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Project Number23-22-00013

Project titleObservational signatures of primordial black holes in deep space and in the Solar system

Project LeadEroshenko Yury

AffiliationInstitute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Implementation period 2023 - 2024 

Research area 02 - PHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCES, 02-706 - Cosmology and microphysics

Keywordsblack holes, primordial black holes, dark matter, gravity theory, gamma-astronomy, cosmology



A major goal of the project is the theoretical investigation of astrophysical and cosmological manifestations of the primordial black holes (PBHs) in the early Universe, as well as the present time, including their possible dynamic influence on the Solar system. Relevance of the PBH study is related with recent observations of gravitational wave bursts, where some part of small angular momentum events can be related to the merging of the PBHs, as well as quasars at large cosmological redshifts, where massive seeds in early epochs are required to explain the presence of supermassive black holes. Realization of this project would be the new steps in understanding of the early Universe evolution and also in obtaining new experimental constraints on the fraction of PBHs in dark matter and clarification of the conditions for the formation of massive seeds for supermassive black holes. New original problems will be solved in the project and new approaches for the study of PBHs will be developed, including identifying effects that contribute to the possible detection of PBHs in astronomical observations.

Expected results
During realization of this project it would be performed a detailed investigation of dark matter particle distribution on the orbits around the primordial black holes (PBHs). The analysis of the initial density profile dependence of the PBH formation mechanism will be made. By means of numerical calculations we will find the transformation of the density profile with time in the process of dark matter particle annihilation. We will compare different variants of the possible dark matter particle distributions and the annihilation cross-sections. The significance of these results lies in a more accurate prediction of a possible signal from the dark matter annihilation near the PBHs, which could potentially provide new information about the nature of dark matter.. Possible ways of evolution of a binary system consisting of two clusters of PBHs with central most massive PBHs will be studied. Tidal forces acting on the clusters lead to a change in the binary orbital compression in comparison with the case of a single PBH pair, which is fundamentally important for calculating the PBH merge rate in comparison with LIGO/Virgo observations. This result may have high significance for gravitational-wave astronomy. The structure of the baryon halo around a PBH at the pre-galactic stage (in the cosmological Dark Ages epoch) will be investigated, taking into account the transfer of radiation generated by the accretion onto the PBH. This will allow us to find the ionization radius, outside of which there are regions of neutral hydrogen absorbing 21 cm in the line. The detection of such annular absorption regions at large redshifts in combination with a central bright source can provide evidence of the existence of supermassive PBHs, which indicates the importance of this problem. It is planned to study astronomical manifestations of PBH, possibly captured in the outer regions of the Solar System or flying through the Solar System. The presence of PBH in the Oort Cloud in the Solar System should lead to gravitational scattering of dust particles, and some of the scattered particles can cross the Earth's orbit. In the distant past, the passage of the PBHs or their clusters through the Solar System could cause disturbances in the movement of the planets. The stability of known orbital resonances with respect to such perturbations will be investigated and restrictions on the parameters of dark matter substructures in the galactic halo will be obtained. The significance of this problem lies in the fact that within its framework, new original restrictions on PBHs can be obtained.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2023
The evolution of a binary system consisting of two clusters of primordial black holes has been studied. Such systems could have formed at an early radiation-dominated stage of the Universe evolution, and mergers of central massive black holes in these clusters may explain some of the gravitational wave signals recorded by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detectors. It is shown that clusters influence each other with tidal forces, resulting in tidal dissipation transforming the energy of the orbital motion of the two clusters into their internal energy. Differential equations describing the evolution of the orbit of two clusters of primordial black holes were obtained and solved, taking into account tidal dissipation and energy losses due to the radiation of gravitational waves. It was shown that at an early stage of the orbital evolution of two clusters, tidal forces lead to rapid circularization of the binary system and only after that energy losses in the form of gravitational