

5 апреля, 2019
Andrei Blinov took part in the conference “Merck Science Dialogue”
On April 2, over 200 representatives of state authorities, biotechnology and pharmaceutical compani...
5 апреля, 2019
RSF Director General visits Paris
On April 1, Director General of the Russian Science Foundation Alexander Khlunov visited the headqu...
2 апреля, 2019
Bioengineers developed 3D structures from crab shells to replace damaged tissues
A team of scientists from Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University used 3D printing to creat...
2 апреля, 2019
AD alloyed nanoantennas for temperature-feedback identification of viruses and explosives
Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in collaboration with colleagues from Far East...
28 марта, 2019
Physicists constrain dark matter
Researchers from Russia, Finland, and the U.S. have put a constraint on the theoretical model of dar...
14 марта, 2019
Quasar jets confuse orbital telescope
Astrophysicists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Lebedev Physical Institute ...
4 марта, 2019
RSF took part in the Russia-UK Young Medics Conference
On March 1, Russian Science Foundation presented its funding programs and opportunities for UK scien...
1 марта, 2019
RSF to release grants for laboratories and team projects implemented on the large research infrastructure facilities
More than 150 new research projects were selected for funding under the framework of the Presidentia...
1 марта, 2019
RSF-MOST Cooperation: 3rd Call for Proposals
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and Taiwanese research groups, the R...
1 марта, 2019
Russian physicists trained the oscillatory neural network to recognize images
Physicists from Petrozavodsk State University have proposed a new method for oscillatory neural netw...
1 марта, 2019
The ancient people in the high-latitude Arctic had well-developed trade
Russian scientists studied the Zhokhov site of ancient people, which is located in the high-latitude...
1 марта, 2019
Second Cannabinoid Receptor Has the Yin to the First Receptor’s Yang
Understanding the diverse effects that cannabis has on the human body is imperative if we hope to ...
21 февраля, 2019
Russian researchers made gold nano-stars for intracellular delivery
Researchers from Russian Academy of Sciences developed a new method for star-shaped nanoparticles sy...
20 февраля, 2019
RSF invites proposals from early-career researchers
Call Opening: 14 February 2019 Deadline for Applications: 22 March (individual grants)/ 1...
8 февраля, 2019
Physicists take big step in nanolaser design
Nanolasers have recently emerged as a new class of light sources that have a size of only a few mill...
8 февраля, 2019
20 projects selected by RSF and DST for funding
Under the terms of the second RSF-DST joint call for proposals, 20 projects recommended by the exper...
7 февраля, 2019
"Commitment to Science" Award is conferred to RSF
On February 4, the prize recipients of the national "Commitment to Science" Awards were announce...
4 февраля, 2019
Researchers developed an intelligent system for lung cancer diagnostics
Researches from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University(SPbPU), Russian Academic E...

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