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Project Number21-78-03009

Project titleThe Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia

Project LeadPavlyutkin Ivan

AffiliationPrivate educational institution of higher education Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities,

Implementation period 07.2021 - 06.2023 

Research area 08 - HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 08-302 - Sector-specific sociology

Keywordsfamily studies, religiosity, christianity, ethics, community, social networks, religious identity, responsibility, humility, fidelity, responsibility, social effects of godparenthood, relational sociology, interdisciplinary approach



The research project is aimed at perfecting the social theory and methodology that will help explain the non-linear connection between religion (on the example of Christianity) and family in modern Russian society which went through forced secularisation. In the twentieth century social sciences had a consensus on a strong institutional linkage between family and religion which has been confirmed by empirical studies in most developed countries with a predominantly Christian population. Despite the general trends of secularisation and the decline of the institutional role of religion in the twenty-first century, the various individual and social attributes of religiosity still have a direct or indirect positive impact on the stability of marriages, the overall birth rate, the probability of having two or more children in the family as well as the ideal and desired number of children [Adsera 2006; Philipov, Berghammer 2007; Zhang 2011; Frejka, Westoff 2008; Heaton 2011; Peri-Rotem 2016; Herzer 2019]. However, in predominantly Orthodox post-Soviet countries the connection between the signs of religiosity and family life is not so strong which gives rise to interest in a more in-depth study of their specifics [Buber, Ennser, Berghammer 2021]. The specifics of the Russian context are that despite the observed and complex desecularisation processes of the last thirty years, they do not symmetrically reflect in the stability of marriages and the birth rate. To understand and to adequately explain the specifics mentioned above, it is necessary to perfect social sciences and methodology where religion and family are not studied as parallel phenomena foreign to each other. The existing research often does not take into consideration the theoretical and methodological specifics of studying religion and religiosity in Eastern European countries when creating models for explanation [Tomka 2006; Sinelnikov, Medkov, Antonov 2009]. The last decade has seen growth in the number of publications in which, based on Russian data, the importance of the religious factor for the the birth rate and the stability of marriages is proven and explained. There has been an understanding that discussing policy concerning family and birth rates is impossible without discussing the impact of religion. Today it is shown that statistically the number of children in religious families is bigger than in non-religious ones, religiosity explains growth in the number of families with many children, religion has an impact on second and the following births in Russia [Karabchuk, Kechetova 2017; Roschina 2018; Borisova, Pavlyutkin 2019]. One can make a well-founded assumption that it is the religious factor that impacts the growth in the number of families with many children in large and medium-sized cities of Russia over the last fifteen years. At the same time, there is almost no research that could explain how exactly the factor makes an impact and which signs of religiosity are significant. One of the conclusions drawn from the previous stage of the Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia research project was that the so-called third factors performing the function of moderating or switching the direction and the power of connection between family and religion between the characteristics of family and religion gain an importance in explaining specifics of the interrelation [Borisova, Pavlyutkin 2019; Goleva 2019]. They allow one to talk about different interrelation models which manifest for different population groups. In this connection, continuing the realisation of the project, we suggest focusing on theoretical and empirical study of the third factors governing the force of the interrelation between family and religion: marriage patterns, types of religious communities (parishes), characteristics of family-friendly social environment, and educational practices. The realisation of the project using primary and secondary empirical data will allow one to assess the input and the importance of religion and make the mechanics of its influence on the state of family and the birth rate.

