
30 November, 2017 16:27

RSF participated in the symposium "German-Russian Cooperation in Earth System Research"

Source: RSF Press Office

Russian Science Foundation was invited by the German embassy to participate in the internatinal symposium organized by the German Embassy in Moscow jointly with the Helmholtz Centre
Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on 26 November 2017, providing young sciensists with the first hand-information on career and funding opportunities for research in
the geosciences and related fields. The workshop was attended by ca. 100 young researchers from Russia and Germany who presented their research and got acquainted with the programs of various research funding organizations and foundations in Russia and Germany that offering young talents ample opportunities and infrastructure for their research.
German and Russian research support organisations such as German Research Foundation (DFG), Helmholtz Association, German House of Science and Innovations in Moscow, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as well as the the Russian Science Foundation, Vernadsky Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research presented their programs.
German young scientists represented the Institute of Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Freie Universität Berlin and GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences. Russia was represented by young talents from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Mining University, Kazan Federal University and other research performing organizations.
In his presentation, RSF international relations spokesman Sergey Konovalov highlighted that in the last 4 years RSF funded 320 projects in geosciences with total funding awards of more than 2 billion Russian rubles, supporting 2.500 scientists. More than 1,200 RSF-funded articles have been published in leading international scientific journals since 2014. 5 out of 7 priority areas identified in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, are relevant to environment and other research tasks and risks associated with earth sciences. New RSF funding programs for young postdocs and independent leaders of small research groups target on these strategic research priorities.
Additionally, early-career researchers are encouraged to engage in research projects as the members of RSF-funded research team (according to the conditions of the most RSF calls for proposals, half of the team should consist of young researchers), including the competitions announced by the RSF jointly with foreign partners. In conclusion, Sergey Konovalov reminded of the open submission period for the proposals in the current competitions with DFG and Helmholtz Association.

"We regard this as another exciting opportunity to support the best Russian-German projects in geosciences", Mr. Konovalov said.

The workshop included a mix of keynote lectures, presentations and panel talks with poster-presentations and information desks.

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