Project review will be carried out with Russian and French parties independently. Funding will be awarded for the proposals recommended for funding by the experts from both countries.
The size of one RSF grant is from 4 to 7 million rubles per project per year, these research projects are planned for the implementation during 2023-2025.
Proposals can be submitted until 1 April 2022 with results announced in October 2022.
According to ANR procedures, pre-proposal with key information on the project (title, annotation, core investigators on both sides) must be registered by the French part of the team on the ANR web-site by 28 October 2021 (5pm Paris time).
Detailed information about the call and the RSF requirements for the participants are presented in the "Funding".
Since 2018, 15 joint projects have been funded under the RSF-ANR cooperation.