The research proposals should seek support in the basic and exploratory research in the following areas of science:
Mathematics, computer science and systems sciences;
Physics and space sciences;
Chemistry and material sciences;
Biology and life sciences;
Basic research for medicine;
Agricultural sciences;
Earth sciences;
Humanities and Social Sciences;
The project should be related to the solution of the particular research tasks in one of the following thematic areas:
Smart transport, manufacturing and telecommunications;
Precision health and biomedicine;
Clean energy;
Societal challenges addressed by social sciences;
Space Science and Engineering.
Project applications must be submitted in parallel to RSF (Russian team) and to MOST (Taiwanese team) in accordance with each agency’s application guidelines.
Project review will be carried out by the funding parties independently. Funding will be awarded for the proposals recommended for funding by the reviewers from both sides.
The size of one RSF grant is from 4 to 7 million rubles per project per year, these research projects are planned for 2023-2025.
The proposals can be submitted until 22 April with results announced in November 2022.
Detailed information about the call and the requirements for the participants are available in "Funding".
Since 2016, 32 joint projects were funded under the RSF-MOST funding program.