous methods for the processing of remote sensing data, which are used to detect changes in land cover / land use, using remote sensing data, for example, comparative analysis after controlled and uncontrolled classification (PCC), a difference in vegetation indices and analysis of major components (PCA) have been developed. The work has been done to create a series of land cover maps based on the comparison of data after classification (PCC) of Landsat 7 ETM +, Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel 2A images in the model area of the Erkăeni Valley. As a result, data on spatio-temporal transformation of landscapes were obtained. In the period from 2000 to 2017, the area of cultivated land increased more than twice. Tendencies in the reduction of the valley area due to the onset of the River Lena course, as well as swamping of the territory, have been revealed. The expansion and development of settlements, mostly without appropriate planning strategies, negatively affects the surrounding landscape, for example, leads to changes in local climatic conditions, destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats and the creation of anthropogenic pollutants. To study these changes, the project uses multispectral satellite images of the European Space Agency Sentinel 2A. The analysis showed that the transformation of forests into urban areas caused a diverse and extensive environmental degradation in the Pokrovsk region. At the same time, the main negative consequences associated with the rapid development of cities are activation of the processes of formation of thermokarst basins, as well as contamination of adjacent lakes. Within the framework of the project, tourist zoning of the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was developed, which assumes the division of the territory under consideration according to the tourist and recreational potential. Analysis of the development of the regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) makes it possible to single out homogeneous tourist zones, similar in nature-resource, historical-cultural and socio-economic features. Spatial differences in the territory of the republic in the latitudinal and meridional directions determined the specificity of tourist zones and regions and the features of their development. In the implementation of tourist zoning of the Republic of Sakha, three latitudinal tourist zones are used: the North, the Far North and the High North. Each tourist zone has a unique set of natural and recreational resources and the possibility for tourism development. Based on the analysis of the spatial differentiation of the natural landscape and historical and cultural characteristics of the Khangalassky ulus (district), cultural landscape areas with the proposed types of tourism are identified. As a result of cultural-landscape zoning within the boundaries of the area of interest, after the systematization of natural and historical and cultural heritage sites five regions were identified. Another part of the project was devoted to the study of the tourist capacity of the northern territories. The development of the northern territories tourist capacity is focused on the formation of a new model for this sphere functioning, combining effective market mechanisms with the preservation of traditional nature management as a component of specific entrepreneurial resources of the North (cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, tribal communities, etc.). It was revealed that the development of tourism in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is mainly of an "informal" nature, connected with undeveloped infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel, and "inactivity" of local self-government bodies. Within the framework of the project implementation, the factors of tourism development, the mechanism for introducing scientific developments in this sector have been determined. To study the ontological characteristics of the transformation of landscapes and to develop recommendations for the development of tourism in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a research expedition to Verkhoyansky ulus (district) was conducted. During the expedition, photo and video filming of the areas of interest were made (Batagay, Verkhoyansk, Stolby settlement, Ese-Khaya settlement, thermodinational depression - Batagayka and Yana Rivers). Meetings with the Mayor of Verkhoyansk and the Head of Verkhoyansky ulus (district) have been organized to develop recommendations for solving problems and further development of tourism in the area. The database on archeological monuments was expanded; excavations were carried out in the parking lot of Jaram I, on Lake Otto, where two parking lots of the early Iron Age were discovered. This discovery is of great importance for studying the development of the Paleometals epoch of Yakutia, since this period of the ancient history of Yakutia remains insufficiently studied. In the reporting period, the “northerness” was explored, first and foremost, as a culturological category and in terms of interdisciplinary discourse. Various kinds of texts (poetry, painting, advertising), as well as linguistic material, in particular, toponyms and lexical units, denoting the landscape, were studied. Another interest of the project is the study of the urban landscape. During the project, the role of the city as a cultural landscape as a factor in the identification of an ethnos was researched. In particular, the place of Us Khatyn, which is a historical part of the natural and cultural landscape of the capital, and its role in the presentation of the new image of the capital, in promoting cultural and event-based tourism was studied. During the reporting period, the team participated in 15 international scientific conferences in Russia and abroad, held three scientific events with international participation. The results of the project are published in 27 scientific articles, including 5 articles in journals indexed in the science-based database of the Web of Science / Scopus, 22 articles in the journals of Russian Index of Science Citation and the Higher Attestation Commission. A scientific monograph "Ontology of the landscape in the North" has been prepared as well as a doctoral thesis "Co-evolution of the tourism industry and the economy of the northern territories of Canada". Specialty 25.00.24 - Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography in the Dissertation Council D.002.046.01 at the Institute of Geography of the RAS.



