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Project Number22-17-00049
Project titleNeotectonics and active tectonics of the northern part of Central Asia
Project LeadTrifonov Vladimir
AffiliationRAS Geological Institute,
Implementation period | 2022 - 2024 |
Research area 07 - EARTH SCIENCES, 07-101 - General tectonics and geodynamics
Keywordsstructural paragenesis, neotectonics, Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphy, parameterization of active faults, seismic tomography data analysis, upper mantle
A sense of the proposed project studies is examination of the hypothesis that arrived as a result of works carried out by the project participants during the last years. An essence of the hypothesis is the following. The Late Cenozoic (Oligocene–Quaternary) structure of the northern Central Asia (the territory between the Gobi Altai in the south and the Sayans in the north and between the Mongolian Altai in the west and the eastern border of the Khangai Highland and the Baikal rift zone in the east) is a product of combination of two structural parageneses The first paragenesis is formed by oval upwarping of the Khangai Highland that is the most risen in the south and the C-like surrounding belt of basins that extends from the Valley of Lakes in the south via the Depression of Big Lakes and the Ubsu-Nur Basin to the Tuva and Tunka Basins in the north, and the South Baikal and Barguzin Basins in the north-east. The second paragenesis is expressed by active faults of the region that formed in a common stress field. Strike-slip and oblique reverse-strike-slip faults dominate in the region. The Baikal Rift extension faults and oblique normal-strike-slip faults in its north-eastern continuation are connected with the faults of the region of studies by common origin. A mantle plume that is risen from the depths of ca. 1250 km is preliminary identified under the Khangai Highland and its southern and north-eastern surrounding. The Khentei plume is branched off the Khangai one at the depths of 700–800 km.
A possibility of expression of these different parageneses in the recent structure can be explained by different ways. It is possible that the first paragenesis is caused by influence of the mantle plume, while the second paragenesis is a result of the collisional interaction of the lithosphere blocks, i.e., the parageneses are produced by geodynamic processes in different depths. It is also essential that the first paragenesis elements developed the most actively in the Miocene, while the second paragenesis formed mostly in the Pliocene–Quaternary, although the important elements of the Baikal rift zone arose earlier. It is unclear what is contribution of each paragenesis to uplift of mountain ridges increased in the Pliocene–Quaternary. An aim of the project is to estimate justice of this hypothesis and, if it is correct in general, to provide it with more correct, detailed and many-sided ground. The following tasks must be solved to reach this aim.
1. Characterizing of neotectonic structure of the Khangai and Khentei Highlands as well as the mountain ridges of Gobi Altai, Mongolian Altai, Sayans, and ridges between the basins of the C-like system.
2. Characterizing of neotectonic structure of the C-like system of basins and their boundaries as well as Cenozoic deposits of these basins for definition of their evolution (with taking the earlier obtained data into account).
3. More accurate definition of kinematics and regime of the Holocene movements of some known active faults in the region; definition of relationships between the faults of Tuva and the Tunka-Monda system; identification of unknown Pliocene-Quaternary faults, their parameterization and estimation of the Late Quaternary activity: supplement and correction of the database of active faults in the region.
4. More accurate definition of the Upper Mantle structure of the region; compiling of 3D model of the Khngai plume, its comparison to the 3D models of the Tibet plume and Ethiopia-Afar and Pacific super-plumes grounded on an analysis of different databases of seismic tomography data; correlation of characteristics of vertical movements that have produced recent mountain building and the Upper Mantle structure for comparison of contribution of the Upper Mantle transformations and the collisional processes to the Late Quaternary uplift.
5. Studies of structural position of young volcanism (volcanoes and areas of eruptions) in comparison to the Upper Mantle structure and faults of the Earth’s crust.
6. Summing of the obtained new data and the results of previous studies for examination and correction of the proposed neotectonic model of the northern Central Asia.
Solution of these tasks requires carrying out of every-year field works for studies neotectonics and active faults in the central and northern Mongolia, Tuva and the area between the Tuva and Tunka systems of the Late Cenozoic basins.
Actuality of solution of the mentioned tasks and the problem as a whole is caused by absence of the mutually coordinated tectonic model including different elements of the neotectonic structure of the northern Central Asia and its origin. The proposed neotectonic model of combination of two structural parageneses of different origin is an attempt to explain this variety. But the model requires additional ground and improvement. Novelty of the proposed studies is caused first of all by novelty of the hypothesis, whose examination and correction is an essence and goal of the project.
