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15 July, 2019
For malnourished children, new therapeutic food boosts gut microbes, healthy development
A new type of therapeutic food, specifically designed to repair the gut microbiomes of malnourished ...
10 July, 2019
Most powerful and mildest reagents obtained based on eco-friendly iodine
An international collaboration of chemists from Tomsk Polytechnic University, USA, Great Britain, Ca...
2 July, 2019
Bird three times larger than ostrich discovered in Crimean cave
A surprise discovery in a Crimean cave suggests that early Europeans lived alongside some of the lar...
2 July, 2019
RSF and Helmholtz Association to fund 6 new joint projects
Based on the results of the independent scientific review by the Russian and international peer-revi...
1 July, 2019
RSF to release 834 new grants for early-career researchers
According to the results of the third round of competitions within the ambitious Presidential resear...
28 June, 2019
RSF and DFG to advance cooperation
On June 19, by the invitation of the German Research Foundation (DFG), RSF representatives participa...
20 June, 2019
Scientists demonstrate plant stress memory and adaptation capabilities
Russian and Taiwanese scientists have discovered a connection between the two signaling systems that...
20 June, 2019
Scientists use X-rays from faraway galaxy cluster to reveal secrets of plasma
Most visible matter in the universe doesn’t look like our textbook picture of a nucleus surrounded b...
11 June, 2019
Russian scientists investigate new materials for Li-ion batteries of miniature sensors
Researchers of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) are developing...
10 June, 2019
RSF contributes to the global agenda for research integrity
On June 2-5 World Conference on Research and Integrity (WCRI 2019) was hosted by Hong Kong Univ...
7 June, 2019
Ultimate destiny: How undifferentiated cells commit to their biological fate
A new study using mouse neural crest tissue reveals how primitive, undifferentiated cells choose the...
20 May, 2019
Scientific diplomacy discussed at the conference “Science of the Future”
On May 15, contributing to the agenda of the conference «Science of the Future» held at the Educatio...
20 May, 2019
Joint Russian-German projects were presented at the conference “Science of the Future”
On May 16, contributing to the Russian-German day of the conference «Science of the Future» held at ...
18 May, 2019
Vladimir Putin met with mega-grant recipients and RSF-funded young researchers
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends, I am glad to&...
16 May, 2019
How the sun pumps out water from Mars into space
Russian and German physicists have offered an explanation for the new data obtained by Martian satel...
16 May, 2019
Software library to serve for faster chemical reaction processing
Big Data has become ubiquitous in recent years, and especially so in disciplines with heterogeneous ...
8 May, 2019
Essential tool for precision farming: new method for photochemical reflectance index measurement
Precision farming, which relies on spatially heterogeneous application of fertilizers, biologically ...
7 May, 2019
Russian scientists alter 3D genome using 'small molecules'
Researchers have discovered that the spatial organization of the genome can be altered using sma...