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Project Number21-79-10375
Project titleThe theory and technology of local remote sea surface monitoring and real-time bathymetric measurements by X-band radar
Project LeadKhachaturian Alena
AffiliationSaint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University,
Implementation period | 07.2021 - 06.2024 |
Research area 09 - ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 09-706 - Radio- and television systems, radiolocation and communications
KeywordsOperational oceanography, coherent radar, radar monitoring, hydrographic parameters, bathymetry, aggregation measurement
Due to increasing of the maritime freight and the expansion of the fuel and energy companies at the sea shelf issues of ensuring security in maritime waters become very important.
One of the main problems in terms of maritime safety is the operational monitoring of the wind-wave situation in areas difficult to navigate. The safety of economic activities in the waters is also significantly influenced by hydrodynamic processes occurring in shallow waters and causing a constant displacement of the soil and erosion of the seabed, which leads to a change in its topography. Thus, continuous maritime monitoring of the sea surface is necessary for the correction of navigation maps and planning of dredging in the fairway and coastal areas.
This project assumes the development of radar methods for maritime monitoring guaranteeing the high information content and accuracy of the obtained hydrographic and bathymetric measurements. One of the most informative features, along with the measured radar cross section (RCS), are the spectral characteristics of the signal backscattered by the sea surface. To obtain the most accurate assessment of these features, the project will use a system of two coherent radars.
For the first time to solve the problem of local remote monitoring of bathymetry it is proposed to use remote sensing methods based on the use of spectral-fluctuation characteristics of signals backscattered by the sea surface. Such methods are capable of performing bathymetry in shallow water areas remotely, covering local area up to 1-1.5 km with local measurements, which can significantly reduce the time and cost of work compared to the applied measurement technologies, and this in turn makes it possible to carry out operational information corrections on the state of the seabed after floods, severe storms, ice drift and other natural phenomena that have a decisive influence on short-term sea-bed erosion. Such metrics as DPXA, Sync and other were not previously applied to signals backscattered by the sea surface. The metrics under investigation, in principle, have no restrictions both on the stationarity of the input data and on the linearity of the revealed statistical relationships. They are functions of position and displacement, and thus can be used for multiscale analysis.
To achieve the goals and implementation of the proposed technical solutions, it is necessary to solve the following technical problems:
1. Develop and clarify complex physical-mathematical models of the interaction of coherent SHF electromagnetic waves with the water surface, taking into account non-linear effects due to complex hydrodynamic processes occurring in the nearsea surface layers.
2. Develop and implement software algorithms for remote bathymetric measurements obtained from X-band radar backscattering from the sea surface especially in coastal areas.
3. Develop and implement software algorithms for high-precision hydrographic measurement by coherent radars.
4. Design, carry out technical implementation and experimental testing of proposed prototype of the coherent radar complex for high precision hydrographic and bathymetric measurements.
5. Develop the methodology for the aggregation of radar data with other sources of hydrographic information sources implemented as an integrated hydrographic information system.
The methods and algorithms developed in this project can be integrated into geoinformation systems or become the basis for an independent software product for constructing seafloor topography maps in coastal waters, in particular, near active fairways.
Expected results
As an outcome of the proposed project we plan to achieve the following goals:
1. Complex physical-mathematical models of interaction of coherent SHF electromagnetic waves with a water surface will be developed, considering non-linear effects due to complex hydrodynamic processes occurring in the near-surface layers of marine areas. The creation of such a model will help to develop methods for radar data processing with better accuracy.
2. Algorithms will be developed for the remote assessment of the bathymetric parameters of the coastal areas by radar methods using a SHF signal backscattered by the sea surface. The software for the proposed algorithms will be implemented and verified with a help of computer simulation.
3. Algorithms of high-precision measurement of hydrographic parameters (waves, surface currents) by coherent (Doppler) radars will be developed. The software for the proposed algorithms will be implemented and verified with a help of computer simulation.
