3 four-year grants for laboratories specifically designed to conduct genetic research were awarded. In addition, 31 new laboratories with co-funding from industrial partners will be supported for the period 2023–2026 with possible competitive funding extension for additional three years. The size of one RSF grant will be up to 30 million rubles in 2023, 28 million rubles in 2024, 26 million rubles in 2025, and 24 million rubles in 2026.
119 projects based on large research infrastructure facilities will be carried out during 2023–2026 with possible competitive funding extension for a period of three years. During the implementation of these projects, large research infrastructure facilities located on the territory of the Russian Federation will be used. The size of one grant will be from 4 to 7 million rubles annually.
The RSF also completed review of interim scientific reports submitted by the project investigators and approved 2023 funding for 74 projects, including laboratories and large research infrastructure-based projects funded under the framework of the Presidential research funding program.
The research results of the grant holders can be found by the "Project Finder" tool.
The Russian Science Foundation extends its best wishes for a successful outcome of all investigators and participants of the projects supported!