1. Anna Ikonnikova, Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Marianna Samsonova Этнолингвистический анализ топонимов Центральной Якутии Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

2. Elena Totonova Анализ современного состояния развития экологического туризма Хангаласского района Республики Саха (Якутия) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

3. Gadal S. Degteva Z, Danilov I Spatial organization of the traditional cultural landscape of the Evenks (on the example of Southern Yakutia) 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference SOCIAL SCIENCES & ARTS SGEM, Proceeding of 4th International multidisciplinary scientific conference on Social sciences and Arts, pp.89-96 (year - 2017)

4. Irena Khokholova Образ реки и лодки у северных тюрков Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

5. Irena Khokholova, Liudmila Zamorshchikova Ассоциативное моделирование географических объектов (на материале якутского ассоциативного словаря) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

6. Irena Khokholova, Liudmila Zamorshchikova Пространственная ориентация в языковых образах ландшафта Центральной Якутии Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

7. Irena Khokholova, Viktoriia Filippova, Liudmila Zamorshchikova Когнитивно-матричное моделирование этнических топонимов: код культуры Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

8. Irena Khokholova, Viktoriya Lebedeva Особенности перевода и транслитерации якутских топонимов на русский язык Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

9. Irena Khokholova, Viktoriya Lebedeva, Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Anna Ikonnikova, Marianna Samsonova Этимологический анализ географических названий Якутии Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

10. Irena Khokholova,Kiunnei Pestereva, Топонимы как показатели освоения ландшафта: этапы формирования топонимов (исторический и лингвистические аспекты) (на примере Хангаласского улуса РС (Я)) Общество: философия, история, культура, - (year - 2018)

11. Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Aitalina Pavlova, Irena Khokholova Tungus- manchu influence on place names of Central Yakutia 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, 24 - 30 August, 2017, Book 3, Vol 2, 1067-1074 pp (year - 2017)

12. Marianna Samsonova, Kiunnei Pestereva, Viktoriia Filippova Микротопонимика островов Средней Лены как отражение особенностей уклада жизни населения Центральной Якутии Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

13. Marianna Samsonova, Liudmila Zamorshchikova Соматический код народов Севера как источник формирования топонима Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

14. Moisey Zakharov, Anna Ikonnikova, Kiunnei Pestereva, Elena Totonova, Irena Khokholova Образ реки и ледохода в картине мира жителей Центральной Якутии Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

15. Moisey Zakharov, Antonina Savvinova, Viktoriia Filippova Картографическое обеспечение раздела "Культурно-исторические объекты" реестра туристских ресурсов для сохранения культурного наследия Республики Саха (Якутия) ИнтерКарто/ИнтерГИС 23: Материалы Международной конференции – М.: Издательство Московского университета, Том 2. С.26-33 (year - 2017) 110-120

16. Moisey Zakharov, Sebastien Gadal Использование данных дистанционного зондирования в изучении трансформации ландшафтов (на примере долины Эркээни) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

17. Savvinova A.N., Filippova V.V Разновременные карты как источники для изучения топонимического образа Хангаласского района РС (Я) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

18. Savvinova Antonina Изучение и картографирование топонимов Оймяконского района Якутии с целью использования в сфере познавательного туризма Вестник Национальной академии туризма, - (year - 2017)

19. Totonova E.E. Регулирование туристской деятельностью северных территорий Канады. Туризм и рекреация: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования: Труды XII Международной научно-практической конференции. МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, географический факультет, Москва, 25–26 апреля 2017. – АНО «Диалог культур»., АНО «Диалог культур». Стр. 219-227. (year - 2017)

20. Totonova E.E. Особенности и проблемы исследований рынка туристских услуг северных территорий Учёные записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского. География. Геология., Том 3 (69). №2. 2017 г. С. 108-116. (year - 2017)

21. Totonova E.E. Tourism as a new form of development of Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of Russia 4rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, 24-30 August, 2017, Book 1 Vol. 4, 945-952 pp (year - 2017)

22. Viktoriia Filippova Пространственный анализ образования населенных пунктов на территории Хангаласского улуса Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2018)

23. Viktoriia Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Moisey Zakharov Картографирование плотности топонимов для изучения расселения населения Нижнеколымского района Республики Саха (Якутия) Естественные и технические науки, - (year - 2017)

24. Viktoriia Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Moisey Zakharov Paleoasiatic toponyms of landscapes of Nizhneya Kolyma region of Yakutia (hydronyms as a case-study) 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, 24 - 30 August, 2017, Book 4, Vol 1, 27-34 pp (year - 2017)

25. Viktoriya Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Yurij Danilov, Sébastien Gadal, Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė The Study of the Cultural Landscapes of Central Yakutia for the Development of Scientific Tourism Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, - (year - 2018)

26. Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Viktoriia Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Marianna Samsonova, Elena Totonova Recreational landscape value in tourism development of Central Yakutia, Russia Landscape Architecture, - (year - 2017)

27. Totonova E.E Развитие туризма как основа экономического потенциала арктических районов Республики Саха (Якутия) География арктических регионов 2017. Коллективная монография по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции, Санкт-Петербург, РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, 9-10 ноября 2017 года. СПб.: Типография ООО "Старый город", 2017. – c. 187-190, СПб.: Типография ООО "Старый город", 2017. – c. 187-190. (year - 2017)


