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17 October, 2019
Neural network learns to detect brain disorders
Neurophysiologists from Russia and Germany have developed an Artificial Intelligence that can look f...
17 October, 2019
Kazan University and French National Research Agency to work on gas diffusion
This particular project is called 'Magnetic resonance study of gas diffusion in nanoporous materials...
11 October, 2019
Human gut microbes could make processed foods healthier
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis sheds light on how human gut ...
2 October, 2019
Scientists Develop Unique Orbital Cleaner
The “debris” threat to the work of active satellites is becoming increasingly critical. In the sprin...
2 October, 2019
Physicists find weak spots in ceramic/graphene composites
Physicists and materials scientists from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU...
2 October, 2019
FEFU scientists developed high-precision sensor based on laser-textured gold film
Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) with colleagues from Russia, Japan, and Australi...
27 September, 2019
RSF and DFG held a seminar on youth programs and review procedures
On September 25, the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) organ...
24 September, 2019
Scientists designed driver monitoring application for smartphone
Russian scientists have developed a smart phone application that monitors the driver behavior in...
12 September, 2019
Researchers describe a new fireworm bioluminescence system
A collaborative effort by an international team of scientists has led to to the discovery of a new l...
9 September, 2019
RSF-ANR Cooperation in Math, Geosciences and Oceanography
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and French research groups, the ...
9 September, 2019
RSF-DFG Cooperation: 5th Call for Proposals
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and German research groups, the Russ...
12 August, 2019
Geneticists unlock the secret of mutant flies' longevity
Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular B...
19 July, 2019
Scientists discover how and when a subterranean ocean emerged
An international scientific team led by Russian geochemists have established that the huge reserves ...
15 July, 2019
Developed a new way to detect differences between donor and patient cells in bone marrow transplantation
Scientists from the National Research Center for Hematology (Moscow) have shared their findings o...
15 July, 2019
RSF improves equity between women and men in science
Recently a group of Russian female scientists enquired research funding agencies to change the condi...
15 July, 2019
For malnourished children, new therapeutic food boosts gut microbes, healthy development
A new type of therapeutic food, specifically designed to repair the gut microbiomes of malnourished ...
10 July, 2019
Most powerful and mildest reagents obtained based on eco-friendly iodine
An international collaboration of chemists from Tomsk Polytechnic University, USA, Great Britain, Ca...
2 July, 2019
Bird three times larger than ostrich discovered in Crimean cave
A surprise discovery in a Crimean cave suggests that early Europeans lived alongside some of the lar...