Expected results
1. Identification of active faults that were unknown before, definition of their structural-kinematic parameters and paleo-seismic manifestations; systematization of active faults in the region, both known before and newly identified, more accurate definition of their parameters and relationships; estimation of stress field in the region, using active fault data, and sources of the fault origin.
2. Definition of the Upper Mantle structure of the region by an analysis of seismic tomography data of the global network; characteristics of the Khangai mantle plume and its branches as a new type of the mantle formations intermediate between the superplumes of the Ethiopian-Afar type and the Upper Mantle plumes.
3. Characteristics of the neotectonic (Oligocene-Quaternary) structure of the region and the history of its formation.
4. Definition of relative role of collisional interaction of the lithosphere plates and blocks and influence of the deep mantle sources in formation of the neotectonic structure of the region in different stages of its evolution.
The obtained results will give a possibility to advance essentially in studies of relationships between tectonic effects of interaction of the lithosphere plate and blocks and geodynamic influence of the under-lithospheric mantle transformations. This experience obtained in the region of studies can be used in analysis of structure (not only Late Cenozoic, but more ancient also) of other continental regions, as minimum, in Central Asia and its surrounding. The results of studies of the Late Quaternary activity and, first of all, active faults and their seismic potential will widen and correct seismotectonic base for seismic hazard assessment in the region, actual for Southern Siberia.
Annotation of the results obtained in 2022
In Mongolia, expeditionary works were carried out, devoted mainly to the parameterization of active faults and seismic events associated with them. The design and kinematics of active faults were determined and manifestations of paleoseismicity were identified. In the western side of the N-trending Khubsugul graben-like depression, traces of the earthquake of January 12, 2021 with Mw=6.7 were identified and mapped. The seismic rupture is a normal fault with dextral component with a displacement amplitude of up to 20 cm in the vertical and horizontal planes. The fault extends to the NNW and is traced to ~250 m. In a trench excavated across the fault scarp, a normal fault with a displacement of soil by 15–20 cm and traces of three previous earthquakes were found. In the region of the N-trending Darkhat graben-like basin, three ~N-trending nornal fault seismic dislocations and the Khulgan system of W-trending reverse faults and thrusts in the south between the continuations of the faults of the Darkhat and Khubsugul Basins were studied. Traces of at least two paleo-earthquakes were found. The Dungan right lateral active fault, which extends to 30 km to the north from the junction area of the largest W–E-trending Khangai and ENE-trending Tsetserleg left-lateral faults, was studied. Trenching revealed traces of slip during the Bolnai earthquake on July 26, 1905 with М≥8 in the Khangai fault zone. The part of the Tsetserleg active fault on the left bank of the Tesin-Gol (Tes-Khem) river, activated by the earthquake of July 9, 1905 with М~8.0, was studied. Traces of the 1905 earthquake and one paleo-earthquake were found. In the west of the Khemchik depression of Tuva, 170 m to the east of the Uighur fortress Malgash-Bazhyn, a W–E-trending reverse-sinistral fault was found, traced for 10.5 km. The walls of the fortress are deformed that can be associated with a strong earthquake in 835–840.
In the northern side of the Depression of Big Lakes to the north of the lake of Khirgis-Nur, we studied the Neogene-Quaternary deposits, which are overthrust by the Jurassic stratum of the southern slope of the Khan-Khuhiin Ridge. Abundant fossil fauna of large and small mammals, birds, fish, and mollusks was found in the Neogene Khirgis-Nur Formation. Based on the revision of the previously collected faunal material and the finds of 2022, the age of the formation is revised and considered to be the Late Miocene. Deposits of the same appearance with similar fauna were studied by us on the northern side of the Ubsu-Nur Basin.
