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4 September, 2018
RSF-Helmholtz Cooperation: 3rd Call for Proposals
In order to increase the scientific cooperation between Helmholtz Research Centers and Russian resea...
27 August, 2018
A mechanism underlying activity of cancer and autism associated proteins was discovered
An international team of researchers has determined the function of a new family of proteins associa...
24 August, 2018
Sequenced fox genome hints at genetic basis of behavior
For nearly 60 years, the red fox has been teaching scientists about animal behavior. In a long-term ...
23 August, 2018
Scientists find bone from Neanderthal-Denisovan 'love child'
Tens of thousands of years ago in what is now the Altai mountains of Russia, a Neanderthal woman had...
22 August, 2018
Almost out of the air: an environmental friendly synthesis of betulin oxo-derivatives
The cosmetic and food industries, especially the pharmaceutical industry are interested in these der...
2 August, 2018
Optical secrets of disulfide nanotubes are disclosed by Lomonosov MSU Scientists
Researchers from the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in clo...
30 July, 2018
Scientists took another step towards creating an HIV vaccine
The scientific group of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University headed ...
20 July, 2018
The influence of plant photosynthetic indices on the effectiveness of PRI use
Lobachevsky University researchers have determined the most effective conditions for the use of t...
20 July, 2018
MEPhI to Develop Long-Lasting Battery With Unorthodox Methods
Researchers from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI are developing radio-isotope beta-vo...
18 July, 2018
Six German-Russian Research Groups Receive Three Years of Funding
The new German-Russian funding program “Helmholtz-RSF Joint Research Groups” has completed its secon...
16 July, 2018
Researchers couple artificial atom to acoustic resonator
Researchers from Russia and Britain have demonstrated an artificial quantum system, in which a quant...
5 July, 2018
RSF to release 816 new grants for early-career researchers
According to the results of the second round of competitions within the ambitious Presidential fundi...
29 June, 2018
RSF and Helmholtz Association to fund 6 joint projects in climate and energy research
Based on the results of the independent scientific review by the Russian and international peer-revi...
26 June, 2018
Experiments of the Russian scientists in space lead to a new way of 3D-bioprinting
Thanks to the research of magnetic levitation in the conditions of microgravity, a new technology fo...
26 June, 2018
Physicists solve the mystery of vanishing particles in graphene
Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Tohoku University (Japan) have e...
26 June, 2018
Russian and Korean scientists developed effective and cheap sound-absorbing nanofoam
The breakthrough material reduces a noise level by 100% more efficient comparing to standard analogs...
22 June, 2018
Superconducting vortices quantize ordinary metal
Russian researchers together with their French colleagues discovered that a genuine feature of super...
20 June, 2018
Creating a new composite fuel for new-generation fast reactors
Joint research efforts of a team of scientists at Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) co...