29. - Старший преподаватель К.А. Пестерева представила свой доклад на IX Международном конгрессе социальных исследований Арктики в г. Умео (Швеция) Сайт СВФУ, - (year - )

Annotation of the results obtained in 2015
From the ancient times, the conceptual exploration of space by people have been conducted through understanding of all natural objects filling the space, as well as the phenomena and events associated with a particular landscape. At present, with exploration of the northern and Arctic areas, especially relevant are becoming the existing practices of a balanced man-nature interaction, which is manifested through the ethnic and cultural landscape in human-environment co-evolution. Due to its active use in business and daily activities, the geographical terminology makes one of the most important components of a dialect vocabulary. The study of semantics and semiotics of the landscape nomination on the material of indigenous languages of North-East of Russia (Yakutia, in particular) provides an opportunity to compare different ideas about the natural world, to reveal the trends in vision, representation and use of the surrounding landscape. The exploration of the vast territory of Yakutia with its variety of landscapes by indigenous peoples took place in different historical periods. In addition, each ethnic group, adapting to the surrounding landscape, occupied their niche - their own ethnic and cultural landscape without competition with others. Every ethnic group, inhabiting the region, elaborated its own system of geographical terms, the semantic content of which is determined not only by features of the landscape, but also by a lifestyle and economy. Cross-language contacts also played an important role in the formation of geographical vocabulary of various languages in the region. The issue of local spaces representation in the mind is studied by various disciplines: psychology, architecture and urbanism, geography, neuropsychology, and cognitive linguistics, to a certain extend. However, no one has considered the interaction of a verbal text and a mental map, as well as the transfer of spatial values in interpersonal communication. Therefore, it seems that when referring to the issue of mental representation of the local landscape in folklore studies, through the prism of verbal descriptions, we can not restrict ourselves to results obtained in one of these disciplines, only. One of the areas of the research, aimed at a comprehensive study of the local spaces representation, is to use satellite images as images of the landscapes space for creating mental maps. The academic significance of the project is dictated by the interdisciplinary approach to the study of landscape, namely the widespread use of methods applied both in liberal arts (linguistics, folklore studies, semiotics, sociology, ethnography, archeology, history, etc.) and natural sciences (geography, physics, computer science, space technologies). A comprehensive study of the ontology of the landscape, features of modeling and exploring landscapes typical of northern ethnic groups, the concept understanding of the landscape and its representation in the consciousness and culture will be held in the light of technological advances, namely with the use of GIS technology, remote sensing and satellite imagery of the landscape. The chances of obtaining the results are good, as the team has quite a serious background in the field of research, expanding the scope of academic collaboration, as well as in educational space (joint Master programs with foreign universities). In the first year of implementing project RNF (RScF) No. 15-18-20047 “Landscape Ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Remote Sensing”, the researchers were challenged to develop a methodological framework of the study. In order to define a unifying methodology for interdisciplinary research, the project activities started with the analysis of different approaches to the study of landscape (classical geographical approach to the study of the landscape; concept of geographic scientific picture; approaches to geographic space modeling (cartographic semiotics); concept of mythological (mythopoetic) space and semiotic concept of culture; concept of the cultural landscape, etc.), as well as academic and methodological workshops, including whose with invited experts on the cultural landscape and urban planning. We formed the list of sources on exploration of the study area landscape in libraries, archives and museums of the republic. During the fieldwork, the studies of space representation received support and interest of the local communities, where people understand that the current state of the Northern and Arctic nature is not only a result of the natural evolution of the landscape, but also of the economic activities of people over a long historical period. The exploration of the northern territories of Russia by different ethnic groups has its own distinctive features: it is a close interaction and interpenetration of cultures, when under difficult climatic conditions, people come together and work together to learn the landscape, while maintaining their traditional practices and learning effective ways of managing from other ethnic groups. There have been three expeditions: scheduled expeditions to Verkhoyansk and Khangalass region and an unplanned expedition to Bulunsky region. Surveys and interviews were conducted in the settlements of Verkhoyansk and Khangalass regions to identify the characteristics of mental representation of local space in residents of different regions of the republic, both synchronically and diachronically. The processing interviews identified the peculiarities of geographical ideas about the landscape and exploration of a region; the basic types of nomination in place-names; the degree of uniformity in the use of place-names in Yakut-speaking and Russian-speaking populations; typical assimilation patterns of Yakut place-names in the Russian language and Russia place-names in the Yakut language; toponymic complexes; the features of the vocabulary related to the perception of the local geographical area; we studied sacred sites and places of special cultural significance for the inhabitants of the studied areas; we recorded the traditions and legends of local residents. The study revealed that the place-names generally have Yakut, Tungus-Manchurian and Russian origins. To identify the population's perception of their own place of residence, the questionnaire included drawing up a mental map, which showed that the population finds their way using local geographical landmarks. In Khangalass region, which is a part of the tourism cluster of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), we conducted works on integrated geographical description of the area. There was done a more detailed study of the natural systems of the National Lena Pillars Nature Park, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List; in particular, the works on laying GPS-tracks of the main tourist routes, the maps of cultural landscapes and tourist routes of Khangalass region. With the use of the model territories of Khangalass and Verkhoyansk regions, basing on a special software product, we performed processing of Landsat satellite images. The primary analysis of the satellite images provided information about the changing landscapes, the reason for that is to be determined (for example, the newly formed Batagai Gap, a modern thermokarst formation, resembling a stingray, with a width of over 600 m in the extended portion, the total length of 4 km, and the average depth at 90 m). The research results are presented for discussion at a methodological workshop by a French doctoral student in Geoinformatics. The expedition to Bulunsky region (Ust-Lensky State Nature Reserve, settlement of Tiksi) arose from the need for a theoretical analysis of natural and socio-economic indicators in the Arctic regions of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and the scientific justification for selection of two local sites as points of tourism growth (Tiksi and the settlement of Chersky in the future). Basing on the results of the study to assess the tourism potential of Bulunsky region, there have been developed proposals for the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism of Sakha (Yakutia) for the Concept of Tourism Development in the Arctic regions; signed an agreement on a joint research work between M. K. Ammosov NEFU and the State Nature Reserve Ust-Lensky. During the expeditions, we took photographs of both natural and man-made landscapes, with the collected photofund now making about 3 thousand photos. Basing on the results of the project studies, there have been prepared and submitted for publication a monograph "Major trends in tourism in the Arctic regions of Sakha (Yakutia)." We have collected material for publishing an academic paper in a peer-reviewed journal (VAK), as well as for writing the chapters of an academic monograph "Spatial development of tourism in the Arctic regions of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)"; E. E. Totonova has completed a chapter of her doctoral thesis "The impact of tourism on economic development of the northern territories." There has been developed and introduced an educational program for Masters in Tourism, Master Program on “Tourism, Cultural Heritage and the Environment" (for dual certification program with the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)). The project participants presented the results of the research at international congresses and conferences in Russia and abroad: the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (24 Aug - 02 September 2015, Albena, Bulgaria); International Conference "Permafrost and Culture" (IPAAction Group "Permafrost and Culture" field workshop "Yakutsk-PaC 2015" Tentative workshop land for discussion (20 - 24 July 2015), scientific conference "Landscape in the narrative memory: Reality. Image. Modeling" (with international participation) (June 25-26, 2015, Yakutsk); I International scientific-practical conference "Nature in the Arctic: the current state and prospects of development" (22 - 25 September 2015, Yakutsk); International Workshop of the Thematic Networks of the University of the Arctic (in the framework of the Northern Forum in Yakutsk), in October 2015, an international conference Artic Circle (Reykjavik, Iceland, 14-19 October 2015); Arctic Council (Tromso, Norway, 14-18 September 2015); International scientific-practical conference "Modern Science: theoretical and practical view" (Chelyabinsk, November 28, 2015); the Ambassadorial Meeting on scientific cooperation in the Arctic (Helsinki, Finland, December 9-11, 2015); 3rd Open Forum in absentia on sustainable development of rural territories and settlements in Siberia and the Far East "Siberian Land Congress" (Irkutsk, 10-13 November 2015); some aspects of the project were presented at the II International Roundtable on the study of images of the North and the Arctic winter; a lecture on "Yakut literature (image, text, modern interpretation)" at the University of Quebec (Montreal, November 6, 2015). During the reporting period, in the project framework, there have been published - 19 articles, including those Scopus database - 3, in the Russian Science Index base - 16.



