
9 February, 2018
​Scientists develop a ‘third eye’ to examine stem cells
A joint team of scientists from Russia and the United States designed a method for marking dividing ...
24 January, 2018
Russian Science Foundation Grant Winners: Mathematical Models for Petroleum Extraction
Several teams of SAU EcoOil won Russian Science Foundation grants. One of them was the High-Performa...
24 January, 2018
Сentre of cell technologies is opened In St. Petersburg
The Center for Stem Cells Technologies was opened at the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academ...
23 January, 2018
The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) invites proposals from early-career researchers
Call Opening: 23 January 2018  Deadline for Applications: 15 March 2018 (individual grants)/ 2...
18 December, 2017
RSF and DFG announce the winners of the joint research programme
The second RSF-DFG joint call for proposals was launched in September 2016 and attracted almost ...
15 December, 2017
RSF and FWF announce the winners of the first joint research programme
The call attracted more than 30 proposals representing all 9 research areas in the RSF classifie...
11 December, 2017
RSF and MOST announce the winners of the second joint research programme
Russian Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST) have committ...
30 November, 2017
RSF participated in the symposium "German-Russian Cooperation in Earth System Research"
Russian Science Foundation was invited by the German embassy to participate in the internatinal s...
30 November, 2017
Russian Researchers Find Way to Combat Resistance to Antibiotics in Diseases
Other states are also researching ways to combat antibiotic resistance, but they have not been able ...
13 November, 2017
Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Aircraft Parts
An additive manufacturing technology that uses direct metal laser sintering enables the printing ...
13 November, 2017
Modeling coulomb crystals to understand star evolution
Matter in the cores of old white dwarfs and the crusts of neutron stars is compressed to unimagin...
15 September, 2017
RSF-DFG Cooperation: Possibility for Joint Russian-German Project Proposals in all fields of Science
Collaborations of research teams from both countries are invited to submit joint proposals. ...
11 September, 2017
RSF and Helmholtz selected 6 winners of the first joint call for proposals
According to the terms of the call, the research should be targeted on solving specific problems...
4 September, 2017
Russia and Japan to build stronger science bonds
Earlier this year an ambitious Presidential research funding program was announced in Russia. Around...
4 September, 2017
Russian scientists publish more articles in high impact journals
The share of Russian publications in the top journals in geosciences - Geology and ...
4 September, 2017
AMED visited RSF headquarters
Further collaboration between RSF and AMED was discussed between both parties. Discussion will be co...
1 September, 2017
RSF and Helmholtz Association invite proposals for the second joint call
The first joint call with Helmholtz Association was announced in December 2016. The thematic pri...
16 August, 2017
Scientific diplomacy. If Russia and Korea join their great science endeavors, the payoff will be enormous
With the appointment of a new science minister, Koreans expect their country to march into the fo...

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