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Project Number23-28-00191

Project titleProspects for the development of ESG strategies for the formation of environmental intelligence of employees of Russian enterprises in the fuel and energy industry in the new reality

Project LeadGureva Maria

AffiliationFederal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education " Industrial University of Tyumen",

Implementation period 2023 - 2024 

Research area 08 - HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 08-155 - Prognosis of social and economic development, governmental regulation of economy and regulation of socio-economic processes

Keywordssustainable development, circular economy, green economy, ESG-principles, ESG-strategies, environmental intelligence, socio-economic development, regional economy



The socio-economic global upheavals of a planetary scale from the COVID-19 pandemic have been replaced by new geopolitical challenges of our time. Enterprises, and, consequently, employees, of the fuel and energy sector were particularly affected. An urgent issue of modern development and adaptation to emerging realities is the prospects for the development and use of ESG strategies for the formation of employees' ecological intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the rationality of applying ESG principles, consider the formed needs of enterprises and modernize existing strategic approaches and plans in the field of transforming the environmental intelligence of oil and gas industry employees. It should be noted that in the period since 2010, the concept of a new format of interaction between society, nature and business, called the circular economy, has been gaining popularity, which has proven its effectiveness through the practical implementation of business models based on closed chains of consumption flows with a new look at the policy of resource conservation, and has all the prerequisites and grounds for replacing the obsolete approach of the linear development of the socio-economic system. In Russia, in 2022, more than 5 billion rubles were allocated for the circular economy. This circumstance leads to the need for a close study of the transformational development of ESG strategies for the formation of environmental intelligence of employees in the oil and gas industry. In continuation of the development of the scientific direction being developed within the framework of the previously received Grant No. 16-36-00218 "Theory and Methodology for Assessing the Development of the Green Economy in the Context of the Theory of Economic Space" (RFBR) and the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation to support young scientists with PhDs in the framework of the study MK587.2019.6 "Development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of a circular economy as a new trend in the formation of a sustainable socio-economic space" determines the fundamental nature of the subject of the planned study. Issues need to be addressed in the development of new theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of little-studied concepts, such as environmental intelligence, environmental thinking, the specifics of everyday practices of society and the state to form a new approach to the concept of ESG sustainability. The fundamental component of the project's problems is related to the identification of features and key parametric differences in the processes of transformation of the socio-economic system of the ESG strategies of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector and the environmental intelligence of employees under the influence of new geopolitical factors. The study of the ongoing processes of integrating the elements of a new idea of ​​the formation of ESG principles for the formation of environmental intelligence will help strengthen the socio-economic potential of the country and reveal new strategic opportunities for the formation of a highly effective regional policy based on the circular economy model. Consequently, the scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a theoretical and methodological basis in the direction of studying ESG strategies for the formation of environmental intelligence of employees of Russian enterprises in the fuel and energy sector. The main practical effects achieved as a result of the study are seen as an increase in efficiency in the development of strategic programs for the development of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation that complement existing National projects (for example, the Ecology project), the challenges identified at the SPIEF-2021 session to achieve new parameters of the quality of life of the population ; fulfillment of key commitments in the field of sustainable development; reducing the innovation and technological gap of the country in development from the world leaders.

Expected results
- studied the basic principles and approaches to the creation of ESG strategies; - the existing practices and models of managing the socio-economic sphere of Russian enterprises in the fuel and energy sector based on ESG principles were studied and summarized in the course of the analysis; an assessment of the prospects for their further application is given; - the concept of "environmental intelligence" is conceptualized in relation to the specifics of the activities of employees of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector, which makes a certain contribution to the development of the theoretical and methodological approach; - developed and tested a multi-criteria method for diagnosing the level of development of environmental intelligence of employees of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector in the concept of new circumstances; - a program has been developed for an empirical study of public opinion on the concept of using ESG strategies, which is necessary for designing targeted strategic programs for the development of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector; - an environmental and social portrait of a modern employee of the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex was compiled, which allows to improve adaptive programs for the development of companies' sustainability; - taking into account the identified transformational features of the development of environmental intelligence, an author's model and algorithm for the policy of its formation based on ESG principles have been formed, which in the future will increase the efficiency of achieving the targets for sustainable development of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector in accordance with the Global Agenda for the 21st century.



