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Project Number22-18-00214

Project titleSacralization of historical memory in Byzantine and Russian cultures: From an event to a symbol

Project LeadKurdybaylo Dmitry

AffiliationImmanuel Kant Baltic federal university,

Implementation period 2022 - 2024 

Research area 08 - HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 08-207 - Social philosophy. Philosophy of history

Keywordshistorical memory, collective memory, sacralization, phenomenology of religion, symbol, image, civil religions, Byzantium, Russia



The primary project objective is to carry out a historical and typological analysis of the phenomenon of historical memory sacralization in the culture of Byzantium and Russia, based on the development of an interdisciplinary methodology. The study of the patterns of the historical memory formation requires the development of a methodology that makes it possible to identify the nature and methods of interaction of cultural phenomena at social, religious, and political levels. Investigating the boundaries, scope of the concept of the “sacred” and its application to the analysis of historical memory in connection with these phenomena is a general scientific problem, the solution of which is aimed at the project. The proposed research is of a complex nature and is located at the junction of three branches of modern science: 1) studies of historical memory and collective memory, in the common field of Memory Studies; 2) the phenomenology of religion, including such forms as civil religions in modern states; 3) philosophy of language and philosophy of the image in relation to the problem of the formation and translation of symbols in culture, including the instrumentary of semiotics and the theory of secondary sign systems. The material on the basis of which the research is carried out is Greek texts, starting from the 3rd century CE and to the fall of Constantinople, as well as Slavic and Russian texts, from the 14-15th centuries CE and up to the current time. To study the phenomena of sacralization of historical memory in recent times, a field research will be carried out, including the collection, systematization and analysis of data on the structure and content of collective memory in modern Russia. The collected data will be analyzed along with the literary resources. The final analysis of the data obtained involves the study of the principles and patterns of the sacralization of historical memory for different types of cultures in the perspective of their historical formation from early Byzantium to modern Russia. Among the main tasks of the project is to establish whether there is a continuity of Byzantine forms of sacralization of historical memory in the culture of Old Russia, the Russian Empire, the USSR and modern Russia. If such a succession has taken place, the project team will identify the distinctive features of the sacralization forms, assess the prospects for the revival of ancient forms of collective memory sacralization in modern societies, and also to explore the possible threats that accompany the destruction of such mechanisms. The theoretical result of the research will be the development and asessment of an interdisciplinary methodology for the study of historical memory in its connection with the phenomenon of the sacred in various cultural traditions. The results obtained will be in demand among memory studies researchers, cultural scientists, religious scholars, and historians of philosophy.