1. - К особенностям составления рекламных текстов событийного туризма Филология и культурология: современные проблемы и перспективы развития, Махачкала, Сборник материалов 17-й международной научно-практической конференции, с. 73-74 (year - 2015)

2. - Изучение топонимов в якутских героических эпосах «Олонхо» Арктика XXI в. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2015)

3. - Опыт развития туризма северных территорий Канады и возможности их использования в России Журнал "Экономика и управление", 9 (119), страницы 21-25, год: 2015 (year - 2015)

4. - Использование опыта развития национальных парков северных территорий Канады в Республике Саха (Якутия) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИМИ СИСТЕМАМИ, - (year - 2015)

5. - Топонимия региональных культурных ландшафтов (на примере Верхоянского района Республики Саха (Якутия) Арктика XXI в. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2015)

6. - Northern reindeer herding in Yakutia - main sector of the agriculture for preserving of ethnos The SGEM International Conferenceson Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM 2015), Book 2. Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism. Volume III. Albena, Bulgaria. P.601-606 (year - 2015)

7. - Географические карты как инструмент оценки топонимической информации Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции (28 ноября 2015 г., г. Челябинск). В 3 ч. Ч.3. Уфа: РИО МЦИИ ОМЕГА САЙНС, 2015 г., С. 263-269. (year - 2015)