Annotation of the results obtained in 2023
Generalization of the scientific results obtained during the implementation of planned work in the reporting period: 1.The topic of sustainable development of human capital has acquired particular relevance in conditions of high uncertainty. Issues of the ecological development of society's thinking come to the fore in socio-economic research. The authors identified the manifestations and relationship of the definition of environmental intelligence with the goals of sustainable development, the ESG approach, the theory of human capital and gave definitions to the following concepts: Ecological intelligence is an integral element of human capital, influencing economic growth and representing a set of environmental knowledge, cultural aspects and acquired environmental competencies (everyday and professional), predetermining the formation of a certain style and way of life, activity, building the level of environmental thinking, collective environmental consciousness and, ultimately, the ecological worldview of society, aimed at achieving the main goals and objectives of sustainable development. Corporate environmental intelligence is a set of various elements of manifestations of individual environmental competencies in a team of company employees that have a practical social and environmental result, focused on the implementation of global sustainable development goals and ESG strategy, and have a positive impact on the organization’s activities and the growth of society’s well-being. The formation of environmental intelligence occurs through gradual transformational transformations of the individual’s initial environmental knowledge and habits, arising at the everyday level, into purposeful professional human activity, with a chosen focus on avoiding environmental violations in production. The formula for qualitative assessment of environmental intelligence proposed by the authors allows us to fully determine the level of environmental knowledge and skills of workers in any professional field. First of all, the use of this indicator is important for enterprises that have a direct impact on the environment. 2. A theoretical and methodological approach to assessing environmental intelligence in the concept of human capital has been studied from the position of its integral and important part at the time of studying factors that directly affect the effective operation of enterprises. An analysis of a set of methods for assessing human capital is carried out to determine the presence in them of elements of assessing environmental intelligence as the most important distinguishing feature of the developed human capital of an organization. The results of a search assessment of the elements of environmental intelligence using human capital methods were obtained. According to the study, there is no unified methodology for assessing the environmental intelligence of human capital of enterprises; the environmental aspect and/or environmental intelligence is practically not addressed in the theory of human capital assessment. However, the rapidly changing modern VUCA world is characterized by eco-trends associated with the development of social capital, for example, the principles of eco-behavior, eco-values, the formation of environmental thinking and lifestyle. Therefore, assessing environmental intelligence from the perspective of the theory of human capital becomes a necessary vector of development. Assessing environmental intelligence as part of human capital is a relatively small contribution, but a necessary condition for the sustainable development of enterprises and humanity. It is important for companies in the oil and gas industry to begin work in this direction as soon as possible and develop the environmental intelligence of employees and methods for assessing them. Recommendations are proposed for the development of a unified methodology for assessing environmental intelligence as an integral element of human capital of enterprises in the oil and gas industry. 3. Environmental intelligence is considered from the position of the most important component of the environmental aspect in the ESG strategies of enterprises in the fuel and energy complex. An analysis of the methods of rating agencies for assessing environmental intelligence within the framework of the ESG concept was carried out. The results obtained made it possible to highlight the weaknesses and strengths of the assessment tools proposed by analysts for studying the work of Russian enterprises, primarily representatives of the oil and gas industry. Within an enterprise's ESG strategy, environmental intelligence is an important and even integral component, formed from the concepts of sustainable development and circular economy. Environmental intelligence is considered as an element of a company’s labor potential, which allows not only to reduce the harm caused by production to the environment, but also to attract the attention of ESG investors to the organization’s activities. The analysis demonstrated an insufficient degree of elaboration of the issue of assessing environmental intelligence within the framework of the ESG concept. Methods for assessing environmental intelligence as a component of the environmental aspect of sustainable development of economic systems are generalized and recommendations are developed for the development of methodological foundations for assessing the environmental intelligence of employees of Russian enterprises. 4. In the current period, issues of sustainable financing of companies in the real sector of the economy are actualizing the use of ESG strategies in management. ESG components and the degree of their maturity in a company have become indicators of investment attractiveness, including large enterprises in the fuel and energy sector, and are being integrated into the assessment process by investors, banks and rating agencies. An extensive analysis of the activities and targeted activities of fuel and energy enterprises was carried out from the perspective of ESG principles. The main ESG criteria are presented and approaches to creating ESG strategies are studied and the stages of their implementation for fuel and energy enterprises are considered. An analysis of the management practices of Russian enterprises in the fuel and energy sector was carried out in accordance with the ESG concept. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are formulated that the ESG strategies of Russian companies in the fuel and energy sector are currently going through the initial stage of their formation and, in the future, this process will inevitably develop towards expanding the openness of companies and integrating ESG components into ensuring sustainable financing of their activities. 5. The authors’ idea of the new pyramid of society’s needs in the context of the concepts of ESG and SDGs is shown, the prerequisites for the emergence of environmental intelligence are described, the author’s conceptual representation of its definition is given, environmentally significant features of intelligence are highlighted, and a three-level model and mechanism for the development of environmental intelligence are presented. An in-depth analysis of environmental competencies was carried out and components of a set of mandatory knowledge were developed for the formation of developed environmental intelligence of employees in the oil and gas industry, and the specific characteristics of a biospherically compatible type of management in the fuel and energy complex were described. Based on the above, the environmental intelligence of the personnel is supplemented with specific characteristics inherent in the oil and gas industry and the ways of its technological development are outlined. 6. The author’s development of a multi-criteria methodology for assessing corporate environmental intelligence, supplemented by a scale for assessing the calculated results, is presented. An approbation calculation was carried out using publicly accessible statistical data from enterprises in the fuel and energy sector, in particular, Rosneft PJSC, Transneft PJSC, Lukoil PJSC, Gazprom PJSC. The obtained results were analyzed, which made it possible to identify general problems in the field of environmental intelligence and determine promising directions for its development, characteristic of oil and gas industry enterprises. 6 articles were published (and accepted for publication), including indexed in: 1 Higher Attestation Commission (Q1), 5 RSCI, including 1 Scopus (Q3) and 4 abstracts. Participated in presentations on the research topic in 5 international scientific events.



