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12 May, 2020
RSF will fund 6 collaborative projects with Japanese partners
The Russian Science Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAF...
30 April, 2020
RSF extends deadline for joint French-Russian applications
According to the Executive Order On On Extending Measures to Ensure the Sanitary...
30 April, 2020
Hard science — scientists calculated crystal structure of superhard molybdenum borides
In their search for new superhard compounds, researchers carried out a prediction of stable ...
28 April, 2020
Scientists Create Glowing Plants Using Bioluminescent Mushroom DNA
Ornamental house plants with sustainably glowing leaves and flowers are now one step closer to reali...
20 April, 2020
RSF panel chair for medical sciences, virologist Alexander Lukashev comments on COVID-19 pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has brought virology research to the forefront of public attention like nev...
17 April, 2020
Scientists find a rule to predict new superconducting metal hydrides
The search for coveted high-temperature superconductors is going to get easier with a new 'law withi...
15 April, 2020
Russian Science Foundation released 2019 results
On 8 April, the Supervisory Board of the Russian Science Foundation approved its draft annual report...
14 April, 2020
Russian biologists work on new materials for targeted drug delivery
Scientists of the Ural Federal University are working on a project of the targeted drugs delivery fo...
13 April, 2020
Hair surface engineering to be advanced by nano vehicles
This new researched technology can help both drug delivery and hair cosmetics industry. "Hair su...
8 April, 2020
RSF panel chair comments on the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemic scenarios in Russia
Dangerous tendencies in the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, similar to Western Europe and the USA, ...
8 April, 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic: RSF update
According to the Executive Order on ensuring people’s sanitary and epidemiological safety ...
1 April, 2020
RSF approves funding for 657 research projects
Although the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 resulted in review meetings mostly taking in remot...
19 March, 2020
Nature: Russia aims to revive science after era of stagnation
In the twilight of a winter’s afternoon on the outskirts of Moscow, a disc-shaped building stands ou...
17 March, 2020
Biophysicists blend incompatible components in one nanofiber
Russian researchers from the Federal Research Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine, the Mos...
16 March, 2020
Astrophysicists Wear 3D Glasses to Watch Quasars and Study Active Galactic Nuclei
A team of researchers from Russia and Greece has shown a way to determine the origins and nature of ...
12 March, 2020
RSF goes forwards gender equality in science
The United Nations have proclaimed February 11 the International Day of Women and Girls in Science a...
6 March, 2020
Anomalies in structure of polyvalent metal melts explained
Metals and their alloys are the main structural materials of modern civilization. The properties of ...
6 March, 2020
Superhydrophobic magnetic sponge to help purify water from oil products
Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University jointly with the University of Lille (France) have develo...