Expected results
Theoretical results consist of subject and methodological parts: 1) the subject part consists of: — the final descriptive model of various types of historical memory sacralization in the cultures of Byzantium and Russia, including artificial (manipulative) and natural (innate) types of its development; — a theoretical description of methods of historical memory formation and substantiation of possible ways of its preservation in the culture of modern Russia; 2) the methodological part includes a description of the generalized interdisciplinary methodology used in the project, which allows to identify the nature and methods of interaction of different-level cultural phenomena. Practically applicable results will include recommendations based on the project’s theoretical results aimed at the improvement of expert and forecasting activities, as well as for teaching social, philosophical, religious studies, culturological disciplines to students and undergraduates of Humanities. Also, they may be useful while preparing new translations and comments on the texts of the studied historical period. Based on the results of the project, it is planned to prepare at least 25 scientific publications, of which at least 20 in the journals indexed by Scopus / Web of Science. Special efforts will be made to prepare articles in English for publication in Open access journals (at least 6 publications). At least 18 reports will be presented, presenting the results of the project, at scientific conferences of the all-Russian or international scale. Based on the results of the project, a collective monograph with a volume of at least 50 000 words will be written.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2022
The research on the project was carried out simultaneously in two following directions: 1) conceptualization of “sacred history” and “historical memory” in late Antique and early Medieval sources. As far as the following research stages will consider Byzantine and Ancient Russian culture, we focused primarily on Greek-speaking authors, who had the greatest influence on the intellectual landscape of Medieval Byzantium. 2) Analysis of the phenomena of construction, deconstruction and re-construction of collective historical memory in Modernity was performed. The main finding here is that the collective memory during this period develops in a non-linear manner. A distinction is made between historical periods that are characterized by a linear progressive development (“filling”) of collective memory (and the corresponding processes of collective forgetting), and the periods of deliberate changes of the content, forms and ways of development of historical memory, which is accompanied by intentional forgetting of the former historical entities. Obtained scientific results: — a strategy has been developed for distinguishing the historical periods into those during which the content of collective historical memory changed naturally (in a linear manner), and those with an intentional inclusion of new (or previously forgotten) contents into the collective memory simultaneously with the deliberate oblivion of the former contents of collective memory. Usually such processes have accompanied major changes in social and political formations; — a study of the “sacred history” concept, the principles of the symbolic interpretation of historical events and, thereby, the re-actualization of historical memory was carried out. It was based on the works of Eusebius of Caesarea and Maximus the Confessor (the central authors of group A). The study will be continued using the works of later Byzantine authors up to Gregory Palamas (Group B); — the main authors of groups C and D were selected, and a study of the most relevant figures was started (see paragraph 1.3 above); — a study of manuscript collections reflecting the cultural memory of the Russian emigration, as well as a circle of people associated with Leo and Nikolay Gumilyovs. An in-depth interview of five people from this circle was conducted, and an analysis of the collected materials began; — a questionnaire was prepared to start the interview, which will be further used in the second stage of the project. The full and abbreviated versions have been preliminarily compiled. The full version of the questionnaire will be used for in-depth interviews with individuals selected for their proximity to significant historical events of the 20th century, while the abbreviated version will be used to collect shorter but more numerous interviews. During the course of the project: — 7 scientific articles have been prepared, 2 of them have already been published, 5 have been accepted for publication and will be published at the end of 2022 or during 2023. This number includes 4 articles that have been published (or accepted for publication) in journals indexed by Scopus/WoS, and 3 articles have been accepted into journals indexed by the RSCI; — 12 reports were presented at scientific conferences of the national or international level, including one held abroad; — two round tables were held, including reports of the project participants and further discussion of current problems and results. Round tables were held by Lyudmila Artamoshkina at the Leo Gumilev Museum. Recordings of the main reports are published in the VK blog of the Leo Gumilev Museum (, see also - a questionnaire was compiled and interviewing of respondents began in order to reconstruct the model of cultural memory in modern Russia. Five in-depth interviews were recorded with key informants who provided the broadest cross-section of the memory of Russian culture in the 1940s–1990s; the data obtained will be analyzed further along with the results of surveys of other respondents.



1. Alexander Prokhorov Принцип сверхобезьяны: модификация темпорально-антропологических оснований Логос, т. 32, № 6 (151), стр. 273-283. (year - 2022)

2. Alexander Prokhorov Философия языка И. Г. Шварца: сакрализация исторической памяти Вестник Русской христианской гуманитарной академии, - (year - 2022)

3. Dmitry Kurdybaylo Symbols and symbolism in the writings of Iamblichus of Chalcis Платоновские исследования, - (year - 2023)

4. Fyodor Shcherbakov Второй поворот Линкеева ока: Пролегомены к феноменологии античной философской аллегорезы Платоновские исследования, - (year - 2022)

5. Liudmila Artamoshkina General aspects of biographical writing Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti, 32 (2022), pp.90-101. (year - 2022)

6. Maxim Prikhodko «Жизнь Константина» Евсевия Кесарийского как «священная история»: типология Моисея-Константина Вестник Русской христианской гуманитарной академии, - (year - 2023)