Five papers were submitted or prepared for submission to reviewed journals. The paper “Khangay intramantle plume in Mongolia: 3D model, influence on Cenozoic tectonics of the lithosphere, and comparison with other mantle plumes” (авторы Trifonov V.G., Sokolov S.Yu., Sokolov S.A., Maznev S.V., Yushin K.I., and Demberel S.) is submitted to the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. A correlation of the intramantle Khangai plume and the Cenozoic structure in the region of northern Central Asia limited by coordinates 42º–58º N and 88º–118º E has been carried out. The Khangai plume is the large volume of the mantle with reduced P-wave velocities that is situated under the Gobi Altai, Khangai Highland and its northern continuation up to Tuva and rises from the depth of ca. 1300 km. A Hentei branch of the plume, which is situated under the Hentei Highland area, comes off the plume main body at the depths of 800–1000 km. In the Upper mantle, the plume widens and is characterized by the most redused P-wave velocities. Flows from the Khangai plume and its Hentei branch spread to the Transbaikalia, where they join with the low-velocity mantle volumes that penetrate there from the Pacific active margin. The Khangai and adjacent Tibetan plumes form the particular group of plumes that rises from the upper Lower mantle.
The Cenozoic structure of the region is formed by uplifts, basins and faults. Two structural parageneses are distinguished. The first, Khangai, paragenesis is formed by arched uplifts of the Khangai and Khentei Highlands and belts of basins around them and developed from the Late Oligocene. The second paragenesis is best expressed by active faults, but developed simultaneously to the first papagenesis. Strike-slip active faults dominate. The faults have been developing under the action of lateral forces of NE–SW compression and NW–SE extension, with transpression conditions dominating in the west and center of the region, and extension and transtension in the NE. The structure of the Khangai paragenesis indicates its formation as a result of vertical pressure and related radial forces. The Khangai paragenesis coincides with the distribution area of the Khangai plume and its branches. Therefore, the Khangai structural paragenesis is due to the influence of the Khangai plume. The second paragenesis is due to the lateral interaction of plates and blocks of the lithosphere, namely, the moving away of the Amur Plate from the Siberian Platform to the east and the convergence of the Siberian Platform with the lithospheric blocks of southern Central Asia as a result of the Indo-Asian collision. Thus, these two parageneses of different origin are associated with geodynamic processes occurring at different levels of the tectonosphere.
The paper “Earthquake geology of the Mondy Fault (SW Baikal Rift, Siberia)” (авторы Arzhannikova A.V., Arzhannikov S.G., Ritz J.-F., Chebotarev A.A., and Yakhnenko submitted to the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. The Mondy fault is the westernmost fault in the system of the northern fault boundary of the Tunka system of basins. It has been established that the fault is a left-lateral one with a reverse component. The displacement rate along the Mondy Fault is 1.3–1.5 mm/year for the last 13.6 Ka, and the average recurrence interval of strong earthquakes is about 4 Ka. This interval and dates of earthquakes approximately coincides with those in the Tunka and Main Sayan fault zones located to the east. This suggests that all three faults could open simultaneously or during common seismic clusters.
The paper "Localization of the source of a strong historical earthquake in Central Tuva using folklore-historical and paleoseismological data" by Ovsyuchenko A.N., Butanaev Yu.V., and Koshevoy N.G. is submitted for publication to “Geotectonics” journal. The authors used the epic “Ulu-Dune”, which reported that during driving the Chinese invaders from Tuva, there was a collapse of the coasts of the Yenisei River near the Mount Dzharga The described phenomena have signs of a strong earthquake, and the event is dated to the interval of 1715–1758. The performed studies revealed seismotectonic displacements on the Kyzyl fault zone at the foot of the Dzharga mount. The fault has been traced for 27 km and is a left lateral fault with reverse component. One-act left-lateral displacement of historical time by 50–70 cm and total Late Holocene displacements by 4–5 m were recorded.
The paper "Neotectonic structure of the northern side of the Ubsu-Nur Basin and its relationship with active faults (Tyva, Russia)" by Sokolov S.A., Garipova S.T., Butanaev Yu.V., Zelenin E.A., Yushin K.I., Ovsyuchenko A .N. and Maznev S.V. submitted for publication to the “Geotectonics” journal. In the boundary area between the northern Ubsu-Nur Basin and the neighboring Central and Eastern Tannu-Ola and Sangelen ranges, two parageneses of faults have been identified. The first paragenesis is formed by the North Ubsunur blind thrust and near-thrust deformation and developed throughout the Neogene and Quaternary, although its manifestations weakened in the Late Quaternary. It providtd multi-hundred-meter amplitudes of vertical offset. The South Tannu-Ola and Erzin-Agardag left-lateral faults with reverse component of the second paragenesis cut the boundaries of the basin. These faults show signs of activity in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Thus, the development of the second paragenesis occurred after the most intensive development of the first paragenesis.
