

8 августа, 2024
Russian-Indian research proposals invited
RSF starts inviting applications for a public competition to support international research teams...
11 июля, 2024
₽5,5 billion awarded for 641 new projects of early-career researchers
Promoting the development of early-career researchers is a key priority for the Russian Science Fo...
21 июня, 2024
Russia's new National Awards in science and technology announced
Winners of the 2023 Russian Federation National Awards for outstanding achievements in science and...
18 июня, 2024
Vladimir Bespalov met with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
On 6 June 2024, RSF Director General had a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin t...
8 мая, 2024
New projects with Vietnam and Mongolia approved
RSF announced the winners of the first joint calls with the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technol...
4 апреля, 2024
New director takes helm at Russian Science Foundation
On April 3, by Decree of the President of Russia № 237, Vladimir Bespalov has been officially ap...
3 апреля, 2024
Russian Science Foundation released 2023 results
The Supervisory Board of the Russian Science Foundation approved its 2023 annual report. In accord...
29 марта, 2024
RSF fosters new collaboration with Cuba
On March 28, RSF hosted a working meeting with Cuban delegation headed by Armando Rodríguez Batist...
4 марта, 2024
New funding for 476 projects co-funded by 43 regions
The Russian Science Foundation released the results of the massive call for proposals submitted by...
1 марта, 2024
New strategy of Russian Science Foundation for the period until 2030
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Strategic Goals and Objec...
20 февраля, 2024
RSF authorized funding of 22.1 billion RUB in 2024
Russian Science Foundation completed review of interim scientific reports submitted by the project...
15 февраля, 2024
RSF and DST selected 23 new projects for funding
Under the terms of the fourth RSF-DST joint call for proposals, 23 new projects recommended by the...
12 февраля, 2024
RSF funding was discussed at the meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education
On Russian Science Day, Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and ...
9 февраля, 2024
Russia's new Presidential research prize winners announced
The Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Awarding the 2023 Presidential Priz...
1 февраля, 2024
RSF-NSFC Cooperation: 4th Call for Proposals
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Russian and Chinese research groups, the R...
25 декабря, 2023
RSF fuels joint research with Iran
The Russian Science Foundation and the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) are building t...
15 декабря, 2023
New funding for 1392 research groups
The objective of this massive funding program is the development of new promising topics chosen by...
5 декабря, 2023
RSF inspires young researchers in Sochi
On 28-30 November 2023, the RSF organized special sessions for young researchers at the Congress o...

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