Two regional calls for proposals attracted more than 2100 proposals from 44 regions of Russia. Based on the results of independent complex peer-review engaging reviewers from respective regions, 101 projects of small research groups and 375 projects of standard size research teams were awarded. Some 370 projects that received good review assessment by the RSF expert council will be considered of the possibility of funding by respective regions hosting the projects.
The main goal of the new RSF regional funding program is to enhance the research capability of Russian regions and to solve the problems of their socio-economic development. Before the launch of the program, the regions independently determined the research and technology gaps in which research is required.
Projects of small research groups (2-4 researchers) will be supported with two-year grants of up to 1.5 million rubles a year, team-size projects (4-10 researchers) will receive three-year grants in the amount of 4 to 7 million rubles per year. The total amount of grants will be formed on the parity terms (50% + 50%) from the funds of the Russian Science Foundation and the funds of the corresponding region. The total amount of funding for these new projects will be more than 1.2 billion rubles.
Since 2021, 61 regions of the Russian Federation, including the federal territory "Sirius", have participated in the regional funding program of the Russian Science Federation.
Along with the winners announcement, RSF announced the start of the new call for proposals under its regional funding program inviting new proposals for regional projects for 2025-2027. Submission deadline is 2 October 2024. The winners will be announced by 3 March 2025.