The paper "An early Miocene skeleton of Brachydiceratherium Lavocat, 1951 (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Baikal area, Russia, and a revised phylogeny of Eurasian teleoceratines" by Sizov Alexander (the project support staff), Klementiev Alexey, and Antoine, Pierre-Olivier is prepared for submission to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. The skeleton of a recently discovered Early Miocene rhinoceros at the Tagay-1 locality (Olkhon Island, Baikal Lake) is described. The phylogeny of the Eurasian rhinoceros teleoceratins, distributed in the territory of Eurasia throughout the entire Miocene, is revised.
Thus, the 2022 work plan has been completed and the declared results have been achieved.
1. Sokolov S.A., Garipova S.T., Yushin K.I., Zelenin E.A., Ovsyuchenko A.N., Maznev S.V. Новейшая структура северного обрамления Убсунурской впадины: и ее соотношение с активными разломами (Тыва, Россия) Геотектоника, - (year - 2023)
2. Vladimir G. Trifonov, Sergey Y. Sokolov, Sergey A. Sokolov, Stepan V. Maznev, Kirill I. Yushin, Sodnomsambuu Demberel Khangay intramantle plume in Mongolia: 3D model, influence on Cenozoic tectonics of the lithosphere, and comparison with other mantle plumes Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, - (year - 2023)
Annotation of the results obtained in 2023
As a result of studies carried out in 2023, the Late Miocene stratotypic section Khirgis-Nur-2 in Northwestern Mongolia, which exposes rocks of the Miocene-Quaternary age, as well as neotectonic structure and active faults of the Khan-Khukhui Ridge were described. Based on revision of previously collected fauna, as well as new geological and paleontological data obtained in 2022–2023, we determined that the Khirgis-Nnur Formation, widely spread in the Big Lakes Basin, began to accumulate at the end of the Tourolian in the Late Miocene (beginning of MN13) and ended at the middle of the Ruscinian in the Early Pliocene (middle of MN15). The Formation has two-membered structure. The lower part (unit A) is represented mainly by alluvial series with numerous faunal remains The unit B is composed of lake sediments. It does not contain a large accumulation of macrofauna remains. It contains not so much macroremains of fauna, but good spore-pollen complexes. The Miocene–Pliocene boundary is identified just below the middle part of the unit B.
There was no mountainous dissected relief in the territory of the Big Lakes Depression until the Late Pliocene, as evidenced by the absence of coarse clastic material in the Miocene–Early Pliocene sediments, as well as by the identical composition and structure of the sediments of the Khirgis-Nur and Ubsu-Nur basins. The starting phase of intensive mountain formation is expressed in the sharp erosional boundary between the Lower and Upper Pliocene rocks and in the predominance of coarse clastic proluvial deposits in younger strata. The southern slope of the Khan-Khukhui Ridge experienced the most intense tectonic deformations in the Quaternary, which led to the formation of numerous subparallel thrust nappes. They are composed of rocks from the middle Cambrian to middle Pleistocene.
Rich material was collected on the basaltic young volcanism of the Khangai Plateau, developed in the valley of the Chuulutu River and in the vicinity of the Terkhiin-Tsagaan-Nur Lake. The collected material will give a possibility to obtain new data on the age, chemical and mineral composition of volcanic formations, as well as mantle xenoliths, widely represented in the basalts.
In the paper published in the “Geotectonics” Journal (2023, No. 1, DOI: 10.31857/S0016853X23010071, EDN: ELGHIF), two generations of faults were distinguished in the northern side of the Ubsu-Nur Basin. The first generation is represented by the North Ubsu-Nur buried thrust and related deformation, developed in the Neogene–Quaternary and forming the boundary between the basin and the mountain uplift. The second generation is represented by faults that cut the faults of the first generation and have been active in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.