4. Prototypes of coherent radar system for high-precision measurement of hydrographic parameters, including the bathymetry, will be implemented. These prototypes will be approbated. The obtained experimental data will be used to refine the proposed physical and mathematical models and algorithms for estimating the sea parameters.
5. Methodological support will be developed for the aggregation of radar data with other hydrographic information sources in the integrated geoinformation system based on operational oceanography tools. The solution of this problem will allow to combine the data of radar measurements with measurements of sensors operating on other physical principles within a single physical and mathematical model in order to accurately estimate sea parameters.
6. A methodology will be developed for adapting the obtained methods and algorithms to their use in various waters, including in the Arctic region. Similar physical processes occurring in the near-surface layer of different waters can significantly differ in their characteristics. This is due to differences in temperature, salinity and other water characteristics, as well as geographical features and bathymetry of water areas.
The expected results of the project correspond to the predicted level of world research in this area and will form the basis for developing effective systems for monitoring the state of the water surface and bathymetric measurements aimed at reducing the risk of emergency situations of natural and man-made origin.
The results may be of interest both for public services involved in servicing shipping routes, preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, and for managing structures of high-risk facilities (port and transport complexes, oil terminals, oil and gas producing platforms). The planned results of the project are of significant fundamental interest both in terms of the development of approaches to the measurement and processing of radar data for oceanographic, meteorological and navigation purposes, and in the development of methods and algorithms for processing heterogeneous data in complex geographic information systems of hydrographic and meteorological monitoring.
Annotation of the results obtained in 2023
Analysis and development of methodological support for radar data fusion from the prototype of a centimetre-range coherent radar complex with data from SW-band coherent radars have been carried out. The use of local radar measurements with centimetre-band radars provides an increase in range resolution and reliability of surveillance data. Large areas of the sea can be covered by long-range radars operating in SW-band. The potential range and resolution of centimetre and SW-band radars for operational oceanography is analysed. It is proposed to implement a multi-position radar complex, combining radars of various frequency bands, each of which will independently assess the seaway parameters in its area of responsibility and transmit the information received to a common processing centre. Requirements for the quantitative composition of integrated radar sensors, their spatial placement and synchronization have been developed.
Geometries and algorithms have been developed to perform the water/sea-ice discrimination by the airborne maritime/ground surveillance radars and high-altitude conical scanning radar at the various measurement conditions with the circular and semicircular schemes. The method we used for sea ice/water discrimination was based on comparison of the statistical distance of the measured normalized radar cross sections to the water and sea ice geophysical model functions. The proposed method can successfully discriminate the water and ice even if the geophysical model function of the ice is unknown. To evaluate the success of ice/water discrimination, ratios of the summation results of the minimum statistical distance of measured backscatter values to geophysical model functions of sea ice and water were introduced. It was found that to produce the best results, the incidence angle should tend to 60°, while the 30° incidence angle provides the highest maximum altitude for sea ice/water discrimination and wind retrieval.
The analysis of the limitations of the methods and geometries for the azimuthal observation of the underlying surface with the circular and semicircular schemes to measure water and sea ice backscattering signatures was performed. The maximum applicability altitude of the method for water and ice discrimination with a circular scheme is 17.3 km, 10 km and 5.77 km at the incidence angle of 30°, 45° and 60°, while with a semicircular scheme these values increase by 2 times.
The recommendations to perform measurements of the underlying surface backscattering signatures, wind speed and direction over the water surface, and sea ice/water discrimination were developed. The aircraft should perform a horizontal rectilinear flight; the rotating antenna should be stabilized relative to the horizontal plane and ensure the constant incidence angle.
It is necessary to provide two modes of radar operation, depending on the flight altitude of the aircraft and the incidence angle. If the current altitude and incidence angle allow applying the method to perform measurements with the circular scheme, then the mode of this scheme is used, and otherwise the semicircle scheme mode is used.
