
10 ноября, 2022 12:49

RSF strengthens joint research with China

Источник: RSF Press Office
The Russian Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are continuing their strategic collaboration in the field of joint Sino-Russian research projects of outstanding scientific quality. Today partners announced 67 awards of their second joint call for proposals in all research disciplines. The aim is to fund high quality research that has the potential for high societal and scientific impact.
Credit: RSF Press Office

The review of the projects was carried out by both Russian and Chinese parties in parallel independently. The teams that were awarded obtained positive assessments from the reviewers in both countries. Applicants will be informed in writing of the results of the review and, where applicable, of the subsequent administrative steps according to the respective national regulations.

Joint research projects allow researchers in Russia to collaborate with researchers in China. The projects will have a duration of three years, with funding on the Russian side amounting to 4-7 million Russian rubles annually for the period of 2023-2025.

The further call for proposals is scheduled for launch in spring 2023 for projects with funding period of FY 2024-2026.

Since 2021, 97 jointly organised research projects have been funded under the RSF-NSFC cooperation.

Detailed information about the call and the list of winners are presented in the "Funding".

According to Nature Index, China is now the Russia's third biggest single-country partner for high-profile collaborative research, after the USA and Germany.

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