1. Gureva M.A., Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S. Анализ методических подходов оценки экологического интеллекта в рамках ESG-концепции Научно-технический и производственный журнал «Кузнечно-штамповочное производство. Обработка материалов давлением», - (year - 2023)

2. Gureva M.A., Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S. Анализ методических подходов оценки экологического интеллекта в концепции человеческого капитала Научно-технический и производственный журнал «Кузнечно-штамповочное производство. Обработка материалов давлением», - (year - 2023)

3. Gureva M.A., Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S. Концептуализация понятия «экологический интеллект» с учетом специфики отрасли ТЭК и ESG-повестки Научно-технический и производственный журнал «Кузнечно-штамповочное производство. Обработка материалов давлением», - (year - 2023)

4. Gureva M.A., Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S., Petrenko L.D. О дефиниции экологического интеллекта в концепции теории человеческого капитала Вопросы инновационной экономики. – 2023. – Том 13. – № 3. – С. 1641-1662. – doi: 10.18334/vinec.13.3.118227., Гурьева М.А., Давыдова М.В., Плотникова К.С., Петренко Л.Д. О дефиниции экологического интеллекта в концепции теории человеческого капитала // Вопросы инновационной экономики. – 2023. – Том 13. – № 3. – С. 1641–1662. doi: 10.18334/vinec.13.3.118227 (year - 2023)

5. Gureva M.A., Petrenko L.D., Davydova M.V. Развитие методологии оценки ESG-подхода предприятий нефтегазовой отрасли Нефтяное хозяйство. – 2023. – № 11. – С. 132-137., Нефтяное хозяйство. – 2023. – № 11. – С. 132-137. (year - 2023)

6. Gureva M.A., Petrenko L.D., Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S. Устойчивое финансирование российских предприятий отрасли ТЭК в условиях формирования и реализации ESG-стратегий Научно-технический и производственный журнал «Кузнечно-штамповочное производство. Обработка материалов давлением», - (year - 2023)

7. Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S., Gureva M.A. Основные принципы и подходы по созданию ESG-стратегий предприятий Новые технологии — нефтегазовому региону : материалы Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых. В 2 томах. Т. 2 / отв. ред. В. А. Чейметова. – Тюмень : ТИУ, 2023. – 270 с. – Текст : непосредственный., Новые технологии - нефтегазовому региону. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых. В 2-х томах. Отв. редактор В.А. Чейметова. Тюмень, 2023. С. 59-61. (year - 2023)

8. Davydova M.V., Plotnikova K.S., scientific supervisor Gureva M.A. Анализ социо-экономических аспектов ESG-практик российских предприятий отрасли ТЭК Молодежь и наука в условиях цифровой трансформации общества : сб. материалов II Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Студентов и молодых ученых, Минск, 23–24 марта 2023 г. ; редкол.: А. П. Дурович [и др.]. – Минск : Междунар. ун-т «МИТСО», 2023. С.: 44 - 46., Молодежь и наука в условиях цифровой трансформации общества : сб. материалов II Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Студентов и молодых ученых, Минск, 23–24 марта 2023 г. ; редкол.: А. П. Дурович [и др.]. – Минск : Междунар. ун-т «МИТСО», 2023. С.: 44 - 46. (year - 2023)

9. Gureva M.A. О ESG-векторах в образовании россиян Культура и экология – основы устойчивого развития России. Инновации в образовании как ключевой аспект социально-экономического развития общества : материалы Международного форума – Екатеринбург : ФГАОУ ВО УрФУ, 2023. с.: 89-98., Культура и экология – основы устойчивого развития России. Инновации в образовании как ключевой аспект социально-экономического развития общества. материалы Международного форума (Екатеринбург, 13–15 апреля 2023 г.). – Екатеринбург: ФГАОУ ВО УрФУ, 2023. (year - 2023)

10. Gureva M.A. Экологический интеллект как ESG-фактор устойчивого роста экономики России Международная научно-практическая конференция «ESG-факторы и технологии роста»: сборник докладов. СПб.: СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ». 2023. С.: 133-136., Международная научно-практическая конференция «ESG-факторы и технологии роста»: сборник докладов. СПб.: СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ». 2023. С.: 133-136. (year - 2023)