The study showed that it is possible to extend the functionality of these radars to measure sea surface wind and perform water/sea ice discrimination. It was also found the urgent need to implement the sea water/ice discrimination option for an airborne wind scatterometer or multimode scatterometer radar operating over frozen seas, since their use over sea ice areas without the seawater/ice discrimination option will lead to completely erroneous measurements of the sea wind vector. These research outcomes can contribute to oceanography, meteorology and navigation, for collocated and stand-alone use, the enhancement of the radars of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as for the development of new remote sensing systems.
The сomputationally efficient algorithms for determining the characteristics of sea waves depending on wind and bathymetric parameters were proposed, based on the analysis of parameters of the size, shape and orientation of objects identified in binarized structural portraits of radar images of the sea surface.
The influence of the parameters of the sea surface model on the parameters of objects identified on its binarized image during thresholding has been studied. A connection between the fluctuation characteristics of sea waves and the parameters of depth and wind conditions has been established. It is shown that the parameters of the size, shape and orientation of the objects in the presence of swell depend harmoniously on the angle between wind waves and swell waves.
The statistical characteristics of local extrema in sea surface models have been studied. It is shown that the distribution of amplitudes of local extrema of steady wind waves is a Weibull distribution, the parameters of which depend on the wind speed. In the presence of swell waves, the distribution of local extrema is the Frechet distribution, and the specific values of the distribution parameters are determined by the angle between the wind waves and the swell waves. The results obtained can be used to search for sea wave components that are not related to the current wind and therefore cannot be replaced by autonomous wind measurements.
A Bayesian network model is proposed, parameterized by Spearman's partial correlation coefficients, and allowing to predict the parameters of local maxima of sea waves based on the characteristics of objects identified on binarized images of the sea surface and the total dispersion of sea waves.
A method for measuring currents by radars located on board of a moving vessel has been developed and experimentally tested. The experimental measurement data collected at the hydrophysical testing facility of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS), located in Gelendzhik, were analyzed using coherent microwave radar equipment from the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI), an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) mounted on the research vessel “Ashamba”, and Lagrangian drift buoys. The algorithm for processing radar data involved obtaining spectral signatures to assess dynamic processes on the ocean's surface, including current velocity. Radial components of near-surface currents were determined based on radar data. As the measurements were made while the ship was underway, composite maps of the currents on radial velocity components obtained from different points in space were also produced. The current velocities were then compared using drifter, ADCP and radar data. Current velocities ranging from 7 to 52 cm/s were observed during the experiment. In general, the radar data are in good agreement with the drifter data in the velocity range from 15 to 50 cm/s, confirming the performance of the developed methods and algorithms.
A method for measuring surface current velocity and combining measurement results from a 2-position radar complex with simultaneous operation of two radar sensors was developed. A method and algorithm for the calculation of the true current vector on the basis of data from two separate radars has been developed and implemented in the Matlab environment.
Coherentisation of the Furuno 1823 navigation radar was carried out. For the coherentisation, an intermediate frequency amplifier and a scheme for the formation of the radar start pulse were designed and manufactured. In order to validate the developed methods and algorithms, a field experiment was carried out with the operation of two radar positions. In accordance with the results of the experiment, the vector field of surface currents in the water area of the Neva River was constructed. The experimental results confirm the efficiency of the developed methods and algorithms.
Proposals for the design of a sub-system for monitoring of sea areas on the basis of a multi-position coherent radar complex of cm-band and its combination with other sensors of hydrographic information in the implementation of a unified information system of operational oceanography have been developed. It seems expedient to create a monitoring system by combining local spatially separated radar systems of different frequency ranges. Key surveillance posts can be supplemented with additional sensors such as optical, contact and hydroacoustic means, as well as long-term databases, providing specialised information essential for monitoring marine areas.
