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8 November, 2018
Young scientific leaders will help answer the “grand challenges.” RSF held a conference for winners of the Presidential Program
More than 100 winners of the competition to support young leaders of research groups, which was cond...
6 November, 2018
Physicists Upgrade Cheap Diode Laser for Use in Precise Measurements
Russian physicists have developed a method for drastically narrowing the emission spectrum of an ord...
26 October, 2018
The world has just SIX species of tigers left in the wild: Ecologists finally agree on the number of big cats that still roam free
There are six types of tiger still remaining, ecologists have concluded, in a study which could boos...
25 October, 2018
Dark Matter Could Be Forming Strange Cold 'Stars' Out There in The Universe
Deep inside the diffuse haze of gas and dust that surround the smallest galaxies, dark matter could ...
16 October, 2018
Memristive device as an active synapse
Biological neurons are coupled unidirectionally through a special junction called a synapse. An elec...
15 October, 2018
Russian scientists created a new method for diagnosing drilling rigs for oil production
Researchers of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) came closer t...
3 October, 2018
New algorithm efficiently finds antibiotic candidates
If you're looking for a needle in a haystack, it's best to know what hay looks like. An internationa...
3 October, 2018
TSU and DESY create first-ever cell nondestructive microscope
Radiophysics of Tomsk State University (TSU) together with scientists from the German DESY...
3 October, 2018
A new model takes oxidative stress to heart
Oxidative stress - the molecular wear and tear that reactive oxygen species can exert on molecules a...
28 September, 2018
Scientists created proteins controlled by light
Researchers developed fluorescent proteins that can be controlled by orange and green light. These p...
26 September, 2018
RSF-ANR Cooperation: Call for Proposals
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and French research groups, the Russ...
19 September, 2018
Researchers investigate correlation between blood flow and body position
For the first time ever, an international research group detected alterations in capillary blood flo...
18 September, 2018
RSF and AMED Host Russia-Japan Workshop for Clinical Neurosciences
As the initial step in partnership and collaboration between the Russian Science Foundation and Japa...
10 September, 2018
RSF-DFG Cooperation: 4th Call for Proposals
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and German research groups, the Russ...
4 September, 2018
RSF-Helmholtz Cooperation: 3rd Call for Proposals
In order to increase the scientific cooperation between Helmholtz Research Centers and Russian resea...
27 August, 2018
A mechanism underlying activity of cancer and autism associated proteins was discovered
An international team of researchers has determined the function of a new family of proteins associa...
24 August, 2018
Sequenced fox genome hints at genetic basis of behavior
For nearly 60 years, the red fox has been teaching scientists about animal behavior. In a long-term ...
23 August, 2018
Scientists find bone from Neanderthal-Denisovan 'love child'
Tens of thousands of years ago in what is now the Altai mountains of Russia, a Neanderthal woman had...