Expected results
The realisation of the research project will allow us to prepare publications and reports in several languages which will help enlarge international scientific discussion about the interrelation between family and religion in the twenty-first century [Buber, Ennser, Berghammer 2021]. As a result of its realisation, it will be possible to explain the paradox of interrelation between religion and family in post-Soviet and to demonstrate the importance of the third factors moderating the connection between the characteristics of family and religion for different population groups. Particularly, one of the methodological results will be connected with testing the scale of marriage characteristics as well as those of relational reflexivity for individuals with different marital status. Research results in different stages will be discussed with various Russian and foreign research centres during conferences and seminars. This will allow us to include young researchers in the international communication network which focuses on family and religion. The realisation of the research project will allow us to reinforce educational programmes in the field of religious studies and sociology with new scientific knowledge about family dynamics in Russia, Italy, Austria, and the USA. The results of the research will have practical value and it will serve as a source of arguments in forming social subsidy policy in the field of family and birth rates as well as discussing types of support for socially-oriented organisations and family initiatives. The research will allow us to offer arguments for discussing horizontal forms (educational programmes and pro-family projects) of social support for families in cooperation with traditional denominations. The conceptual model of the family developed in this research may become the base for developing practical support programmes in unfavourable conditions which is especially important in the context of the complex demographical situation. The results will be presented at international and local conferences. In addition, publications in the business and public press will be prepared.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2022
A relevant study of ‘family-religion’ interrelation in Russia, as well as the strength and character of this relation, presupposes the analysis of the factors that moderate the link in question. Research work in the reporting period focused on the following moderators or ‘third’ variables: social capital and environment, religious socialization, relational competences (virtues), religious practices. Social capital, environment and religious socialization The way embeddedness into strong and weak ties determines the marriage and family life perception has been reflected in the research on young Russians’ pathways to marriage (Alekseeva 2022). The stage of spouse search is characterized by the importance of weak ties as they enable to enhance acquaintances for extensive search. Further stages of getting married, however, presuppose formation of new affinity relations, which may turn into strong ties (meeting each other’s parents). With strong tie formation, the number of weak ties decrease as those getting married start to focus on family ties more. The research has shown that strong ties may have particular importance in the young Russians’ marriage trajectories, because the degree to which meeting the parents-in-law is significant for a person is connected to the way relationships in his or her new family are perceived. The research on the interrelation between religiosity and marriage values and norms among young married Russians (N=1000) accounts for the fact that social religiosity metrics in statistical analysis are better that individual ones (Alekseeva 2023, Mir Rossii). Researchers usually state the absence of the relation in hand for the majority of Post Soviet countries, which have undergone forced secularization. However, religiosity indices with social components (the feeling of unity with the parish community, the priest communication frequency), contrary to individual scales, elucidate the link between religiosity and various values better, and the research paper underpins this thesis (social religiosity metrics demonstrate greater correlation with marriage norms and values). Therefore, marital norms and values are more likely to be connected to person’s social environment than to their individual religiosity. The social context effects have also been studied during the religiosity and fertility relation analysis on a macro-level (Prutskova, Pavlutkin, Borisova 2023). The role social context and, particularly, religious socialization play in the interrelation between Christian religiosity and the number of children has been analyzed based on 3 waves of the World Value Survey data (1999, 2008, 2018) in 39 countries. The results have confirmed the hypothesis that moderating factors of the social context strengthen the link between the two parameters in hand, so there is now an explanation for the weak tie between religiosity and fertility, which Post Soviet countries with Orthodox population domination are characterized by (Zabaev, Kostrova 2023). Firstly, religious socialization may influence childbirth and family life via religious doctrines people learn and perceive. Secondly, religious socialization may function through the institutional influence mechanisms, moderating the link between desired and actual number of children. Finally, specific social network forms with the help of religious socialization, as the latter makes family involve in parish community life (communication with the priest and other families in parish). Such involvement becomes the source of informational, emotional and material support, which is significant on the stage of family transition to several children. Virtues as the source of values and relational competences in marriage The significance of the ethical dimension (virtues) of souses’ interaction in marriage was also explored. In the framework of seminars ‘Marriage images in the philosophy of family’, some key texts important for contemporary marriage and family perception were discussed . Thus, the Christian marriage peculiarities have been found. On the one hand, both Aristotle and Christian apologist (John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian) consider marriage as the union where each spouse should improve in virtuous (righteous) life. On the other hand, the list of these virtues differs among various authors (social justice vs. unity). Particular Christian virtues are operationalized and tested in social science family studies today. However, scarcely can we meet such research papers in Russian social sciences, which should be changed in future. The relation between religiosity, marriage experience and relation competences (virtues) have been tested on the case of married Orthodox respondents (Pavlutkin, Goleva 2023). The distinction between institutional (normative) and relational influence religion has on marriage has been drawn on a theoretical level. In framework of relational dimension, ethic and virtues (humility, forgiveness, self-sacrifice) are discussed as marital life stability sources. As social sciences state, detachment from ‘I’ in favor of ‘We’ provides the spouses’ mutuality. The qualitative spouse survey (N=583) has demonstrated that respondents in general rate the detachment from “I” in marriage statements as rather low and the independence in marriage statements as rather high. The greater marriage experience and religious service attendance frequency are, the higher distancing from ‘I’ in marriage is and the lower independence in marriage turns out to be. Relational view on the role religion plays in marriage enables to uncover the layers hidden under structural and institutional models as such a view gives instruments for the marital life ethics analysis. Not only can theoretical and methodological development of relational outlook help explain divorce rate in Russia, but it also can open the opportunities to develop Russian family relationships. Ethical dimension was also reflected in the study of the way religious Russians use an Orthodox online dating platform. Based on the interview data, the paper discusses the way informants combine both practical (economic) and substantial (ethic) arguments in the spouse search strategies (Alekseeva 2023, Sociological review). On the one hand, the dating platform makes spouse search similar to choosing a ‘product’ on a market. On the other hand, Orthodox perception of marriage presupposes understanding of marriage as associated with faithfulness (once and for life), unity, value consensus and the paramount importance of the God’s will in choosing a spouse. The contradiction stated can be overcome with what informants explain in the categories of ‘self-control’ and ‘fight with temptation’. The informants find it possible to be proactive while searching for a spouse (online as well as offline), yet they believe the result of the search rests upon the God’s will. One more topic in the framework of the project is the women’s religious practices connected to reproductive technologies (Krikhtova 2023). The informants of the study were women who have problems with child conception and birth. Both qualitative and quantitative data were used to uncover the child ‘appropriation’ practices in the context of new reproductive technologies. To ‘appropriate’ means to ‘affirm the connection to a child, his or her status as a family member as well as woman’s status as a mother’, so the kinship ties are built in this process too. It was also found that women rethink some religious rituals and symbols guided by the wish to fill ‘mechanical and biological’ medical approach with meaning.