1. Gorbunov I.G., Veremyev V.I., Shestak V.D., Komarov G.V., Myslenkov S.A., Silvestrova K.P. О верификации измерений скорости поверхностных течений когерентным радаром СВЧ-диапазона с помощью дрифтеров Известия высших учебных заведений России. Радиоэлектроника., Т. 26, № 3. С. 99–110. (year - 2023)
2. Komarov G.V., Voskresenskii D.M., Gorbunov I.G., Vorobyev E.N., Ovchinnikov M.A. Когерентный радар дистанционного зондирования морской поверхности со сложным сигналом и интегрированной обработкой сигналов ЦИФРОВАЯ ОБРАБОТКА СИГНАЛОВ И ЕЕ ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ DSPA - 2023. Доклады XXV Международной конференции., Выпуск: XXV, стр. 258-263 (year - 2023)
3. Nekrasov A., Khachaturian A., Fidge C. Using semicircular sampling to increase sea water/ice discrimination altitude Emerging Science Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 480-495 (year - 2024)
4. Pyko N.S., Orandarenko E.D., Bogachev M.I. Статистический анализ локальных экстремумов взволнованной морской поверхности на основе данных математического моделирования Известия высших учебных заведений России. Радиоэлектроника., Т. 26, No 5. С. 99–111. (year - 2023)
Annotation of the results obtained in 2021
A theoretical analysis and modeling of sea wave parameters based on space-time diagrams using a two-dimensional Fourier transform were carried out, and radar portraits of the sea surface at different polarizations have been studied. The applicability of the maximum covariance analysis (MCA) for the analysis of matrices characterizing the spatiotemporal models of sea surface backscatter signals for different types of sea waves was investigated.The application of MCA to the comparison of the characteristics of different models of the sea surface backscatter signals at different types of sea waves results in the dimensionality reduction eventually leading to their replacement by a single correlation coefficient. Statistical analysis of the correlation coefficients determined by the MCA method, carried out with respect to the backscatter signals matrices at very deep water, deep water and finite depth, indicated that the final correlation coefficients are relatively small, and this tendency takes place at different degrees of sea roughness. With an essential increase in the degree of the roughness, the median of the correlation coefficients and their interquartile range increase insignificantly. We assume that weak correlations between these scenarios make it possible to reliably distinguish between backscatter signals in deep water, the appearance of shoals, and changes in the seabed topography, which can be useful for bathymetric measurements based on the radar backscatter signal analysis.
Two different approaches to the analysis of correlated random fields are considered: using correlation and phase metrics. Analytical relationships are established between the distributions of phase shifts of individual harmonics used for synthesis of random fields and the coefficients of mutual correlations and RMS of the difference in Hilbert phase of the cross sections of the random field formed by them. The dependence of the amplitudes of the local maxima of the random field on the indicated characteristics is studied. The results obtained confirm the dependence of the considered metrics, and also indicate the possibility of estimating the local maxima of sea wave amplitudes under different conditions, which in the future will allow using the obtained dependencies in modeling the dynamics of both normal and anomalous sea waves.
Theoretical basis for creating a methodology for measuring the height of sea waves by means of a linear regression analysis of the spectrum of sea waves based on Doppler information obtained using a coherent radar were investigated.
The analysis and generalization of analytical models of the dispersion characteristics of the sea surface as applied to the question of the implementation of algorithms for radar bathymetry in the centimeter wave range were carried out.
An analysis of the technical characteristics of airborne surveillance radars was carried out in order to expand their functionality when they operate in the scatterometer mode, and corresponding concepts were developed to expand the functionality of such airborne radars to measure water/sea ice backscatter signatures that can be used to recover the wind vector over the sea surface, determine the sea ice parameters, and provide sea ice/water discrimination from aircraft.
In order to reveal the potential and possible optimization of the geometry for measuring the wind speed and direction under various conditions, the cases of antenna location under and above the aircraft were considered, and the corresponding geometries and algorithms for measuring the wind vector over the water surface using airborne surveillance radars were developed. Under the condition that the antenna is located over the aircraft, the cases of narrow, medium and wide shading elements of the aircraft (nose, wings, tail) were also considered. The results of the simulation of the near-water wind speed and direction measurements have shown that scatterometers installed over the aircraft, despite the presence of shading from the aircraft elements (nose, wings, tail), make it possible to measure the wind speed and direction over the water surface with almost the same measurement errors, as in the absence of shading (the antenna is installed under the aircraft).