waves begin to prevail, as a result of which the clusters eventually merge. Since clusters in the model under consideration contain a massive central primordial black hole, their central black holes will merge when clusters merge. The corresponding rate of mergers of massive primordial black holes was calculated and it was shown that it is compatible with the data of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration even in the case when all dark matter consists of primordial black holes. The results of this work are published in the article [Yu. Eroshenko, V. Stasenko, Symmetry 15, 637 (2023)]. The detection of correlated movements of trans-Neptunian objects has led to the hypothesis that the 9th planet or primordial black hole with a mass of 5-15 Earth masses may be located at a distance of 300-1000 astronomical units from the Sun. An important task is to search for possible observational manifestations of the 9th planet or black hole, on the basis of which this hypothesis could be tested. Within this work, it is shown that if there is a similar massive object on the periphery of the Solar System, then with its gravitational field it perturbs the orbits of dust particles, and some of the particles can fall into the inner region of the Solar System, flying inside the Earth's orbit. The dust flow turned out to be comparable in magnitude to what is actually observed by counting dust particles on the ice of Antarctica and by direct measurements on spacecraft. This suggests that some of the observed dust flow may come to Earth from the Oort Cloud under the influence of the gravitational field of the 9th planet or the primordial black hole. The problem of the probability of capturing such an object into the Solar system is also investigated. If planets could be captured from the disk of the Galaxy and from the protostellar cloud at the stage of the Sun formation, then the primordial black holes could be captured only from the halo. The corresponding calculations were performed, which showed that the probability of capture from the halo is very low. The results obtained are published in the works of [Yu. N. Eroshenko, E. A. Popova, Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 100, 1056 (2023)] and [Yu. N. Eroshenko, New Astronomy 103, 102057 (2023)]. In recent years, a number of theoretical studies have found that density spikes of dark matter can occur around primordial black holes at the stage of radiation dominance if dark matter consists of a new type of elementary particles. The annihilation of dark matter in such spikes, especially in their central region, is very important for the search for observational manifestations of primordial black holes and dark matter. In this project, preliminary calculations of the formation of a density spike around a primordial black hole have been performed, taking into account the annihilation of dark matter particles, and analytical expressions have been written for further complete numerical solution of the problem. Unlike previous studies, the formation of a density spike and annihilation are considered simultaneously, since particle losses during annihilation significantly affect the profile in its central region. This task required consideration of a single metric having as asymptotics the Schwarzschild metric and the Friedman metric at small and large distances, respectively. Modern theoretical models admit the existence of supermassive primordial black hole in the universe. To test these theories, radio telescopes can be used to search for absorption in a 21 cm line in baryon halos around such black holes at the stage before the reionization of the universe. To do this, it is necessary to find out in detail the structure of the baryon halo and the degree of ionization of gas in it at various distances from the black hole. Previously, these calculations were carried out mainly at the level of estimates by order of magnitude. Within the framework of this project, a more accurate quantitative study is being conducted. To date, a system of equations has been written down to calculate the evolution of the baryon halo around supermassive primordial black holes in the pre-galactic epoch, taking into account the interaction with radiation from the accretion of matter onto the black hole. This radiation creates a force of radiation pressure and causes partial ionization of the gas. A numerical algorithm has been developed and is being debugged for the subsequent numerical solution of the problem.



1. Eroshenko Yu.N. Capture of the free-floating planets and primordial black holes into protostellar clouds New Astronomy, 103, 102057 (year - 2023)

2. Eroshenko Yu.N., Popova E.A. Планета или первичная черная дыра во внешней области Солнечной системы и поток пыли вблизи орбиты Земли Астрономический журнал, 100(11), 1056 (year - 2023)

3. Eroshenko Yu.N., Stasenko V.D. Gravitational Waves from the Merger of Two Primordial Black Hole Clusters Symmetry, 15(3), 637 (year - 2023)

4. Eroshenko Yu.N., Stasenko V.D. Слияние двойных кластеров первичных черных дыр Труды 65-й Всероссийской научной конференции МФТИ в честь 115-летия Л. Д. Ландау, 3 – 8 апреля 2023 г. Фундаментальная и прикладная физика. — М: Физматкнига, 2023., Труды 65-й Всероссийской научной конференции МФТИ, 2023, стр. 270. (year - 2023)