1. Alekseeva P. Брачные траектории молодых россиян: роль сетей. Экономическая социология, № 5, Т. 23, С. 78 - 108. (year - 2022)

2. Alekseeva P. Выбор на брачном рынке или воля Божья? О практической и субстантивной рациональности в категориях пользователей православной платформы для знакомств. Социологическое обозрение, №1, Т.22, с. 82-97. (year - 2023)

3. Alekseeva P. Связь религиозности и ценностно-нормативных представлений о браке: взгляд российской брачной молодежи. Мир России. Социология. Этнология, - (year - 2023)

4. Krihtova T. Практики «присвоения» ребенка в контексте новых репродуктивных технологий. Studia Religiosa Rossica: научный журнал о религии, - (year - 2023)

5. Pavlyutkin I., Goleva M. Значение религии в объяснении российского парадокса брачности: обоснование гипотезы об отношенческих компетенциях на примере супругов, идентифицирующих себя с православием. Вестник ПСТГУ. Серия I: Богословие. Философия. Религиоведение, Вып. 106. С. 107–133. (year - 2023)

6. Prutskova E., Pavlyutkin I., Borisova O. Связь религиозности и рождаемости в России на фоне других европейских стран: эффект социального контекста. Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены, № 2. С. 103-126 (year - 2023)

7. Luhmann N. [Transl. from German by E.A. Kostrova; ed. by I.V. Zabaev] Ребёнок как среда воспитания. Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета, Москва, 2023., М.: Изд-во ПСТГУ, 72с. ISBN 978-5-7429-1510-2. (year - 2023)