Under the condition that the antenna is located under the aircraft, the influence of the simultaneous use of several incidence angles on the accuracy of the wind speed and direction measurement was considered. The simulation results have shown that the simultaneous use of several incidence angles up to 3–4 makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measuring the wind speed and direction in comparison with the case of using only one incidence angle, while the highest accuracy is achieved in the region of incidence angles closer to 60°. At the same time, an increase in the number of incidence angles used leads to a decrease in the maximum height of applicability of the method compared to the case of using only one incidence angle. Simultaneous use of 2 incidence angles is a simpler procedure compared to using 3–4 incidence angles, combining both improving the accuracy of measuring wind speed and direction, and ensuring the maximum altitude of the method applicability approaching the maximum possible one when using only one incidence angle.
The results obtained can be used to optimize the geometry and accuracy of measurements in the creation of new airborne radars used for oceanographic, meteorological and navigation purposes at their joint and standalone use.
A conceptual structure of the hardware-software prototype of the 2-station coherent X-band radar system radar has been developed. As a single radar at each position, it is proposed to use navigation radars with adapted hardware for tasks of the sea surface monitoring. The coherentization of the Furuno radar was carried out. The features and operation principles of the Garmin radar were studied. Technical proposals have been developed for the modernization of the Garmin radar for the tasks of the sea surface monitoring. The software for controlling, recording receiver signals, visualization and processing of the data recorded by coherent Furuno radar was developed. New hardware and software solutions have been developed for the implementation of a purely coherent radar for the sea surface monitoring.
A technique has been developed for remote sensing of the sea surface with a 2-station coherent X-band radar system.
An algorithm for remote measurement and construction of vector fields of surface currents by a 2-station coherent X-band radar system has been developed. The algorithm has been tested using experimental data in application to a single radar.
Experimental data of signals from the sea surface were obtained for different radar locations in the Black Sea and the Gulf of Finland, for different probing azimuths under different meteorological and sea surface conditions.
The advantages of the Doppler radar in increasing the surveillance range due to coherent integration are confirmed.The possibility of revealing the structure of the spectrum and the possibility of using the radar for various purposes (operational measurement of currents and wind speed) of the sea surface monitoring are demonstrated.
The limitations of the Doppler radar in range due to the insufficient potential of the Furuno 1623 radar have been determined.
The operability of the proposed method of remote sensing of the sea surface has been confirmed.
An algorithm for measuring currents using a single radar was tested, and qualitative estimations of the fields of surface currents were obtained.
Further steps have been determined for carrying out experimental work in the waters of the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea.
1. Komarov G., Kulikova D., Kochetov A. Многодисковая сверхширокополосная антенна осевого излучения Антенны и распространение радиоволн: сб. докладов Всероссийской научнотехнической конференции. СПб.: СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», c.5-6 (year - 2021)
2. Kutuzov V., Ovchinnikov M., Komarov G. Характеристики разрешения-обнаружения модифицированного метода Берга при обработке сигналов в неэквидистантной антенной решетке, транспортируемой загоризонтной РЛС декаметрового диапазона Сборник научных статей по материалам V Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития радиотехнических и инфокоммуникационных систем» («Радиоинфоком-2021»), c.98-102 (year - 2021)
3. Nekrasov A., Khachaturian A. Towards the Sea Wind Measurement with the Airborne Scatterometer Having the Rotating-Beam Antenna Mounted over Fuselage Remote Sensing, Remote Sens. 2021, 13(24), 5165 (year - 2021)
4. Plotnitskaya E., Vorobev E., Veremyev V. Analysis of Spectrum Signatures from Rotating Blades of Small Drone 2021 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), c. 212-215 (year - 2021)
5. Pyko N.S., Pyko S.A, Mikhailov V.N., Bogachev M.I. Maximum covariance analysis of the sea surface backscatter signal models Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Conf. Ser. 2052 012034 (year - 2021)