8. - Топонимика Верхоянского района (на примере анализа оронимов) Казанская наука. 2015. № 11., - (year - 2015)

9. - Remote Sensing and GIS’s Multi-Criteria Analysis of Urban Flooding Debacle Exposure of Yakutsk (Lena River, Russia) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2016)

10. - Topology of the cultural landscapes of Yakutia (the case of Verkhoyansky and Khangalassky regions) The SGEM International Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM 2015). Albena, Bulgaria, Book 3.Antropology, Archaelogy, HistoryandPhilosophy.P. 503-509 (year - 2015)

11. - Виды природопользования в топонимах Якутии (на примере анализа мелкомасштабных карт) Теория и практика общественного развития, №19. С. 146-151. (year - 2015)

12. - ПРОСТРАНСТВО ОЛОНХО: ПЕРЕВОД ЭПИЧЕСКИХ ФОРМУЛ МИРОЗДАНИЯ Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2015)

13. - Перспективы развития туризма в арктических районах РС(Я) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2016)

14. - Традиционное природопользование бассейна р.Амга: отражение скотоводства и коневодства в топонимах Электронный научно-практический журнал «Гуманитарные научные исследования», №11. 2015. (year - 2015)

15. - Tourism Planning and Management of Canada's Northern Territories Indigenous people and Economic Development, - (year - 2016)

16. - Эволюция развития туризма северных территорий Канады Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2015)

17. - Комплекс археологических памятников Майа в таежно-аласной зоне Центральной Якутии Современная наука: актуальные проблемы и пути их решения, - (year - 2015)

18. - Археологические памятники Средней Лены на участке: устье р. Кетеме – с. Улахан-Ан Матер. Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное и образовательное пространство: перспективы развития». г. Чебоксары. 29 ноября, 2015 г., - (year - 2015)

19. Totonova E.E. Пространственное развитие туризма Арктических районов Республики Саха (Якутия) Издательский дом СВФУ, - (year - 2016)

20. - Перспективы развития экологического туризма в охраняемых территориях (на примере Усть-Ленского государственного природного заповедника) Сборник трудов 3-го Открытого заочного форума устойчивого развития сельских территорий и поселений Сибири и Дальнего Востока «Сибирский земельный конгресс» (10-13 ноября 2015 г.), - (year - 2015)

