
1 March, 2022 18:02

New funding for 550 RSF projects co-funded by 42 regions

The Russian Science Foundation has released the results of the massive call for proposals submitted by small research groups and standard size research teams with matching co-funding on parity terms from the Russian regions hosting RSF grants. 550 new projects will be funded with more than1.3 billion Russian rubles allocated for funding.
Credit: RSF Press Office

Two regional calls for proposals attracted more than 2200 proposals from 42 regions of Russia. Based on the results of peer-review, 119 projects of small research groups and 431 projects of standard size research teams were awarded. Some 297 projects that received good review assessment by the RSF expert council will be considered of the possibility of funding by respective regions.

The main goal of the new RSF regional funding program is to enhance the research capability of Russian regions to solve the problems of their socio-economic development. Before the launch of the program, the regions independently determined the research and technology gaps in which research is required.

“An outstanding feature of this funding program is the equal conditions for all regions and uniform approaches to review of the quality of the applications. When drawing up the financial plan, RSF Supervisory Board supported the financial proposals of 42 regions that announced their participation in the program. As a result, projects from different regions did not compete with each other, and the expert council had the opportunity to select worthy projects for funding, based on the results of the research quality external review conducted by the Russian Science Foundation. The winners included projects from all regions participating in the funding program. Information about projects selected by the expert council, but not supported within the funds allocated by the region, is sent to the respective regions,” Andrei Blinov, RSF Deputy Director General, commented the results.

431 projects of small research groups (from 2 to 4 people) will be supported with two-year grants up to 1.5 million rubles a year, 119 projects of standard size teams (from 4 to 10 people) will receive three-year grants in the amount of 4 to 7 million rubles per year. The total amount of grants will be formed on the parity terms (50% + 50%) from the funds of the Russian Science Foundation and the funds of the corresponding region of the Russian Federation. The total amount of funding for these new projects will be more than 1.3 billion rubles.

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