6. - Новые методы мониторинга морской поверхности позволят повысить безопасность судовождения Сетевое издание Научно-информационный портал “Поиск”, - (year - )
7. - Новые методы мониторинга морской поверхности позволят повысить безопасность судовождения Информационный портал "Научная Россия" (Некоммерческое партнерство "Международное партнерство распространения научных знаний"), - (year - )
8. - Поверхность моря расскажет о состоянии дна Сетевое издание «Коммерсантъ», - (year - )
9. - Новые методы мониторинга морской поверхности позволят эффективно решать задачи безопасности судоходства Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, - (year - )
Annotation of the results obtained in 2022
An algorithm has been developed for determining significant sea wave height from the radial Doppler wave velocity measured by a coherent centimeter range radar. The performance of variants of the algorithm for determining significant sea wave height was tested using records of real signals reflected from the sea surface obtained as a result of experiments. An optimal type of algorithm for the solution of the above problem was determined, assuming the calculation of significant wave heights by the RMS of the measured Doppler wave velocity. The results of wave height distribution in the investigated water area during the experimental works have been obtained.
Limitations of the method of determining the significant wave height are revealed. The operability and applicability of the developed algorithm, taking into account the identified limitations, is confirmed.
The distribution of local maxima of sea surface models at different depths, wind strength, and the presence of ripple waves was investigated. Models of sea waves were obtained by harmonic synthesis based on the Pearson-Moskowitz energy spectrum.
It is established that the distribution of local maxima in the absence of swell waves is a type III GEV distribution (Weibull distribution). The scale and location parameters of the GEV distribution, as well as its median, increase with increasing wind speed, while there is practically no dependence on depth. In the presence of swell, the distribution of local maxima refers to type II GEV distribution, i.e. is a Fréchet distribution. The distribution median, as well as the scale and location parameters, depend on the angle between wind waves and swell waves, taking the largest values at an angle close to 90 degrees.
The obtained results allow us to conclude that it is expedient to use the distribution parameters of local extrema for the characteristics of sea waves, and, first of all, for predicting anomalous situations at sea associated with the influence of swell waves. In this case, the most undesirable situation for safe navigation is the approach of the angle between wind waves and swell waves to 90 degrees, which leads to a significant increase in the amplitudes of the total waves.
An analysis of the possibilities of exploitation of third-party transmitters of illumination for the tasks of radar hydrography was carried out. The analysis results showed that digital satellite TV transmitters have the highest effective radiated power in the centimetre range of electromagnetic waves. The results of analysis of the influence of bistatic geometry formed by receiver-transmitter pair on the parameters of the reflected signal spectrum at small sliding angles showed a strict dependence of the Doppler spectrum parameters on the observation angle, i.e. the relationship between the wave direction and the bistatic geometry.
An algorithm for measuring bathymetric parameters in coastal waters based on the processing of sequences of radar images of the water surface has been developed. The dependence of sea surface condition on depth is expressed by a dispersion relation, which describes the dynamic relationship between wave number and angular frequency and determines the phase velocity of wave propagation. Parameters of the dispersion relation vary in the presence of a current and/or depth change. The proposed processing algorithm allows obtaining complex spatial single-component images showing the intensity and phase of individual parts of the wave field and estimating parameters of the sea conditions, namely the depth and current vector.
An analysis of the technical characteristics of the high-altitude conical scanning radar was carried out in order to expand their functionality when it operates in the scatterometer mode, and corresponding concepts were developed to expand the functionality of such airborne radars to measure water/sea ice backscatter signatures that can be used to recover the wind vector over the sea surface, and provide sea ice/water discrimination from aircraft.