The relationships between the about N–S-trending active faults of the Mongolian Altai (Hovd and Tsagan-Shibetu) and the about W–E-trending active faults of the Western Tannu-Ola and Shapshal ridge have been determined. The Shapshal fault is directly conjugate with the branches of the Tsagan-Shibetu fault in the northeast of the Uregnur Basin, within a highly seismically active node, where a strong earthquake with M = 7 occurred in 1970, and continues further to the east within the Ubsu-Nur Basin as the ENE-trending Khundlengol left lateral fault. In the area of junction of the Western Tannu-Ola faults with the branches of the Tsagan-Shibetu fault, a series of about W–E-trending oblique reverse-sinistral and dextral faults has been identified. The Sagly depression, sandwiched between them, is being squeezed out in an easterly direction, and the northern slope of the Tsagan-Shibetu Rridge rotates counterclockwise. At the northern end of the Hovd right-hand strike-slip fault in southwestern Tuva, a branch in the form of the Ustyu-Yymaty fault is assumed with the spread of concentrated deformations in the northwest direction.
Data were obtained on the structure of the source and the dynamics of the Holocene rupture formation for the north-west of the Khuvsgul depression (source zone of the earthquake on January 12, 2021 with Mw=6.7). The source of the Khubsugul is confined to the active side of the asymmetric Khubsugul rift basin. The displacement plane plunges in the southeast direction, towards the axial part of the Khuvsgul Basin, at an angle of 50–70o. With each new earthquake, the side of the depression experiences a displacement towards the adjacent mountain range with successive capture of new areas into subsidence. Over the past 958–1176 years, four earthquakes have occurred in the same source with an average recurrence period of 240–250 years and a rate of vertical displacements – 0.6–0.7 mm/year.
For the Kaakhem system of active faults, which gave rise to the Tuva earthquakes of 2011–2012 with Ms=6.7–6.8, the frequency of the strongest activations with Mw=7.2–7.5 was obtained. It is approximately once every thousand years (intercluster frequency, events occurred approximately 800–1000, 1800–2100, 2500–2800, and 3400–3600 years ago). Weaker events, similar to the Tuva events of 2011–2012, have been repeated once every 300–500 years over the last millennium, which gives the recurrence interval for events of moderate strength (Mw=6.3–7.0) within the seismotectonic node. The results of a segment-by-segment study of the Kaakhem fault zone showed that over the past 4000 years, seismic activations did not cover the entire zone during earthquakes with Mw≥8.0.
Arzhannikova A.V., Arzhannikov S.G., Chebotarev A.A., and Nomin-Erdene E. published the paper “Morphotectonics and paleoseismology of the North Darhad fault (SW Baikal Rift, Mongolia)” in Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2024, 259, 105882. The paper presents the results of complex morphotectonic and paleoseismological studies of the North Darkhad fault. The fault frames the Darkhad Basin from the east in the south-western flank of the Baikal rift. The research results made it possible to estimate the Holocene age of surface-rupturing paleoearthquakes and limit the rate of vertical displacement along the North Darkhad fault between 0.3±0.06 and 0.6±0.12 mm/year over the last ~8.4 thousand years. The obtained data indicate that the North Darkhad Fault is capable of generating earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 with an average recurrence period of ~3.5 thousand years. A comparison of the ages of the last two surface-rupturing earthquakes recorded for three faults that control the development of the neighboring Tunka basin (Mondy, Tunka and the southeastern end of the Main Sayan fault), and the values obtained for the North Darkhad fault, suggests that all these faults could rupture simultaneously or during regional seismic clusters. An assessment of displacement rates along the North Darkhad Fault made it possible to determine the age of the Darkhad Basin within the range of 3.3–6.5 million years. The obtained age restrictions, together with published data on the age of ridges and basins in the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift, showed the almost simultaneous beginning of the formation of the fault-controlling structure of the region at the stage of “fast rifting”. Since that time, the basins and ridges of the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift, in particular the Darkhad, Khubsugul and Tunka, began to develop as graben/horst systems controlled by the faults. Analysis of the kinematics and rates of Late Pleistocene-Holocene displacement along active faults within the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift made it possible to assess the relationship of faults at the junction of E-W and N-S basins. The discovered structures fit well into the model of extension deformation between the two largest strike-slip systems – the Bolnay system in the south and the Tunka system in the north. The rates of sinistral displacements along these faults are in good agreement with the rate of subsidence of the Darkhad Basin, taking into account the distribution of tensile stresses between the Khubsugol, Darkhad and Busingol grabens.