7. Nadezhda Makarova Трагедия И. В. Гете «Фауст»: От образа к символу Studia Culturae, - (year - 2022)

Annotation of the results obtained in 2023
Based on the results of the second stage of the project in 2023: 1) the research team created a preliminary model of formation of historical and symbolic forms in early Byzantine thought (4th–7th centuries AD). Two basic types of symbolism in early Byzantine literature was introduced, and the corresponding ways of their application to the interpretation of historical narratives were studied. The historical narrative, starting from the 4th century, was considered as containing several layers, each of which could have its own symbolic interpretation; 2) the research team has continued the study of the Old Russian historical and symbolic tradition. The historical method and literary form set by Eusebius of Caesarea subsequently had an exceptional impact on Byzantine and Old Russian historiosophy and hagiography. The peculiarity of Old Russian thought is that the body of early Byzantine historical and hagiographic examples became a “matrix,” each reference to which could engage the Slavic narrative into the context of sacred Byzantine history. In addition, the lives of Russian saints use the language of genre topoi developed in Byzantine hagiography. Finally, it is important that specific historical events that fall into the hagiographic and historical literature of Ancient Rus’ are usually described in connection with proper historical figures. The symbolization of historical events in hagiographic literature is carried out through its integration into the image of a specific historical person; 3) philosophical and historical reflection of the 18th–19th centuries Russian thought was studied. The series of articles dedicated to Johann Georg Schwarz was published to reveal his view on the preservation and interpretation of the past. Publications in the journal “Bulletin of Europe” for 1802–1820s, their structure and selection principles were also examined. The conducted research revealed a constructive and creative attitude towards the historical past, which was perceived by the authors not as a set of facts, but also as material from which the argumentation and plot content of new philosophical narratives could be built; 4) the research of historical memory in the 20th – early 21st centuries is continued in the following respects: — domestic family archives of the first half of the 20th century were studied, particularly the archives of Leo Gumilyov family. Also, new archive materials were obtained, allowing to significantly expand the time coverage of the study; — studies have been conducted on the function of historical memory and related social and cultural phenomena in modern societies; — a sociological survey was completed in an electronic form; 446 questionnaires were collected. The major part of collected data is sorted and analyzed, some additional statistics will be analyzed in the third stage of the project; — the research team obtained an archive of questionnaires with answers to questions similar to those of the 2023 sociological survey. The archive covers period till 2015. At the third stage of the project, these data will be analyzed using the same algorithm as for the 2023 survey data. The research team plans to obtain a dynamic picture of the changing emphasis on the historical memory in the period 2010–2020. The sociological survey continues, the questionnaire can be accessed via the link: The results of the statistical analysis of the collected survey data are published at: The data on this page will be updated as the data is further processed. General information about the project is published at the web page: 5) the research team started the final synthesis of the collected materials, which is planned to be completed at the third stage of the project. Work is underway to test the applicability of the theoretical model of symbolization of historical narratives, formed on Byzantine material, to the materials of ancient Russian and Russian literature, as well as to the analysis of social and cultural phenomena of the late Soviet period and modern Russian society. Based on the results of the 2023 stage: — a sociological survey was conducted and 446 questionnaires were collected; collection of additional questionnaires and their analysis continues; — 13 reports were presented at conferences at the international and all-Russian level, presenting the results of the research; — 13 scientific articles have been published or accepted for publication in journal indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index, including 7 articles in journals indexed by Scopus or WoS.



1. Artamoshkina, Ludmila; Nezník, Peter Ф. Достоевский и Т. Масарик. Трагический гуманизм и философия кризиса Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Философия и конфликтология, - (year - 2023)

2. Artamoshkina, Lyudmila; Kirshin, Vladislav Образ в культуре: Серебряный век как «место памяти» Философский полилог, № 1 (2023). С. 157–174 (year - 2023)

3. Kurdybaylo, Dmitry Exegetical writings of Didymus the Blind and the tradition of Alexandrian Symbolism Journal of Early Christian Studies, - (year - 2024)

4. Kurdybaylo, Dmitry On possible origins of ‘dissimilar similarities’ in Pseudo-Dionysius Платоновские исследования, - (year - 2024)

5. Kurdybaylo, Dmitry Symbols in the Ambigua by Maximus the Confessor: An Areopagitic revision of Alexandrian symbolism Scrinium, - (year - 2024)

6. Makarova, Nadezhda Манипулятивные технологии смыслообразования: «забота о себе» и цифровые масс-медиа Studiae Culturae, - (year - 2023)

7. Makarova, Nadezhda «Забота о себе»: воспоминание в цифровом пространстве Логос, - (year - 2024)

8. Prikhodko, Maksim The Model of Holy Sovereign in the Encomia of Eusebius of Caesarea Scrimium, - (year - 2024)

9. Prokhorov, Alexander Два проекта мировой революции: Способы реализации крайних форм сосуществования приватного и общественного по «Vita Activa» Х. Арендт Homo Loquens: Язык и культура. Сборник научных статей, докладов и сообщений. Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием. СПб., 20-21 апреля 2023 г. Выпуск 8., С. 183–190. (year - 2023)

10. Prokhorov, Alexander Первый философствующий человек в России Русская философия, № 1 (5). С. 130-141. (year - 2023)

11. Prokhorov, Alexander Мистическая гносеология И.Г. Шварца: Проективно-деятельный утилитаризм Вестник Русской христианской гуманитарной академии, Т. 24. № 2. С. 122-130 (year - 2023)

12. Prokhorov, Alexander Метафизические основания педагогической практики И.Г. Шварца Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке, № 3 (65). С. 110-116 (year - 2023)

13. Shcherbakov, Fyodor Allegoria sub specie aeternitatis: категории пространства и времени в позднеантичной аллегорической литературе Платоновские исследования, - (year - 2024)

14. - Цикл радиопередач "Исследования и исследователи" с участием А.И. Прохорова "Явление феноменологии" Радиостанция "Град Петров", Эфиры от 03.08.2023, 10.08.2023 (year - )