Annotation of the results obtained in 2016
Summary On the basis of the materials collected in archives, during expeditions in the study area landscape toponymy and isolated toponymic systems have been analyzed. Group names specific for Yakut and Tungus speaking population of Yakutia, giving a general description of the main features of the historical forms of nature and geographical representations of the outside landscape were distinguished. Thus, the traditional environmental management of Tungus and Yakut people is closely linked with the landscape and the historic factors of their development. Based on this, we have identified the following groups of toponymic systems group names: 1. Zonal type of environmental management with toponymic complexes associated with cattle, horses and reindeer, which occupy large areas of Yakuts, Evens and Evenk’s settlement. 2. Azonal-intrazonal type of environmental management with toponymic complexes associated with hunting, fishing, gathering, and housekeeping is distributed throughout and reflected in the place-names of all ethnic groups living on the territory of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). During the reporting period systematization of etnotoponimic areas in a consolidated scheme of toponymic systems has been made, where the selected local toponymic areas show a zone of characteristic distribution of ethnic focus groups: Yakuts, Evenk and Evens, living on the territory of Yakutia. Local place names ranges demonstrate the role of natural objects as the basis of ethnic groups in the livelihood, economic development and cultural aspect. In 2016, the following expeditions were conducted: - For the study of Tungus place names expedition in Oimyakon and Olekminsky regions were conducted. On the basis of data obtained and the processing of collected materials (checklists, interviews) we confirmed that the area of Oimyakon area is a Cold Pole of the northern hemisphere. - For the study of Yakut place names and conducting of the archaeological excavations in the Megino-Kangalassky area which owing to its geographical features is a combination of taiga and thermokarst hollows (alasses) had a great cultural and economic importance for the Yakuts from the Middle Ages. Expedition results showed a high percentage of Mongolian formation in the formation of place names of Central Yakutia, which has already been noted in the analysis of Khangalassky region’s place names. A similar situation is observed in Megino-Kangalassky region. Some percentage of place names with Tungus origin, may indicate the early Tungus expansion to the Lena-Amga interfluve, where the Megino-Kangalassky district is located. In the Middle Ages this area was developed by Turkic and Mongol tribes that formed the basis of the Yakut ethnic group. They left the place names, containing information on the traditional forms of farming: cattle and horse breeding. Gradually Tungus place names were ousted. Place names having the Russian origin and showing the processes associated with inclusion of Yakutia in the structure of Russia, have been preserved in the form of area name formed by the name of the owner or any event. At the moment, the loss of historical information and sacred components of the surrounding landscape is enhanced among local populations. - During an expedition to Bulunsky district special tundra landscape have been studied on the basis of remote sensing of the Earth, which was visualized and decrypted on the areas with different subtypes of tundra landscapes. In addition, thermal abrasion processes were examined, a place of its most manifestations on the basis of satellite images from different years was found, their morphometric studies were carried out in the field. In Neryungri area mountain tundra and mountain-taiga landscapes have been studied based on remote sensing. Local sites are selected in the vicinity of Neryungri and s. Iengra (place of compact Evenk’s residence), a visual interpretation of landscapes and terrain maps were conducted, prior landscape contours have been created. By decoding of the existing images and maps the preliminary contours of the natural and man-made systems of various ranks can are identified. In the field, a complete description of the landscape natural and anthropogenic complexes distinguished previously is also produced, as well as the scale and grade of described complexes is defined. Monitoring of the Khangalassky region petroglyphs current condition allowed to include them into the database of archaeological sites for subsequent mapping and analysis of the process of economic development in the study area. Gathering information about the archaeological sites found that the traditional names of the places are not listed in the official names have unbearable help in identifying the names and locations of hypothetical burial sites. Accordingly, specific examples of local place names preserved archaeological monuments of the Yakut Middle Ages may be found. In frames of this project to determine compliance with the natural conditions of place names, their locations were compared with thematic maps. At this stage, the GIS overlay mapping of names to the permafrost landscape map has been carried out, which resulted in the landscape toponymic map, formed where Khangalassky region was taken as an example (Fig. 2). Drafted landscape toponymic map shows the development of landscapes of Khangalassky region by different ethnic groups. Thus, in the left-bank part of the ulus (Erkeeni Valley) with a predominance of upland terrain types with small-leaved and broad-leaved forests and meadows different fertility and are the most valuable arable lands developed by the Yakuts, who were mainly engaged in cattle breeding and horse breeding, settled in these areas for a long time that. That was reflected in toponomy of the area. On the left bank of the Lena river, there are settlements with Russian names at an almost equal distance from each other, formed initially as post stations during the period of the Irkutsk-Yakutsk post road. The right-bank part of the ulus contrasts with the opposite part of the predominance Tungus- Manchurian hydronyms. Rivers are a natural barrier to maintain a nomadic way of life, which is reflected in the names of rivers, for example, the Buotama River (Evenk origin “Vaught” means fencing, fence barrier. Therefore Evenk people live in areas of the upper reaches of the rivers flowing into the territory belonging r.Buotama Evenk nomadic tribal communities. Places on the right bank are concentrated mainly within low terrace types of terrain and valley Samartay that have Yakut name. One of the areas of research, aimed at a comprehensive study of the representation of local spaces, is the use of satellite imagery as the landscapes of space images. Processing and analysis of multi-temporal images (LandsatTM, ETM +, OLI-TIRS, Sentinel 2, etc.) allows to interpret landscape features specific for each of these areas of research. Images obtained with Landsat make it possible to trace the dynamics of landscapes from the 1970s, and satellite imagery of the European Space Agency Sentinel-2a, having the high spatial resolution makes it possible to consider the spatial structure and organization of settlements and landscapes. Decoding of the image allowed identifying several types of localities, which were compared with place names semantic map in terms of toponymic groups’ presence in existing landscape. The methodology of economic zoning refers to the geographical modeling and takes into account the potential of the natural landscape for the development of the territory. These areas of the spatial localization of ethnotoponym allow you to analyze on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach the dynamics of the traditional economy and the possibilities of their use in geographic modeling of local tourism development, i.e. the way the idea of the surrounding landscape and the development of the territory with the development of traditional nature and cultural landscapes changes. For the development of scientific problems of economic zoning with allocation of tourist and recreational zones and identification of local areas of tourism development model, the expedition in the Natural Park "Lena Pillars" (Khangalassky district), Cherskiy, Nizhnekolymsky district and villages were carried out as well as to Chokurdakh and Allaikhovskiy areas. The Khangalassky district has a powerful tourist and recreational potential - unique natural complexes, the proximity to the capital of the republic, a convenient transport scheme, located on the banks of the Lena river, the presence of communication that contributes to the development of ecological, hunting and fishing, and adventure tourism. The organization of tourism in the territory of Natural Park "Lena Pillars" involves the development and implementation of its own tourism products to ensure financial stability, the development of recreational infrastructure and visitors flow control system to reduce the negative effects to natural, historic and cultural complexes of the park. After expedition results analysis, study of Allaikhovskiy area tourism capacity we have developed proposals for the planning of eco-tourism (within the system of the Arctic Nature Conservation system), the development of internal and inter-regional transport, which in the future would have significantly expanded the geography of tourist routes, to create tourism infrastructure through the development of municipal-private partnership. Based on the taxonomy and analysis of information about tourist and recreational resources of the Verkhoyansk district a series of thematic maps of tourist and recreational resources of the study area is made up. The resulting mapping product can be used to develop new tourist routes in the district (Fig. 8). The results of the expedition confirmed that the natural and socio-economic indicators of the development of the Arctic areas of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) provides a basis for allocation of local points of tourism development for example Tiksi, Cherskiy, Chokurdakh settlements and Verkhoyansk city. In the reporting period, attention was paid to the concepts of "cold", "North", "North", "winter" in the mental lexicon, first of all, on the material of the Yakut linguoculture. The representation of the above concepts as images in the picture of the world of the Yakuts, Evens and Evenk on material of various cultural texts (folklore, rituals, literature, myths, photos and movies, etc.). Abstract horonimy – names of large geographic areas and parts of the world, symbolizing the concept of "cold", "North", "winter", as well as in imaginary landscapes. For example, in the Yakut epic Olonkho and mythological tales, fairy tales cold is associated with the direction "north" - the Arctic Ocean, from where comes "bull cold." In the epic space (olonkho) direction of movement of the peoples always goes from the south to the north, and the prevalent "warm" season in the descriptions of the landscape. It seems that for the Yakut ethnic culture perception of the north / cold / winter is realized through the prism of the south / heat / summer. Obviously, the reason is the genetic memory of the hypothesis of Yakuts southern origin. The scientific results are published in 28 scientific papers, including 15 papers in journals indexed in the base of scientometric Scopus (Web of Science), 13 articles in journals included in Russian Science Citation Index base and list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. The preparation of scientific publications on the project for publication in the Springer publishing house has been started. Implementation of the project was highlighted in 14 media publications, including the Internet resources.



