
22 June, 2018
Superconducting vortices quantize ordinary metal
Russian researchers together with their French colleagues discovered that a genuine feature of super...
20 June, 2018
Creating a new composite fuel for new-generation fast reactors
Joint research efforts of a team of scientists at Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) co...
19 June, 2018
Researchers discover new way to predict caries development
A team of researchers form Russia discovered that an increase in the concentration of several substa...
14 June, 2018
UrFU Scientists Build Multiscale Models of Arctic Ice
A team of scientists from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University...
8 June, 2018
RSF and DFG discussed future cooperation
RSF Director General, Alexander Khlunov, Deputy Chairman of the RFBR, Vladimir Kvardakov, RFBR Direc...
6 June, 2018
RSF solidifies cooperation with Helmholtz Association
The RSF delegation chaired by General Director Alexander Khlunov held talks with the President of th...
5 June, 2018
Russian physicists supervised the formation of higher manganese silicide films
A team from Kirensky Institute of Physics (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) toget...
1 June, 2018
RSF joins Russia-Korea Science Day
More than 100 researchers, industry representatives and government officials from Russia and South K...
1 June, 2018
RSF ups cooperation with DST, India
In accordance with the agreement signed last year by the RSF and the Department of Science and Techn...
28 May, 2018
Effective methods for automated design of complex technical objects and systems
In almost any field of human activity, one has to choose optimal options from a great variety of pos...
24 May, 2018
Visible Changes. Russian Science Foundation Presents its Annual Report
“The other day, the Supervisory Board of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) approved the RSF’s rep...
24 May, 2018
Russian Science Foundation presented 2017 results
Recently The Russian Science Foundation held a press conference at TASS to present a summary of its ...
16 May, 2018
The RSF and the Research Foundation - Flanders will launch calls for joint Russian-Flemish research projects
On May 14, 2018, the General Director of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), Alexander Khlunov...
15 May, 2018
The Russian Science Foundation and the National Research Agency of France announced their plans for cooperation
On May 14, 2018, the General Director of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), Alexander Khlunov, an...
25 April, 2018
The dispute about the origins of terahertz photoresponse in graphene results in a draw
Physicists at MIPT and their British and Russian colleagues revealed the mechanisms leadin...
24 April, 2018
Spider venom to treat paralysis
A team of Russian scientists together with foreign colleagues found out that the venom of crab spide...
24 April, 2018
Scientists Teach Neural Network to Identify a Writer's Gender
A team of researchers from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the Kurchatov Institute N...
19 April, 2018
From synthesis of alloys to Napoleonic wars: 16 scientific groups of the Ural Federal University received financial support
16 scientific groups of Ural Federal University received the support of the Russian Science Foundati...

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