New data have been obtained on the manifestations of paleoseismicity in the zone of the Tsetserleg active left-lateral strike-slip fault with ENE strike, which is auxiliary relative to the the largest Khangai left-lateral strike-slip fault. It is shown that the Busiyingol, Darkhad and Khubsugul grabens, located between the Erzin-Agardag and Mondy left-lateral strike-slip faults, form a zone of left-lateral strike-slip deformation that perform the same kinematic role.
The structure of the mantle beneath Central and Southeast Asia, its relationship with the neotectonic structure and seismic manifestations of geodynamics were studied. As a result of the analysis of the MITP08 volumetric model of variations in P-wave velocities, the Khangai plume was identified beneath Central and Eastern Mongolia that is a volume of the mantle with significantly reduced P-wave velocities (publication in the journal “Geotectonics”, 2023, No. 6. DOI: 10.31857/S0016853X23060073, EDN : GFPLXF). Above the plume, the lithospheric mantle is thinned to ~50 km. Particularly low velocities (up to –6%) were found in the sublithospheric mantle down to a depth of 400 km. The main body of the plume is located under the Khangai Plateau. The Khentei branch of the plume is identified southeast of the Khentei Plateau. It is connected to the main body of the plume at depths of 800–1000 km. Branches of the plume and its Khentei branch spread to Transbaikalia. The size of the plume decreases with depth, and its deepest part (1250–1300 km) is located under the southern part of the Khangai Highland.
The main body of the Khangai plume corresponds on the land surface, to a Cenozoic uplift up to 3500–4000 m high. From the southeast, the territory of the plume and its Khentei branch is limited by Late Cenozoic troughs stretching along the southeastern border of Mongolia. On other sides, the Khangai uplift is limited by a C-shaped belt of depressions, which are filled with lacustrine and fluvial sediments from the Upper Oligocene to the Pliocene. In Quaternary time, the South and Central Basins of Baikal, originated no later than the Early Paleogene, became parts of the Baikal rift. The structural paragenesis of the Khangai uplift and surrounding depressions is due to the impact of the Khangai plume. This paragenesis is combined with structural paragenesis, derived from the interaction of plates and blocks of the lithosphere, which is expressed by active faults, but developed synchronously with plume paragenesis.
To the south of the Khangai plume, the Tibetan and Myanma–Yunnan intramantle plumes have been identified, also rising from the upper parts of the lower mantle (1500–1600 km). Plumes form the N–S-trendinga row. At the level of the lower parts of the upper and upper mantle, communication channels between the plumes have been identified. Above them, the earth's surface rises. In southeast Asia, hot volumes of the mantle are also identified under island arcs and back-arc seas. They cover the upper mantle and do not extend deeper than its transition layer, being the result of upper mantle convection. Unlike intramantle plumes, low-velocity upper mantle volumes are not accompanied by an uplift of the earth's surface. The directions of seismic displacement during earthquakes in the area of the Sunda island arc and the Himalayan arc were studied. It has been established that in both arcs, along with the underthrusting of the Indian plate, the overthrusting of the arc, normal to its front and directed towards the underthrusting plate, is present and possibly dominant. In the Sunda Arc, thrusting is combined with an abundance of “hot” and decompressed mantle masses associated with both the Myanmar–Yunnan plume and the upper mantle low-velocity formations of the Andaman back-arc Sea, responsible for its extension. In the rear of the Himalayan arc are the Tibetan plume and the Tibetan extension region. It is possible that in both cases, rear extension associated with decompression caused the thrusting of arch.
All work on the project planned for 2023 has been completed in full, and all planned scientific results have been achieved.
2. A.V. Arzhannikova, S.G. Arzhannikov, A.A. Chebotarev, E. Nomin-Erdene Morphotectonics and paleoseismology of the North Darhad fault (SW Baikal Rift, Mongolia) Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105882 (year - 2024)
3. A.V. Arzhannikova, S.G. Arzhannikov, J.-F. Ritz, A.A. Chebotarev, A.S. Yakhnenko Earthquake geology of the Mondy fault (SW Baikal Rift, Siberia) Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 248 (2023) 105614 (year - 2023)