1. Antonina Savvinova, Viktoriia Filippova Development of northern tourism (case of cold semantics toponyms study in the Pole of cold) Public recreation and landscape protection – with nature hand in hand…Conference proceeding. Editors: Ing. Jitka Fialová, MSc., Ph.D.; Dana Pernicová 1st – 3rd May. Mendel University Press, Mendel University in Brno., 2016. С. 41-46. (year - 2016)

2. Antonina Savvinova, Viktoriia Filippova Topology of the cultural landscapes of Yakutia (the case of Verkhoyansky and Khangalassky regions) The SGEM International Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM 2015)., Book 3. Antropology, Archaelogy, History and Philosophy. Albena, Bulgaria. P. 503-509. (year - 2015)

3. Elena Totonova, Sébastien Gadal SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AS THE BASIS OF ARCTIC LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION (CASE OF UST-LENSKIY PROTECTED AREA) IN THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA), RU 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016,, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, Book 2 Vol. 5, 663-670 pp (year - 2016)

4. Filippova V., Gogoleva O. Туристско-рекреационные ресурсы Верхоянского района и их картографирование Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, - (year - 2016)

5. Filippova V.V., Savvinova A.N. "Полюс холода" северного полушария: картографический метод изучения топонимов для обоснования местонахождения Известия высших учебных заведений. Геодезия и аэрофотосъемка, М: Изд-во МГУГиК, № 5. 2016. - 77-80 (year - 2016)

6. Ivanova S., Gadal S., Savvinova A. Комплексная оценка туристско- рекреационного потенциала территории, прилегающей к автомобильной дороге «Колыма» (на примере Центральной Якутии) Арктика XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, 2016. №2(8). С.16-25. (year - 2016)

7. J. KAMICAITYTE-VIRBASIENE, S. GADAL DEVELOPMENT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN STUDIES OF LANDSCAPE ONTOLOGY Proceeding of 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM (2016 г.), Bulgaria: STEF92 Technology LTD. 2016. (year - 2016)

8. Marianna Samsonova, Sébastien Gadal, Liudmila Zamorshchikova Environmental education: the case of international double master diploma in tourism between Russian and French universities Public recreation and landscape protection – with nature hand in hand…Conference proceeding. Editors: Ing. Jitka Fialová, MSc., Ph.D.; Dana Pernicová 1st – 3rd May. Mendel University Press, Mendel University in Brno, 2016. P. 47-51 (year - 2016)

9. Nakhodkina A., Zamorshchikova L., Dyachkovskaya V. Epic space: case of the Sakha epic Olonkho Proceeding of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016, Volume III Education and Edicational Research, Albena, Bulgaria. 2016. P. 287-295. (year - 2016)

10. Pavlova A.E. Русскоязычные топонимы на территории Хангаласского улуса Республики Саха (Якутия) Гуманитарные научные исследования, 2016, №11 (year - 2016)

11. Pavlova A.E. Пространственная картина в героическом эпосе (на материале олонхо К.Г. Оросина "Нюргун Боотур Стремительный") Филологические науки. Теория и практика, - (year - 2016)

12. Pavlova A.E. Юкагирские топонимы Научное и образовательное пространство: перспективы развития : материалы III Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Чебоксары, 13 нояб. 2016 г.), ноябрь, 2016. — С. 54–56. (year - 2016)

