
2 August, 2017
Heart tissues of different origins can 'beat' in sync
Researchers from MIPT and the University of Bonn (Germany) have shown that heart tissues of diffe...
2 August, 2017
Gamma-ray burst captured in unprecedented detail
Gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic and explosive events in the universe. They are also...
13 July, 2017
RSF announces the first winners of the Presidential research funding program
According to the results of the first three competitions within the ambitious Presidential fundin...
7 July, 2017
RSF announces the results of the first joint call with Japanese research funder
This call for proposals was conducted jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fish...
20 June, 2017
RSF will continue cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology of India
On the 20th of June the RSF Director General Alexander Khlunov met with the Indian delegation hea...
1 March, 2017
RSF and Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan invite proposals for joint research projects
Russian Science Foundation invites proposals from international research teams. The competition is o...
1 February, 2017
RSF and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan announced a joint competition of research projects
The call for proposals is launched jointly with the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Resea...
16 December, 2016
RSF and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan signed a memorandum of cooperation.
On December 16 RSF Director General Alexander Khlunov and Director-General for Technological Affa...
15 December, 2016
RSF and Helmholtz Association launch the first joint call inviting proposals from the joint research groups
The Russian Science Foundation launched the new call for proposals jointly with Helmholtz Assoc...
12 December, 2016
RSF and DFG share policies and best practices for managing the conflicts of interest
The workshop was chaired by the RSF Director for programs and projects Andrey Blinov and by the Dire...
1 December, 2016
RSF and the Austrian FWF invite proposals for the first joint call
Russian Science Foundation starts accepting research proposals for the international research teams ...
15 September, 2016
RSF and DFG launch joint call for proposals to support international research teams
The first RSF-DFG call provided funding for joint projects in mathematics and physics. For the se...
29 July, 2016
6 joint Russian-Taiwanese research projects will be funded
90 international research groups from Russia and Taiwan submitted their proposals. Best projects...
25 July, 2016
English version of RSF project finder was launched
One can use to use capabilities of ...
18 July, 2016
RSF and Austrian Science Fund (FWF) signed cooperation agreement
On July 15 in the course of the visit of the delegation of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) headed by...
8 July, 2016
The results of the joint RSF-DFG call of proposals in math and physics announced
After cross-checking the results of an independent peer-reviews by RSF and DFG the winning propos...
4 July, 2016
RSF approved the assessment results of the proposals for the joint call with Taiwan
According to the call requirements the necessary condition of the RSF grant is the decision of MO...
21 June, 2016
RSF will fund 17 projects joitly with Indian DST
This means the success rate of 11%. Grants will be allocated for carrying out basic and explorato...

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