Annotation of the results obtained in 2021
In the reporting period, the research team of the project "The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia" progressed in four thematic areas. The first one – parameters of the relationship between religion and fertility. The second – factors of differentiation of marriage styles and qualities. The third – young Russians’ mating and marriage strategies. The fourth – family, work and religion in pandemic times. In addition, a regular seminar was held to discuss philosophical and religious readings on marriage, which have become significant for social sciences in the context of studying the family of modern society. The aim of the regular seminar is the reconstruction, comparative analysis and operationalization of ideas relevant to understanding different types of cohesion between family and Christianity. Parameters of the relationship between religion and fertility Within the framework of the first thematic area, a review of scientific research was prepared, which examines the factors mediating the influence of religion on fertility over the past decades in different regions of Europe, the USA, and Canada. One of the conclusions of the article is that the influence of religion on demographic processes is explained not only by the strength of social institution but also by the reliability of communication of values and the significance of the "culture" of childbirth for an individual's identity (Zabaev I., Kostrova E. "The Russian paradox of religion and fertility. Specification of the problem and development of an explanatory hypothesis", 2022). I. Zabaev, E. Kostrova and M. Goleva (2022) in the article "Self-realization and children: spatial metaphors of everyday life in the narratives of Russian women" continued the discussion on the values and childbirth. Authors analyzed the interrelation between the value of self-realization and spatial categories. According to the theories of the Second Demographic Transition and value shifts, self-realization is associated with the desire for constant self-development and could be considered as an obstacle for childbearing. Analyzing interviews on family topics with Russian women, authors found that categories of childbirth and self-realization are also interconnected with a spatial narrative (three spatial metaphors were identified: journey, logistics, home). The results obtained allow us to offer arguments for reconsidering the discussion about childbearing (people without children "against" people with many children). The symbolic meaning of the interrelation of religiosity and fertility illuminates in the context of reproductive (medical) problems faced by spouses who want to have a child. The different meanings of this connection were investigated by T. Krihtova on the example of various religious practices used by respondents who dream of having a child (qualitative and quantitative methods). Factors of differentiation of marriage styles and qualities Within the framework of the second thematic area, patterns of marriage relationships and their interrelation with orientations on different number of children were studied. One of the conclusions of I. Pavlyutkin's article "How the Sense of Community Arises in Marriage: The Logic of Mutuality in the Narratives of Women from Large Families" (2021) is that women consider a family with many children as desirable one if their husbands are involved not only in household duties but also in marital relations. In families where spouses manage to maintain reciprocity (community in marriage), despite the growing workload and vulnerability of the mother, and the temporal and spatial asynchrony between spouses, the perception of new births turns out to be positive. Preliminary testing of the hypothesis on the interrelation between marriage patterns and the expected number of children on quantitative data (online survey conducted within the framework of the grant) also shows that the importance for respondents of the qualities of marriage associated with community increases the expected number of children in the family (O. Borisova). Young Russians’ mating and marriage strategies The third topic was aimed at determination of factors differentiating young Russians’ strategies of finding a spouse and getting married as well as at testing hypotheses about the role of family ties and markers of religiosity for this differentiation (P. Kalinovskaya., N. Emeliyanov). The topic is relevant for the research project as it is necessary to explain the high divorce rate in the initial years of marriage: for example, it may be caused by specific attitudes towards marriage and the approaches to finding a spouse. Based on the results of literature review and the discussions of the research design, a special questionnaire was developed for testing the hypotheses relying on data. The results of this study are planned to be discussed and published next year. Family, work and religion in pandemic times The fourth topic was devoted to assessing the social well-being during the period of self-isolation regime caused by the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Based on the developed by research team questionnaire and the data of an online survey conducted in the spring of 2020, an analytical report was prepared, which formed the basis of a monograph published this year. (Goleva M., Melkumyan E., Pavlyutkin I., Prutskova E. Family, Work and Religion in the Period of Self-isolation: According to the 2020 Online Survey. Moscow: PSTGU, 2022). The analysis of distributions on the key variables showed differences in the perceptions of the pandemic and the lockdown, in assessments of the quality and dynamics of family relations, in assessments of employment and daily home life, as well as of religious life during the period of self-isolation. Variables of religiosity also showed the significance in assessing the qualities of family relations and family integration. The results obtained elucidate the need for a deeper analysis of the consequences of social isolation in context of social and economic differentiation of the population and the perception of social inequality. All in all, during the first year of project implementation, members of the research team: • Prepared three articles (published or accepted for publication by leading Russian social sciences journals); • Published a collective monograph; • Made seven presentations at scientific conferences; • Created two questionnaires for quantitative research of marriage and fertility; • Developed a seminar program on philosophical doctrines about marriage; • Organized twenty seminars for the discussion the theory and philosophy of marriage, as well as the methodology for the study of marriage and fertility.



1. Pavlyutkin I. Как возникает общность в браке: логика взаимности в нарративах жён из многодетных семей. Экономическая социология, № 4, Т. 22, 11-34 (year - 2021)

2. Zabaev I., Kostrova E. Российский парадокс религии и рождаемости. Спецификация проблемы и разработка объясняющей гипотезы. Вестник ПСТГУ. Серия I: Богословие. Философия. Религиоведение., - (year - 2022)

3. Zabaev I., Kostrova E., Goleva M. Самореализация и дети: пространственные метафоры повседневной жизни в нарративах россиянок. Социологическое обозрение, - (year - 2022)

4. Goleva M., Melkumyan E., Pavlyutkin I., Prutskova E. Семья, работа и религия в период самоизоляции: По данным онлайн-опроса 2020 г. Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета, Москва, 168 c. (year - 2022)