13. Pestereva K., Samsonova M., prof. Gadal S. Toponyms of multicultural environment as a source of information about the history of the development of the Central Yakutia SGEM International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and art. Volume II. Anhtropology, archaeology, history, philosophy, Book 3, vol. II. 587-592 (year - 2016)

14. Pestereva K.A. «Археологические памятники неолита и эпохи палеометаллов в Лено-Амгинском междуречье» «Общество: философия, история, культура», - (year - 2016)

15. Pestereva K.A. Влияние антропогенного фактора на сохранность археологических памятников Центральной Якутии (на примере писаниц Средней Лены) Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научный поиск» (Таганрог, 30 ноября 2016 г.), - (year - 2017)

16. Pestereva K.A. История археологического изучения Лено-Амгинского междуречья Центральной Якутии Общество: философия, история, культура, - (year - 2017)

17. Romanova L. G., E. Kryubezi Связь топонимики и археологии: на примере якутских топонимов Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики, 2016, №12 (66): в 4-х ч. Ч.1 С. 146-149 (year - 2016)

18. Romanova L.G. Чысхаан - от топонима к туристическому образу Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук, - (year - 2017)

19. Samsonova M., Zamorshchikova L., Pestereva K., Ikonnikova A. Landscape Management in Yakutia: Sacred Sites and Tourism Landscape Management, - (year - 2016)

20. Savvinova A., Filippova V. Multi-temporal maps as a source for studying the image of Yakutia 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM, Bulgaria: STEF92 Technology LTD. 2016. - 449-454 (year - 2016)

21. Savvinova A., Filippova V., Gadal S. Географические названия как индикаторы природно-климатических условий Оймяконского района (на примере изучения топонимов холодовой семантики) Успехи современной науки, 2016. №9. Том. 4. С. 160-164 (year - 2016)

22. Semenova Lyubov Aleksandrovna Традиционное природопользование бассейна р. Амга: охота, рыболовство в топонимах Гуманитарные научные исследования, 2016, №11 (year - 2016)

23. Totonova E.E. The territorial organization of tourism the Canadian Northern Territories Journal of Landscape Management, - (year - 2016)

24. Totonova E.E. Анализ методов районирования и зонирования северных территорий (на примере Канады) Арктика XXI век: Гуманитарные науки, №1 (7) 2016 (year - 2016)

25. Totonova E/E/ ТУРИСТСКОЕ ЗОНИРОВАНИЕ КАК МЕТОД ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОГО МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ РАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ СЕВЕРНЫХ ЛАНДШАФТОВ Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского. География. Геология., Том 2(68). №3. 2016 г. Стр. 242-252. (year - 2016)

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28. Zamorshchikova L., Nakhodkina A. Mountain in northern landscape: epic space and real places Proceeding of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM, Volume III Education and Edicational Research, Albena, Bulgaria. 2016. P.211-217. (year - 2016)

29. Totonova E.E. Туризм на Севере Республики Саха (Якутия) : опыт географического моделирования Издательский дом СВФУ, г. Якутск, - (year - 2016)

30. - Ученые объяснили феномен сезонного обмеления "свистящего" озера ИА YakutiaMedia, (year - )

31. - САХА ТУРИЗМЫН — ФРАНЦУЗ КӨМӨТҮНЭН Саха сирэ, 2016/09/06/ (year - )

32. - Наука: ученые объяснили феномен сезонного обмеления «свистящего» озера Борулаах «Наш университет-онлайн», (year - )

33. - О перспективах развития туризма в Аллаихе Путь развития, 13.09.2016 (year - )

34. - Yakutia at a Crossroads Газета «Наш университет», (year - )

35. - Профессор Себастьен Гадаль: Якутия является уникальной территорией для научного изучения Газета «Ил Тумэн», (year - )

36. - Профессор Даниель Шартье: «Необходимо преодолевать негативные стереотипы о Севере» СВФУ Новости, (year - )

37. - Интервью профессора Себастьена Гадаля о проекте РНФ "Онтология ландшафта: семантика, семиотика, и географическое моделирование" «Хангалас» Хангаласский филиал Национально-вещательной компании-Саха, 2016/04/22 (year - )

38. - Russian Geographical Society: Scientists of NEFU Institute of Natural Sciences investigate mysterious lake in Khangalassky Region СВФУ Новости, (year - )

39. - СВФУ: российско-французское сотрудничество Газета «Ил Тумэн», (year - )

40. - В Якутии изучат исчезающее озеро, издающее мистические звуки Якутия.Инфо, (year - )

41. - Даниель Шартье: Необходимо преодолевать негативные стереотипы о Севере ИА ЯСИА, (year - )

42. - Юрате Камичайтите-Вирбашене: «Природные ландшафты Якутии имеют огромный потенциал» Газета «Ил Тумэн», (year - )

43. - Ученые Института естественных наук СВФУ дадут прогнозы изменения береговой зоны дельты реки Лена СВФУ Новости, (year - )