In order to reveal the potential for increasing the maximum altitude of the method applicability and optimizing the geometry for measuring the wind speed and direction under various conditions, the cases and geometries for measuring the water surface backscattering signatures and the water-surface wind vector retrieval were considered according to the semicircle scheme at a single incidence angle, and simultaneously at several angles sightings. Also, appropriate algorithms for retrieval of the wind vector over the water surface using the high-altitude conical scanning radar were developed.
The applicability of the proposed approach is supported by the results of mathematical modeling. The simulation results for semicircular geometries of measuring the water surface backscattering signatures at a single incidence angle and simultaneously at several neighboring incidence angle showed that the maximum errors in measuring wind speed and direction have a general tendency to decrease with increasing the incidence angle. The tendency in the case of semicircular geometries is less pronounced than in the case of circular geometries, with which the comparison was made. In these cases, all the errors are within the range of typical wind measurement errors with a scatterometer.
Also, the simulation results have shown that the simultaneous use of several neighboring incidence angles up to 3–4 at the semicircular geometries, as well as for the circular geometries with which the comparison was made, makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measuring the wind speed and direction in comparison with the case of using single incidence angle, while the highest accuracy is achieved in the region of incidence angles closer to 60°. At the same time, an increase in the number of incidence angles used leads to a decrease in the maximum altitude of the method’s applicability compared to the case of using only one incidence angle. Simultaneous use of 2 incidence angles is a simpler procedure compared to using 3–4 incidence angles, combining both improving the accuracy of measuring wind speed and direction, and ensuring the maximum altitude of the method applicability approaching the maximum possible one when using only one incidence angle.
Measurement geometries with the semicircular scheme allow not only to measure the wind speed and direction with an accuracy similar to measurements with the circular geometries, but also doubling the maximum altitude of the method applicability, but requires the tripled number of integrated normalized radar cross sections compared to the circular scheme.
The results obtained confirm the validity of the proposed concepts, the efficiency of the algorithms, the applicability of the high-altitude conical scanning radar with the considered configurations and extended functionality for measuring the underlying surface signatures and the wind vector in the scatterometer mode, and can be used to optimize the geometry and accuracy of measurements in the creation of new airborne radars used for oceanographic, meteorological and navigation purposes at their joint and standalone use.
On the basis of two coherent navigation radars, a prototype of a 2-position coherent radar complex of the X-band for measurements of hydrographic parameters of marine areas has been created. The concept of a true-coherent radar for sea surface monitoring has been developed that enables flexible selection of a probing signal by applying the technology of direct digital synthesis of quadrature signals. To provide a high range resolution, a wide second IF bandwidth of 35 MHz was selected, which allows obtaining a spatial resolution of 4.5 m providing detailed mapping of the sea surface.
A methodology for the design of control and data acquisition software in a sea surface radar monitoring system has been developed.
1. A. Nekrasov, A. Khachaturian, C. Fidge Optimization of Airborne Scatterometer NRCS Semicircular Sampling for Sea Wind Retrieval Remote Sensing, 15, 1613 (year - 2023)
2. Nekrasov A., Khachaturian A., Fidge C. Using semicircular sampling to increase sea-wind retrieval altitude with a high-altitude UAV scatterometer Drones, 6(9), 223 (year - 2022)
3. Nekrasov A., Khachaturian A., Vorobev E. Optimization of the NRCS sampling at the sea wind retrieval by the airborne rotating-beam scatterometer mounted under fuselage Sensors, 22(11), 4016 (year - 2022)
4. Pyko N., Pyko S, Mikhailov V., Bogachev M. Анализ корреляционных и фазовых метрик в моделях взволнованной морской поверхности СПБНТОРЭС: ТРУДЫ ЕЖЕГОДНОЙ НТК, Номер: 1 (77) , с. 36-39 (year - 2022)
5. Serdiukov I.S., Veremyev V.I., Nguyen V.T. Методология разработки программного обеспечения управления и сбора данных для систем автономного мониторинга с большим объемом генерируемой информации на примере программного комплекса управления гидрологическим радиолокатором Известия вузов России. Радиоэлектроника., Т. 26, No 2., С. 52-64 (year - 2023)